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Submitted by D.THANGAMANIKANDAN K.SACHIDHANANDAN S.BALAJI Project proposal For IEEE CS 70 th Anniversary Student Challenge On Electrical Energy Generation.

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Presentation on theme: "Submitted by D.THANGAMANIKANDAN K.SACHIDHANANDAN S.BALAJI Project proposal For IEEE CS 70 th Anniversary Student Challenge On Electrical Energy Generation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Submitted by D.THANGAMANIKANDAN K.SACHIDHANANDAN S.BALAJI Project proposal For IEEE CS 70 th Anniversary Student Challenge On Electrical Energy Generation From Swing And Freely Rotating Drum

2  Introduction  Abstract  Objective  Methodology  Proposed system  Final design structure  Block diagram  Output result  Graph  Advantages of proposed system  Conclusion  References CONTENTS

3  In current scenario energy crisis is increasing in peak rate.  There is a need of energy from natural sources.  In our project electrical power is obtained from park and children’s play.  This project overcomes the power demands. INTRODUCTION

4  In this project we can obtain electrical energy from a generator in two ways, such that due to the swing movement and free rotating drum.  This project entails the design and construction of the swing and horizontal rotating device.  Then the horizontal rotating drum is kept on the both triangle shaped beam.  This project includes a tailor wheel between the motion of swing seat and triangle shaped beam.

5 Cont..

6 Cont…  Here tailor wheel act as a Prime mover to generator for generating electricity and also wheel gives more revolution per half cycle of swing.  A swing generator prototype was built for this project, which demonstrates the feasibility of its use for electrical power source.  Then generated electrical energy is given to the DC-DC converter to stabiles the power.  Its output is stored in battery in the range of (12v-24v).

7  The objective of the project is to convert mechanical energy during the movement of seating of swing set into electrical energy along with no added effort and also storing the electricity thus generated into a battery, which can be utilized whenever needed.

8 METHODOLOGY  Here, mechanical energy to electrical energy conversion process is used.  Step up process is used for better output.  It works based on the principle that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be converted from one form to another.

9  In our current project, we are using tailor wheel. because tailor wheel rotate the generator shaft according to the front and back motion swing seat.  And also we builds the horizontal wind generating method on the swing setup.  Tailor wheel connected with DC generator by connecting belt.  Out coming electricity converted by (DC-DC) converter. then converted energy stored in lead acid battery.  Its cost also less compared with base project. PROPOSED SYSTEM


11 BLOCK DIAGRAM Mechanical energy DC generator Step up chopper Electrical energy Lead acid battery Desired load BLOCK DIAGRAM

12 OUTPUT RESULT ANGLE OF SWING OUTPUT VOLTAGE (20-30)2 volts (30-40)6 volts (40-60)8-12 volts (60-80)Above 12 volts


14 ADVANTAGES  Simple implementation.  Environmental friendly.  Low cost.  No need of fuel. ADVANTAGES

15  This entire project is successful.  We can generate above 24volts based on variable rating and speed of the generators. CONCLUSION

16  R.S KHURMI and J.K GUPTA “Machine design” Eurasia publications, revised edition 2005.  J.B.K DAS and P.L SRINIVAS MURTHY “ Design of machine element I & II” Sapna publication 6 th revised edition 2011  LEAO RODRIGUES “Wave power conversion system for electrical energy production”. 


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