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Creating and developing new associations and building relevant funding models for small and medium size associations Michelle Crowley PCMA.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating and developing new associations and building relevant funding models for small and medium size associations Michelle Crowley PCMA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating and developing new associations and building relevant funding models for small and medium size associations Michelle Crowley PCMA


3 Sponsorship VS. Partnership

4 BUY SOLUTIONS, NOT SPONSORSHIP Remove subjectivity from the sponsorship selection process, customize, one size does not fit all HOW A COMPANY SPONSORS IS AS IMPORTANT AS WHAT A COMPANY SPONSORS Highest ROI comes from activation SEEK CREDIT, NOT JUST PRESENCE Sponsors should be missed if they are absent MEASURE WHAT MATTERS NOT JUST WHAT IS EASY TO COUNT Measure on established objectives - transparency, business reviews and fulfillment reports PCMA’s approach


6 PCMA Revenue Diversification

7  Strategic planning  Asset inventory  Asset creation  Away from selling  Perspectives and understanding of potential customers, contributors, and funders  Asset valuation methodology  Quick wins/small bet to test assumptions Getting Started

8 ASSESS Media Visibility Tracking Return on Objectives (ROO) Modeling Return on Investment (ROI) Modeling SPONSORSHIP EFFECTIVENESS ACQUIREACTIVATEANALYZE STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Brand Map Audience Map Rank& Weight Objectives Sponsorship Evaluation Model AREAS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Sponsorship Negotiation Sponsorship Valuation Property/Asset Management Client Coordination ACTIVATION Platform Development Media Integration Hospitality Management Event Management Accountability Resources Simple Process

9 Focus Group Web Newsletter Event Customized Package Year-round or Multi Year Focus on Delivery Instead of Selling

10  Commitment At All Levels  Fewer, Bigger Relationships  Customized Solutions  Know Your Strategic Brand Fit  Dedicated Resources to Servicing  Accountability – Fulfillment Reports and Transparency Critical Success Factors

11  Customization & time  Constant evolution  Differentiation  Partner’s value and data Challenges

12 Share your best practices


14 Contact me!

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