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Office of Program Administration and Accountability Virginia Department of Education Title II, Part A, University May 2, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Program Administration and Accountability Virginia Department of Education Title II, Part A, University May 2, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Program Administration and Accountability Virginia Department of Education Title II, Part A, University May 2, 2016

2 Overview of Presentation Initial Impact of Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 on Title II, Part A Allowable uses of funding Application elements and tips for completion Program specific pages Walkthrough of application

3 Teacher/Leader Quality Focus Teacher, Principal, and Paraprofessional Qualifications Instructional Leadership Recruitment and Retention of Qualified and Effective Personnel Teacher and Principal Effectiveness

4 Responsibilities of the School Division Must ensure that teachers are properly licensed and endorsed for their assignments. Must ensure that students in high poverty/high minority schools have equitable access to highly qualified and experienced teachers. Must conduct an annual needs assessment with a variety of stakeholders, including private school officials, prior to development of grant applicaiton

5 Impact of ESSA on Title II, Part A, application Elimination of terms “highly qualified teacher” and “highly qualified paraprofessional” as of August 1, 2016. Data from 2015-2016 IPAL report MAY be used for program planning, but is not required. Division may use other locally available teacher quality. Teacher equity focus to continue with emphasis on 1) proper licenses/endorsements; 2) experience; and 3) effectiveness.


7 Overall Allowable Uses of Funding Recruitment and Retention of Qualified Teachers and Principals Coursework and Professional Development Testing Expenses (Teachers, Principals, and Paraprofessionals) New Teacher Mentoring Materials for Professional Development Salaries for Certain Personnel Reducing Class Sizes

8 Uses of Funding Funds should be targeted to schools, based on the following criteria, addressed in the needs assessment: Schools with the lowest percentage of qualified teachers; Focus or priority schools(or those schools with the lowest student achievement), based on student achievement data; and Schools with the highest class sizes.


10 Application Development Archived webinar assistance available at: ations/index.shtml ations/index.shtml See Technical Tips Module for details on entering informationTechnical Tips Module See OMEGA Modules for details on uploading original, revised, and amended applications.OMEGA Modules

11 Cover Page

12 Original Application Revised Application Amended Application

13 Amended Applications Amendments are necessary for any programmatic and/or budgetary changes. Prior to the approval of a budget transfer request, a corresponding application amendment must be submitted. The budget transfer request should be submitted within 7 business days of the application amendment approval.

14 Application Information

15 Program Overview

16 Coordination of Services

17 Measurable Objectives

18 Measurable Objectives for Teacher Quality (examples) By June 2017, 100 percent of teachers and paraprofessionals will be properly licensed and endorsed as measured by the IPAL report. By June 2017, all instructional personnel will participate in at least five professional development activities as evidenced by participation logs, artifacts, etc. By June 2017, retention of new teachers will increase from 85 percent to 95 percent. By June 2017, class sizes in grade 2 will decrease from 24:1 to 18:1.

19 Budget Pages


21 Program Specific Pages (Overview) Qualified Teachers and Paraprofessionals Equitable Distribution of Qualified and Experienced Teachers Private School Participation

22 Program Specific Pages: Teacher Quality Tab IPAL Report (optional, but use of 2015- 2016 data for program planning purposes is encouraged) Number of Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers Number of Highly Qualified Instructional Paraprofessionals

23 Teacher Quality Tab

24 Program Specific Pages: Equitable Distribution of Qualified Teachers Analyze data between schools at each grade span. HQT distribution (or other teacher quality indicator) Teacher experience distribution Teacher evaluation summaries by school, if available Compare data for high-poverty and/or high-minority schools with low-poverty and/or low-minority schools. Outline strategies used to ensure equitable distribution of qualified, experienced, and effective teachers. Examples: Incentives for voluntary transfers to high-needs schools Targeted recruitment High-quality, targeted new teacher mentoring programs [ESEA, Section 2123(a)(2-4)]

25 Program Specific Pages: Equitable Distribution of Qualified Teachers (example) Grade Span School Name PovertyPercent minority HQT Percentage Average Teacher Experience K-2School A52.75210010 K-2School B39.1109812 3-5School C83.46610015 3-5School D45.24210012 6-8School F33.088958 6-8School G25.35210017 9-12School H15.185904 9-12School I9.2129515

26 Program Specific Pages: Equitable Distribution of Qualified Teachers (example) Grade Span School Name PovertyPercent minority HQT Percentage Average Teacher Experience K-2School A52.75210010 K-2School B39.1109812 3-5School C83.46610015 3-5School D45.24210012 6-8School F33.088958 6-8School G25.35210017 9-12School H15.185904 9-12School I9.2129515

27 Program Specific Pages: Equitable Distribution of Qualified Teachers (example) Grade Span School Name PovertyPercent minority HQT Percentage Average Teacher Experience K-2School A52.75210010 K-2School B39.1109812 3-5School C83.46610015 3-5School D45.24210012 6-8School F33.088958 6-8School G25.35210017 9-12School H15.185904 9-12School I9.2129515

28 Program Specific Pages: Private School Page Annual contact Within geographic boundaries Timely and meaningful consultation Equitable services, based on the amount of funds targeted for professional development Differences due to recalculations of set-asides from 2007-2010 (2016-2017 is final year.)

