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Design Components © West Midlands Fire Service 2009 Explosives Regulations 2014 and Fireworks Regulations 2004 Fire works Workbook Draft 1 OCT 2015 Will.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Components © West Midlands Fire Service 2009 Explosives Regulations 2014 and Fireworks Regulations 2004 Fire works Workbook Draft 1 OCT 2015 Will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Components © West Midlands Fire Service 2009 Explosives Regulations 2014 and Fireworks Regulations 2004 Fire works Workbook Draft 1 OCT 2015 Will we be able to save at any point and go back in ?

2 © West Midlands Fire Service 2009 Record Licensing Activity while the general licensing workbook should be here, shouldn’t Petrol and fireworks be moved to the Pet/Exp Scheduler ? Headings will be : ( in Pet-Exp Scheduler) Fireworks All Year Round Selling Licence Storage of Fireworks Licence Petrol Certificate Add or Amend a Petrol Domestic

3 All Year Selling Licence Fireworks Regs 2004 Storage of Fireworks

4 Date Application started Insert calendar thingy on main workbook different between admin & officers start tudates Fireworks Activity Drop down box Roll Number Roll Number thingy Renewal New Licence All Year Selling Licence if this option is selected an additional contacts box will need to be dropped is as the address for storage and address for sale may not be the same. The address for all year round will normally be issued to an individual Which Fire Service area does the premises fall under select one from the drop down menu Birmingham Coventry Dudley Sandwell Solihull Walsall Wolverhampton

5 Martina, I have just used this template as an example for speed, it doesn’t have to look at all like this slide New Storage Licence Renewal storage Licence The application is for Calendar thingy should pop up Expiry date of current licence Reference Number of current licence Nature of business New Storage Licence if selected, do not allow admin to process this application it must go into to do list Renewal storage Licence- admin can process this providing it meets the criteria on slide 10 Free text 25 characters but maybe we need to specifty exact template number so that we can search on it at a later date ? Please advise Select from Fireworks-Retail Other free text 25 characters Fireworks-import/wholesale- if this is selected, this cannot be licensed and is licensed by HSE. A warning should flash up stating this, asking if admin have made an error and want to change their entry. If No the workbook should stop here and automatically go into LEEPS to do list clearly labelled as URGENT ERROR

6 Design Components © West Midlands Fire Service 2009

7 Design Components © West Midlands Fire Service 2009

8 StationsIncidents DevelopmentHome Fire Safety Checks View Recent Workbooks See Also Fire Station which should automatically populate as above

9 Canley Fire Station 07:00 08:00 09:00 07:33INC/21599/2009 HFSC/1325777 HFSC/1325852 08:30 08:45 09:03INC/21600/2009 View See Also Drop down should be owner, occupier, manager or Other (free text 20 characters) Completing the application Please add in email and free text for about 100 characters Please remove ethnicity as this is admin processing and the information is not collected on the form

10 YES Is this renewal for an agreed multi retailer Has this renewal form been completed correctly Has satisfactory payment been made YES Would you like to create the Licence for this premises If a new application (slide5) or if any No’s the application is not processed and the workbook MUST go into the TO DO LIST. If the Licence is created, it should appear next, allow signatures to be added and details amended, printed and uploaded to the file. ( not sure if all of this is possible at the moment). An email should then be sent to the Licensing in box to inform them that a satisfactory application for renewal has been processed for xxxxxxx YES

11 Do you wish to add any documents to the application The application is either electronic via email or in a paper format that the admin will have scanned in. Please can you ensure that regardless of how the documents are sent in, they can be uploaded to the application and ultimately to the file.


13 If the Licence has been generated at this stage then this workbook will need to send a workbook to selected watches so that operational staff can carry out a sampling visit, that will need to bounce back if there is something wrong. This schedule will then need to have some kind of scoring system so that the following year not every property will need sampling. i.e 1,2,3 or high, Med, low etc Uploaded and posted out

14 Delete under here MSEAR error. In fact, ignore the actual license this is for an example only

15 This is now in the LEEP’s to do List


17 As this will be a team to do list, we need to distinguish between a job in the list and one in the list,adopted but not complete. What about changing the colours and how will the Officer sign in for the job from the team to do list. We have previously discussed how the list of jobs would be most effective in the same template as location list for the Stations, this will need to be formulated

18 LEEP’s would like the ability to look at the job but not adopt it for efficiency. They will very often plan their mileage routes so will look at a number of job before they decide which ones they will take Is it possible to have a button here therefore to ask if they want to adopt the property and continue and for the property to not be adopted up to this point or should we use the Bounce facility back to the team to do list Roll NumberAs already appears in all workbooks

19 Design Components © West Midlands Fire Service 2009 Rather than search again for the details, these should now load along with the contact info admin have entered. However please can you add in the facility such as a button asking Do you wish to search again for the details of this property in case an error has been made


21 Auto Populate Date on the application covering letter These should populate from the earlier admin workbook Date the application must be processed by Martina, I have just used this template as an example for speed, it doesn’t have to look at all like this slide Auto Populate Firework Activity New Licence Renewal of a Licence All Year Selling Licence Which Fire Safety area does the premises fall under Birmingham Coventry Dudley Sandwell Solihull Walsall Wolverhampton Date the application was started by admin Auto Populate

