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 Instructions – This PPT is a TEMPLATE…not to be followed exactly as it is set up BUT to be used merely as a GUIDE for you  Address Each aspect of the.

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Presentation on theme: " Instructions – This PPT is a TEMPLATE…not to be followed exactly as it is set up BUT to be used merely as a GUIDE for you  Address Each aspect of the."— Presentation transcript:

1  Instructions – This PPT is a TEMPLATE…not to be followed exactly as it is set up BUT to be used merely as a GUIDE for you  Address Each aspect of the Design Process as it relates to your research achievement  Get the content in before the bells and the whistles  You may need to narrow your topic a bit  Remember to use visuals (photos, diagrams, etc.)  Each step of the process/slide should include at least one inventor or engineer and their contribution  Edit and change this as you see fit  You could use animoto, moviemaker, prezi, googledocs, ppt, a new wikipage, a voki, or any combination of the above in your project…BE CREATIVE…just make sure and follow the rubric and this TEMPLATE when you create your project and do your research…

2  Who was involved  How were they involved  PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES>>>I like visuals…  Get the content in before the bells and the whistles  You may need to narrow your topic a bit  Remember to use visuals (photos, diagrams, etc.)  Each step of the process/slide should include at least one inventor or engineer and their contribution

3  The problem was that are jets in WW2 were no match for the enemies piston-engine planes.  Messerschmitt was the guy who invented the first jet fighter plane.  In 1939-1940, they were building the ME262. Which was the first jet fighter plane. It went 540 mph.  What was their contribution  How did it develop  It solved the problem, but we built it too late  Was it intertwined with other steps of the design process…

4  Who was involved in this step of the design process  When where they involved  Who was involved in this step  When where they involved  What was their contribution  How did things develop  Was it intertwined with other steps of the design process…

5  Who was involved in this step of the design process  When where they involved  Who was involved in this step  When where they involved  What was their contribution  How did things develop/was their failure?  Was it intertwined with other steps of the design process…

6  Who was involved in this step of the design process  When where they involved  Who was involved in this step  When where they involved  What was their contribution  How did things develop  Was it intertwined with other steps of the design process…

7  Who was involved in this step of the design process  When where they involved  Who was involved in this step  When where they involved  What was their contribution  How did things develop  Was it intertwined with other steps of the design process…

8  Who was involved  When where they involved  What was their contribution

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