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James Sills John Dumbell David Cogram James Wainwright IET – Innovation Bid.

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Presentation on theme: "James Sills John Dumbell David Cogram James Wainwright IET – Innovation Bid."— Presentation transcript:

1 James Sills John Dumbell David Cogram James Wainwright IET – Innovation Bid

2 WHAT IS BUYPASS? THE CONCEPT Removes the need for queues Booking online, both on the website and app Includes refreshments Self check-in service Makes use of new technology

3 THE TECHNOLOGY Cinema database BuyPass database BuyPass server


5 QR CODE AND REDUNDANCY Booking ID, User ID, Movie, Show Time, Screen, Seat, Refreshments Stores QR codes on phone On site printing system

6 ENCRYPTION 456466 12344321 5647 9874 7777 INSERT INTO TABLE… B45sa5d454as5d46.. 3216576546549875.. 897987951219894… 5647 9874 INSERT INTO TABLE… BASED ON KIRCHHOFF’S PRINCIPLES USES OCR TECHNOLOGY

7 Dreamweaver Fireworks Photoshop MySQL Workbench Eclipse Netbeans Summary

8 Thank you for listening Any questions?

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