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The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - Start The university library as a support for the institutional research.

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Presentation on theme: "The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - Start The university library as a support for the institutional research."— Presentation transcript:

1 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - Start The university library as a support for the institutional research identity Pelayo García-Fernández Mª Luisa Álvarez-de-Toledo 2013, 17-19 june Nanchang, Jiangxi Province University of Oviedo. Central Library

2 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity – Table of Contents The university library as a support for the institutional research identity. 1) The Spaniard universities. 2) The University of Oviedo and its regional scope. 3) The University of Oviedo on Scopus. 4) Changes at the university library. 5) Changes in the transmission of knowledge. 6) What are doing the librarians. 7) Scientific globalisation. 8) Scientific globalisation and identity. 9) Identity and web visibility 1. 10) Identity and web visibility 2. 11) Researchers and authors. Who are they? 12) Identity means precision. 13) Identity accuracy can enhance researchers’ analysis. 14) Identities, profiles and the Shanghai Ranking. 15) An important task: reviewing the profiles. 16) Scientific production – Identities. 17) An example: from Scopus to Repository. 18) Identifiying by data. Semantic web. 19) Metadata 1. 20) Metadata 2. 21) Identifiying and linking scientific data. 22) Researching identity and search engines. SEO. 23) Open Access: it helps spreading science. 24) ORCID 1. 25) ORCID 2. 26) The library task about “scientific identities”. 27) Spreading researchers identities: blogs. 28) Spreading researchers identities: Facebook. 29) Spreading researchers identities: Twitter. 30) Identity = Visibility. Table of Contents

3 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 1 The Spaniard universities. They are mainly old, traditional institutions; very different from American universities. Financed by public funds. Massive universities. Not specialized. They don´t have enough business links.

4 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 2 University of Oviedo. Regional Scope. Decentralisation: 7 campus in 3 different towns. 25.000 students. 2.000 teachers. Principality of Asturias 1 M. Inhabitants. Surface: 10,604 km² Decentralisation: 14 library centres with a central coordination.

5 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 3 The University of Oviedo at Scopus.

6 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 4 The University Library has changed over time, but not its aims. From paper to electronic information. Rules and systems to communicate information. Librarians have always worked with data. Now data simply come from other sources. Librarians have always worked producing standarised information. Now we just have to implement new standards. Librarians have always worked organizing information for our community. Now we simply arrange the information on a global network.

7 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 5 The ways of transmitting knowledge have changed worldwide. Siku Quanshu Complete Library of the Four Treasuries

8 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 6 What are the librarians doing? Libraries need people with expertise and learning ability. Updating and permanently training ourselves to work with new databases, standards, tools 2.0, semantic web, scientific SEO… Team work. Cooperation with other services. Participation online. Helping students, faculty staff and researchers. Helping the Research Office. Promoting and spreading scientific papers. Promoting our researchers. We need to work about these aims on the web, in order to obtain global knowledge about our university.

9 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 7 Scientific globalization. Which indicators can help researchers with their national evaluations? Librarians help to know all this. Who are the best researchers and where are they publishing? Impact factor, SJR, H-index. Many people find the knowledge through international databases: Scopus, Science Direct, WOS. From national and local publications on paper to the need of publishing in international electronic journals with global spread. What are the best institutions and where are they publishing? Impact factor, SJR, H-index. Rankings. Important questions

10 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 8 Scientific globalisation and scientific identity. Nowadays, our researchers are having problems to look for their identity on the net: “Who am I?” Our researchers need help with their profiles: “What are my codes?” The researcher's identity on databases is made through profiles and IDs. Some important librarian roles are: Elaborating analysis and reports about the identification of authors and institutions, solving problems, proposing solutions and making signing rules for the academic staff. From national identity to global identity.

11 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 9 Online visibility of our identity 1. Example: an author profile on Scopus.

12 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 10 Online visibility of our identity 2. Example: an institution profile on Academic Search.

13 Another important librarian task is to write institutional reports so they can be consulted by departments, research groups and independent researchers with their scientific production data. The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 11 Researchers and scientific authors. Who are they? How is an author linked when their name is not clear enough. Examples: That is why researches aren't often able to find their scientific papers and their profiles. How does a scientific author's name appear on databases? Perhaps their name is not clear enough. Tian N. Zhou ZY Sung SG Ding Y Wang ZL

14 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 12 Identity means precision. We must identify and review author and institutions: Precisely and periodically. On a regular basis. Ding Y

15 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 13 Identity precision allows analysis improvement. Scival analysis tools and Scopus profiles : Scival Strata and Scival Spotlight are sometimes based on the researches or institutions profiles. Ex: Scival Spotlight. Rankings - Competencies. Institutions. Ex: Scival Strata. Comparative analysis. Researchers.

