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1 CASS, University of California, San Diego, U.S.A. ; 2 STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK; 3 George Mason University, U.S.A.; 4 NASA/GSFC,

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Presentation on theme: "1 CASS, University of California, San Diego, U.S.A. ; 2 STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK; 3 George Mason University, U.S.A.; 4 NASA/GSFC,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CASS, University of California, San Diego, U.S.A. ; 2 STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK; 3 George Mason University, U.S.A.; 4 NASA/GSFC, U.S.A.; 5 Korean Space Weather Center, South Korea; 6 SELab, South Korea; 7 Nagoya University, Japan; 8 Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM, Morelia, Mexico Abstract The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) time-dependent iterative kinematic reconstruction technique has been used and expanded upon for over two decades. It currently provides some of the most accurate predictions and three-dimensional (3D) analyses of heliospheric solar-wind parameters now available using interplanetary scintillation (IPS) data. The parameters provided include reconstructions of velocity, density, and magnetic fields. Precise time-dependent results are obtained at any solar distance in the inner heliosphere using current Solar- Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (STELab), Nagoya University, Japan IPS data sets, but the reconstruction technique can also incorporate data from other IPS systems from around the world. With access using world IPS data systems, not only can predictions using the reconstruction technique be made without observation dead times due to poor longitude coverage or system outages, but the program can itself be used to standardize observations of IPS. Additionally, these analyses are now being exploited as inner-boundary values to drive an ENLIL 3D-MHD heliospheric model in real time. A major potential of this is that it will use the more realistic physics of 3D-MHD modeling to provide an automatic forecast of CMEs and corotating structures up to several days in advance of the event/features arriving at Earth, with or without involving coronagraph imagery or the necessity of magnetic fields being used to provide the background solar wind speeds. Three-Dimensional (3D) Analyses of Remote-Sensed Heliospheric Data for Space Weather Forecasting Hsiu-Shan Yu 1, Bernard V. Jackson 1, P. Paul Hick 1,Andrew Buffington 1,Mario Bisi 2, Dusan Odstrcil 3,4, Sunhak Hong 5, Hsiu-Shan Yu 1, Bernard V. Jackson 1, P. Paul Hick 1, Andrew Buffington 1, Mario Bisi 2, Dusan Odstrcil 3,4, Sunhak Hong 5, Jaehun KIm 5, Jonghyuk Yi 6, Munetoshi Tokumaru 7, Americo Gonzalez-Esparza 8 1. Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) USCD currently maintains a near real time website that analyzes and displays IPS data from the Institute for Space-Earth Environment Research (ISEE, former Solar- Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, STELab) radio arrays, Japan: above, the Fuji system is shown. The UCSD modeling-analysis capability is also available at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC). Density values for the solar wind can be inferred from the ‘normalized scintillation level’ (g-level) of IPS observations relative to a nominal average. A greater variation in g-level amplitude generally means a higher density along the line of sight. Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) at meter-wave radio frequencies is the rapid variation in radio signal intensity from a compact source produced by small- scale (100-200 km) variations in the solar wind density. These density variations produce a pattern on the surface of the Earth of similar size and are travel away from the Sun with the solar wind speed. Speed values for the solar wind can be inferred from the intensity variation by cross-correlating the pattern motion across the surface of the Earth obtained at different IPS observing sites and expressing this as a line-of-sight value. STELab IPS array systems 500 km (Jackson et al., 2010, SoPh, 265, 245; 2013, SoPh, 285, 151) STELab Website: USCD Real-Time Website: CCMC Website: USCD Real-Time Website: CCMC Website: KSWC Website: World-Wide IPS observation network World-Wide IPS observation network India Ooty* 327MHz, 16,000 ㎡ Russia Pushchino* 103MHz, 70,000 ㎡ Mexico MEXART* 140MHz, 10,000 ㎡ US- Australia MWA 80-300MHz Japan STEL* Multi-Station 327MHz 2000 ㎡ ×2, 3500 ㎡ Korea* 327MHz 、 700 ㎡ UK/EISCAT LOFAR) *Instrument dedicated to IPS observations

2 2. UCSD Real-Time IPS Web Pages At: USCD Sample UCSD IPS real-time time-dependent analysis using STELab data (see demo). Fisheye Sky MapFisheye Sky Sweep Sample UCSD IPS real-time time-dependent analysis using STELab data (see demo). forecast Density and velocity forecasts incorporating CELIAS density and ACE velocity in-situ measurements forecast Forecast at different inner heliospheric locations, including Rosetta (Earth, STEREO-A, -B and Rosetta are shown ). IPS_Rosetta_Real_Time Real-Time IPS: N, v, Br, Bt ( IPS boundary for 3D-MHD ( Real-Time ENLIL driven by IPS boundaries at the Korean Space Weather Center ( Real-time (a) density, (b) velocity, and (c) radial and (d) tangential magnetic field inner boundaries for ENLIL extracted at 0.1AU from 3D time-dependent tomography using STELab IPS observations and NSO SOLIS magnetograms. (Jackson et al., 2015, Space Weather, 13, 104) Evaluating the 3D reconstruction at a given spherical radius provides a “global solar wind lower boundary” (Yu et al., 2015, SoPh, 290, 2519) which can then be extrapolated outward by 3D-MHD models. Results of this extrapolation can be compared with in-situ measurements as a “ground truth” verification of this technique. These inner boundaries are extracted at Earth-centered Heliographic Coordinates at 0.1 AU for ENLIL 3D-MHD modeling (Odstrcil et al., 2008, ASP, 385, 167). 3. Real-Time IPS Global Solar Wind Boundaries driving ENLIL Zeeman splitting provides vertical magnetic fields at the solar surface using the Current Sheet Source Surface (CSSS: Zhao and Hoeksema, 1995, JGR, 100, 19) model to give accurate vertical fields at a source surface. These fields are extrapolated outward using the global velocity model derived by the IPS to provide radial and tangential field components (in RTN coordinates) anywhere within the volume. (see demo) (Jackson et al., 2010, SoPh, 265, 245; 2013, SoPh, 285, 151) The IPS time-dependent model is run at UCSD in real time as IPS data become available from STELab, Japan, for use in space-weather forecasting and for checking the 3D reconstruction model and heliospheric parameters. The real-time IPS 3D reconstruction models are currently available and being run at the CCMC, at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, and at the Korean Space Weather Center - KWSC, Korea. The real-time IPS boundary data for driving MHD model (ENLIL) are now available, and are updated every six hours. Future plans are underway to provide a better magnetic field incorporation into the current analysis in order to determine how effective these techniques will be to provide 3-component fields throughout the inner heliosphere. As additional IPS observatories’ data become available they can be included in the archival and real-time analysis. 4. Summary and Future IPS: Br, Bt (UCSD real time) forecast (McKenna-Lawlor et al., 2015, EMP, in press)

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