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Ethics and Law.  Learn how to develop a perspective on an ethical issue.  Prepare you for the 15 page research paper you will compose next year as part.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics and Law.  Learn how to develop a perspective on an ethical issue.  Prepare you for the 15 page research paper you will compose next year as part."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics and Law

2  Learn how to develop a perspective on an ethical issue.  Prepare you for the 15 page research paper you will compose next year as part of your Senior Project  Final assessment for the course

3  Card catalog to search for books  Using Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature and microfiche, microfilm, and microform to search for magazine, newspaper, and journal articles.  Creating citations on your own by following models in a book.

4  Destiny online catalog for book searching  Searchable online databases for articles  Easy Bib for creation of citations, digital note cards, and digital outlines

5  See document provided  Research proposal  Annotated bibliography  Digital note cards  Digital outline (perhaps)  Rough draft of paper  Final draft of paper  Oral presentation  See rubric

6  Respecting your time, prior knowledge and pacing  Teacher responsibility to offer you timely feedback on submitted work at each stage  Your responsibility to due dates and to putting forth your best effort

7  Analyze the words “research” and “pre- research”  Review proposal form  Narrowed focus  Selecting a point of view / perspective / stance  Selecting subtopics for support  Selecting guiding questions

8  Skinny question prompts:  Who is…?  What is…?  When did…?  Name…  Did…?  Is it true?

9  Fat question prompts…  Give three reasons why…  In what ways are ________ and ________ alike?  Predict what would happen if…  Defend the statement…  Why do you think…  Prove the following generalization…  Explain why…

10  Based on your answers to question #1, exemption from introduction to information resources…  (Those students can get a laptop, log in, and begin to conduct pre-research and complete proposal)

11  SEE THE WIKI:   Online databases  Book set  Destiny to search for books

12  Explore books and the databases as you pre- research your topic.  Determine a NARROW focus, a stance, subtopics, and guiding questions  Research proposal due at the end of the block on Friday.

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