29 Determining Private School Set-Asides On Private School page of application: Enter names of private schools and participation status. Enter K-12 enrollment of public and private schools. The set-aside will automatically calculate. Enter the calculated amount on the appropriate Budget Breakdown page of the application and in Column B of the Budget Summary Page. On Budget Summary Page, enter the value of additional services to be provided during 2014-2015 based on recalculations and consultation with private schools (in Column A) On Private School Page of application: Indicate full value of retroactive calculations, along with value of additional services provided from 2011 carryover and 2012-2013 through 2015-2016 awards. Enter names of private schools and participation status. Enter K-12 enrollment of public and private schools. The set-aside for 2016-2017 will automatically calculate. Enter this amount in Column B of the Budget Summary Page and Budget Breakdown pages under the appropriate object codes. If Not Required to Recalculate Retroactively Or No Additional Services are Warranted based on Results of Recalculations: If Required to Recalculate Retroactively AND Must Provide Additional Services

30 Private School Tab





35 “Budgeting for Private Schools: Recalculations Not Necessary or No Additional Services as a Result of Recalculations”

36 What You Will Need Working budget figures for public and private schools Private school needs assessment List of private schools and participation status for current year Enrollment figures for public school division and each participating private school

37 Example School Division Four private schools in area: 2 wish to participate 2 do not wish to participate Overall allocation of $200,000 Class-size reduction - $50,000 + $10,000 benefits Instructional coach - $50,000 + $10,000 benefits Praxis support - $5,000 Overall professional development budget for public and private schools: $75,000 Division enrollment = 15,000 students Private School A enrollment = 200 Private School B enrollment = 50

38 Example School Division Four private schools in area: 2 wish to participate 2 do not wish to participate Overall allocation of $200,000 Class-size reduction - $50,000 + $10,000 benefits Instructional coach - $50,000 + $10,000 benefits Praxis support - $5,000 Overall professional development budget for public and private schools: $75,000 Division enrollment = 15,000 students Private School A enrollment = 200 Private School B enrollment = 50

39 Budget Demonstration





44 Public School PD Private School PD 100050,0000 200010,0000 300062,786.891213.11 400000 5000 500 60005000500 Total132,786.892213.11

45 “Budgeting for Private Schools: Recalculations Necessary and Additional Services Warranted as a Result of Recalculations”

46 What You Will Need Working budget figures for public and private schools Private school needs assessment List of private schools and participation status for current year Enrollment figures for public school division and each participating private school

47 Example School Division Overall allocation of $200,000 Class-size reduction - $50,000 + $10,000 benefits Instructional coach - $50,000 + $10,000 benefits Praxis support - $5,000 Overall professional development budget for public and private schools: $72,000 Total retroactive amount (from template) = $10,000 Retroactive value provided from 2012-2013 through 2015-2016 awards (and/or 2011 carryover) = $7000 Retroactive value of additional services to be provided from 2016-2017 award year: $3000

48 Example School Division Five private schools in area: 2 wish to participate in upcoming year and receive additional services as result of recalculations 1 wants access to services from upcoming year, but is not eligible for retroactive services 2 do not wish to participate and are not eligible for additional services Division enrollment (K-12)= 15,000 students Private School A enrollment (K-12) = 200 Private School B enrollment = 50 Private School C enrollment = 25

49 Budget Demonstration





54 Public School PD Private School PD Private School Retroactive 100050,0000 200010,0000 300059623.571213.111500 400000 5000 5001000 60005000500 Total132,786.892213.113000

55 Technical Assistance Modules Title II, Part A – Application Guidelines, Instructions and Assurances (PDF) Title II, Part A – Application Guidelines, Instructions and Assurances Title II, Part A – Application (XLS) Title II, Part A – Application Title II, Part A, Application Technical Assistance Modules Title II, Part A, Application Technical Assistance Modules

56 Private School Budgets See additional modules for demonstrations on how to work between Private School page and Budget pages: “Budgeting for Private Schools: No Additional Services” - This module is for divisions that did NOT need to complete retroactive recalculations of set- asides or for which no additional services were deemed necessary. “Budgeting for Private Schools: No Additional Services” “Budgeting for Private Schools: Additional Services Necessary from Recalculations” - This module is for divisions that DID need to complete recalculations AND additional services are warranted. “Budgeting for Private Schools: Additional Services Necessary from Recalculations”

57 Ensuring an Approval Make sure all pages are complete. Common Issues: Cover page completion; Teacher quality page completion; Private school page completion; and Budget alignment.

58 Timeline Applications are due July 1, 2016. Final allocations to be released via Supt’s Memo in Fall. (Applications should be amended to reflect final allocations soon after this release.) Upon approval of applications, funds are available as of July 1, if application is initially uploaded by that date. Funds are available for encumbrance until September 30, 2018. Final reimbursements are due by November 15, 2018.

59 References Title II, Part A, Improving Teacher Quality Non- Regulatory Guidance document (revised October, 2006) from the United States Department of Education may be found at: Transitioning to the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA): Frequently Asked Questions: faqs.pdf faqs.pdf Application Instructions and Guidelines – see Mechanics Module for additional details or visit ications/index.shtml ications/index.shtml

60 Resources Criteria for High Quality Professional Development: available at ty_prof_dev_criteria.pdf Criteria for High Quality Professional Development ty_prof_dev_criteria.pdf Licensure Requirements in Virginia: available at Virginia Standards of Quality: available at 253.13C2 Virginia Standards of Quality 253.13C2

61 Contact Information Carol Sylvester Education Coordinator (804) 371-0908 Tiffany Frierson Title IIA/IV Specialist (804) 371-2682

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