22 Is a visit required to the premises in order for you to process this application ? YES if yes the workbook should suspend here and return to the to do list as pending inspection NO, if No the workbook can proceed on to the end

23 If the workbook resumes then the to do list pages would reload in here with the property details again, YES if yes the workbook should suspend here and return to the to do list as pending inspection NO, if No the workbook can proceed on to the end

24 Single premises NO accommodation Site Details YES What Type of Premises are being used for the sale and storage of fireworks Premises with NO accommodation adjoining another NOYES NO Multi Occupied Premises YESNO Terraced with NO sleeping accommodation within or adjoining Terraced WITH sleeping accommodation within or adjoining Others Shipping Container (ISO) OUTDOOR Shipping Container (ISO) INDOOR Shipping Container (ISO) Temp or Perm On site YES NO IF Yes for last question box should drop down to remind the officer that If permanent, L150 Guidance on Regulations-Safety provisions Page 62 (35)

25 Is the licence available Site Details YES Is the Risk Assessment available (DSEAR) NOYES NO What quantity of Hazard type Ht3 are stored within the premises YESNO Is the quantity of fireworks kept in the sales area in any one display unit equal or below 12.5 Kg Net What quantity of Hazard Type Ht4 are stored within the premises allow free text number entry If No, allow free text number entry allow free text number entry Are fireworks displayed in windows or open shelves or counters) YESNO If YES, next question is MANDATORY Was evidence provided to prove they are dummies ? YESNO If No, box must open up to ask if Officer can confirm they have all been removed Are they in suitable cabinets, secure from public access; glass showcase with secure backs YESNO If No, free text must open to ask for information. Upload documents ie photographs could also open up here if possible

26 Depending on which one is chosen,move to relevant page The following, are the types of storage that can be chosen. Only the sections chosen here should load after this Select from the following types of storage:- Exclusive use of Lockable storage where fireworks are stored Cages used for storing fireworks Shipping containers (ISO) Other types of storage

27 Are fireworks kept in their Transport Boxes Site Details YES Exclusive use of Lockable Storeroom where fireworks are stored Are the Transport boxes closed NOYES NO YESNO Are the transport boxes in good condition Are the transport boxes stored off the ground ( protected from damp YESNO If No, enter free text for UN Numbers Are the transport boxes stored the correct way up Is the lighting suitable (bulk head fitting) with switch outside the store Is the use of the store restricted to trained employees only YESNO If No, for any one of these six questions, allow Officer to enter free text for COMMENTS YESNO YESNO

28 Are they integral and fully enclose the contents Site Details YES Other Types of Storage Is the cage in good condition with no breaches of integrity NOYES NO YESNO Is the mesh size between 12mm and 50mm Do the cage have suitable locks YESNO Are the cages locked except when fireworks are being handled Are the fireworks kept in their transport boxes Are the cabinets wooden suitable for storage of 1.3G/1.4G YESNO If No, for any one of these questions, allow Officer to enter free text for COMMENTS YESNO YESNO Is the top of the cage being used for other storage YESNO Cages used to store Fireworks YESNO Are the cabinets metal, suitable for storage of 1.3G/1.4G

29 Does the container have a secure locking system Site Details YES Is the container wood lined NOYES NO YESNO Does the container have suitable lighting Is the container alarmed YESNO Does the container have a clear protected area around it, no car parking within 3m If located in a delivery yard, does it have protection from delivery vehicles Are the fireworks kept in their transport boxes YESNO If No, for any one of these questions, allow Officer to enter free text for COMMENTS YESNO YESNO Do only trained staff work in this storage facility YESNO Shipping Container (ISO) YESNO Is the container used to store fireworks exclusively YES Is the unit covered by CCTV

30 Do they keep staff training records (DSEAR) Site Details YES Do they have an emergency procedure in place NOYES NO YESNO Do they have a suitable stock control system in place Is the means of escape clear YESNO Are there suitable and sufficient fire extinguishers Is the housekeeping satisfactory Is the store separated by 30 mins fire resistance between store and sales area; block,studded partition YESNO If No, for any one of these questions, allow Officer to enter free text for COMMENTS YESNO YESNO Is the area within close proximity free of ignition sources YESNO General YESNO Are the staff working with fireworks above the age of 18 YES Is there suitable and sufficient signage

31 Do you wish to update the characteristics of the property YES Do you wish to add any documents to the files NO



34 File upload C:\my documents\photo.jpg File Please note this is a screen shot showing that the date, role number and time are all that is required enance Procedure


36 You have now produced the licence. Have you amended the details on the back of the licence

37 Delete under here MSEAR error. In fact, ignore the actual license this is for an example only Choice of different licences—all year round and storage. Only the storage is in here at the moment so will need to update you with both templates Name and address will need to load in here depending on whether this is all year round sales or storage licence.

38 select the most appropriate one or ones to delete the remaining options from the licence

39 This workbook will now :- email this completed licence to admin for posting – document will need to be sent to admin for posting via email Upload all the notes you have made to the premises file Upload the application form Upload the completed licence to the file Martina, not sure how this can all be done, do we need to create a template for example

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