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英语阅读情况调查 第一组 娄辛悦 徐宏亮 胡玉伟 王丽娟. Research Topic  阅读策略使用与英语阅读成绩的相关性研究 Research Instruments  1. A reading comprehension test  2. A questionnaire.

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Presentation on theme: "英语阅读情况调查 第一组 娄辛悦 徐宏亮 胡玉伟 王丽娟. Research Topic  阅读策略使用与英语阅读成绩的相关性研究 Research Instruments  1. A reading comprehension test  2. A questionnaire."— Presentation transcript:

1 英语阅读情况调查 第一组 娄辛悦 徐宏亮 胡玉伟 王丽娟

2 Research Topic  阅读策略使用与英语阅读成绩的相关性研究 Research Instruments  1. A reading comprehension test  2. A questionnaire

3 Questionnaire Sources of the theoretical framework 1. Insights from Andrew Cohen’s SBI materials 2. Insights from Prof Wen’s lectures and books 3. Insights from reflections of our own teaching experience

4 Variable  Strategy for English Reading Types of respondents Sophomore non-English majors

5 Conceptual definition  Strategies: Actions taken to facilitate the accomplishment of language learning tasks (Rubin’s definition) Operational definition  English reading strategies: Actions taken to facilitate the accomplishment of English reading.

6 Categories Word attack strategies  Form-focused word formation  Meaning-focused Guessing the meaning of unknown words Looking up in the dictionaries Giving up

7 Sentence-focused strategies  Form-focused Analyzing the sentence structures  Meaning-focused Ignoring the sentence structure

8 Discourse-based strategies  Predicting  Getting main ideas  Getting the deeper meanings

9 I. Word attack strategies 1. I turn to dictionaries when coming across new words in the English reading. 2. I guess the meanings of new words in context when reading in English. 3. When I read English articles, I skip the words that are new to me. 4. I guess the meaning of new words by analyzing their roots or prefixes or suffixes. 5. I use simple words to replace difficult ones in sentence understanding. Items in questionnaire

10 II. Sentence-focused strategies 6. I pause and analyze the structure of sentences when reading in English. 7. I do not bother with the grammatical structure of sentences while reading in English. 8. I ignore the sentences with complicated structures. 9. I try to grasp the general idea of a sentence before going to read the next sentence. 10. I try to understand complicated sentences by analyzing their structure.

11 III. Discourse-based strategies 11. I predict the main idea of the whole passage from its title or subtitles. 12. I predict the main idea of the whole passage from key words. 13. I grasp the main idea of the material while reading English. 14. I try to guess the main ideas of the text on the basis of pictures, charts or figures.

12 III. Discourse-based strategies 15. I grasp the gist of the reading material through quickly reading the first and the last paragraphs. 16. I try to interpret the writer’s intention while reading in English. 17. I do not pay attention to the implied meaning of the reading material.

13 Types of information we would like to obtain:  Factual questions: gender, name, major  Behavior questions: actions (strategies students use in English reading) Types of scaling techniques we would like to employ:  Frequency scale  We would like to ask the respondents to respond on the 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (never or almost never true of me) to 5 (completely or almost completely true of me).

14 Thank you!

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