16 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 14 Identity, profiles and Shanghai Ranking. Essential scientific indicators. Highly cited researchers 1) Creating Researcher IDs at Thomson Reuters for our highly cited authors. 2) Searching and attributing their publications on WOS. What we must do from the Library:

17 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 15 An important task: reviewing profiles. Why Scopus in the first place? It is the most widely used and known database. We are performing some sessions about digital identity for the research staff. We are writing some recommendations about signing and affiliations.

18 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 16 Scientific production is important for identity. All the Spaniard universities must write, on a yearly basis, an official report about their researching activities. To carry it out, the input data about research papers is necessary. As visibility online is a very important matter, we have decided to load all the data on our Institutional Repository, an open standard electronic online archive. Reseach Report The Library Search for Data Institutional Repository Researchers Reviewing Adding Institutional Repository

19 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 17 An example: from Scopus to Repository. 1. Collect publications with an "institutional affiliation" (University of Oviedo) on bibliographic databases. Not only on Scopus, but also on the Science Web, Medline, IEEE, Wiley and Spaniard databases. 2. Import Bulk Data of publications, including DOI. 3. Store, review, delete any duplicate and standardise all kind of data: Titles of journals, authors, years, etc. 4. Convert data into metadata for DSpace Repository. 5. Uploade these data to Repository by an automatic process. 6. Standardise names, titles of journals and other data. Process

20 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 18 Identifying with data. Semantic web. Metadata for Institutional Repository: Dublin Core Metadata; RDF Authors' metadata: It is essential that authors are perfectly identified. The role of libraries: Elaborating and creating metadata. Current trend: Open and linked data. Linking authors' identifications on ScopusID to other identifications: ORCID; Researcher ID; VIAF. VIAF Virtual International Authorities File

21 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 19 The result of metadata 1. The role of libraries: Elaborating and creating metadata. Publications titles Authors‘ names Dates

22 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 20 The result of metadata 2. The role of libraries: Elaborating and creating metadata. Link to original papers by DOI

23 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 21 Identifying and linking scientific documents online. The importance of linking original published documents. Not all the articles will be available to be read with their full content online for free. The importance of DOI for unidentified documents. Precisely linked authors and documents. Authors codes. But, at least, authors and publications data will be displayed online in an open and standardized way.

24 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 22 The researching identity oriented to the results of search engines. Institutions also need an identity. It is necessary to have a personal identity for each researcher. It is necessary to spread and promote it online. This identity requires being reviewed, standardized and linked. The institutional identity influences the authors identity, and viceversa. Authors and institutions and departments are linked online. Identity belongs to the team and to each member of that team

25 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 23 Open Access helps spread researcher identity. Open Access facilitates online visibility Open Access is currently used in a large amount of scientific journals. The Open Access changes the way of financing the journals. Institutions shall promote and finance Open Access. The University library is constantly working and informing about all the issues related to Open Access.

26 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 24 Identity, profiles and ORCID 1. ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-based effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers. ORCID is unique in its ability to reach across disciplines, research sectors, and national boundaries and in its cooperation with other identifier systems. ORCID works with the research community to identify opportunities for integrating ORCID identifiers in key workflows, such as research profile maintenance, manuscript submissions, grant applications, and patent applications. Distinguishing your research activities from those of others with similar name

27 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 25 Identity, profiles and ORCID 2. The University of Oviedo is an institutional member of ORCID+ Early Adopter. We make the ORCID for our academic researchers by an institutional way. Bulk loading data, for which it was necessary an API; our API for ORCID is made by GrandIR.

28 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 26 Library works about identities. In project: Linking with curriculum vitae. Reviewing Scopus profiles Early adopter ORCID. Making ORCIDs for its researchers Making and reviewing Researcher IDs (Thomson –Reuters) Linking IDs with ORCID Linking with the Institutional Repository Library

29 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 27 Spreading the research identity: blogs. Examples from the blog, the library and the research identity. Diffusion of authors, works and images. Detailed explanations and incorporation of audiovisuals. Tags, links, descriptions.

30 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 28 Spreading the research identity: Facebook The library keeps in touch with other spreading channels. It is just another way of promotion, in addition to the official one. Facebook spreads the information better than a blog.

31 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 29 Spreading the research identity: Twitter. Brief notes about the researcher’s activity in our university. Links to the researchers works online. This resource is currently spreading quickly

32 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity - 30 Identity = Visibility The university library has this goal. Sharing, 2.0. SEO Semantic Web Spreading university research Having the profiles control Collecting research works Institutional identity

33 The university library as a support for the institutional research identity – THE END The university library as a support for the institutional research identity. Pelayo García-Fernández Mª-Luisa Álvarez-de-Toledo 2013, 17-19 junio Nanchang, Jiangxi Province Thanks for you attention.

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