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Urban Forest Strike Team Team Leader Response Protocols Review Eric Kuehler, USDA Forest Service Brooksville, FL July 20-21, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Urban Forest Strike Team Team Leader Response Protocols Review Eric Kuehler, USDA Forest Service Brooksville, FL July 20-21, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urban Forest Strike Team Team Leader Response Protocols Review Eric Kuehler, USDA Forest Service Brooksville, FL July 20-21, 2009

2 UFST Current Response Protocols Storm Damage Assessment Protocol –Pre-storm debris potential assessment –Post-storm debris estimation assessment Risk Assessment Protocol Potential Tree Planting Site Protocol

3 Disaster Strikes 12-72 hrs 3-60 days 2 – 24 months >2 years SDAP Post- Risk Assessment Protocol Potential Tree Planting Site Protocol SDAP pre-storm: Not currently in SGSF/Region 8 plan for UFST SDAP post-storm: FEMA debris management standards apply Risk Assessment Protocol: FEMA standards may or may not apply Potential Tree Planting Site Protocol: Local planting guidelines apply Federal Disaster Declaration Disaster Response Timeline SDAP Pre- Response and Recovery Phase

4 Post-storm debris: Municipalities need to – Estimate amounts Estimate clean-up costs Storm Damage Assessment Protocol

5 What information does Pre-storm provide? –Estimates on potential debris amounts –Potential costs What information does Post-storm provide? –An estimate of the number and size of trees in the affected area requiring removal/pruning –Estimates vegetative debris that has been generated –Cost estimates for tree removal/pruning –Cost estimates of vegetative debris removal

6 Storm Damage Assessment Protocol Isolate area of interest using GIS layer or paper map Stratify into land-use areas (i.e. residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) if needed Randomly choose 10-30 street segments from each stratum Obtain length of each street segment (ft) and total street miles in each stratum or the entire affected area

7 SDAP –What information to collect? Pre-Storm ROWROW + 50’

8 SDAP –What information to collect? Post-Storm Debris Pile Removal Per FEMA Criteria – impacting ROW Hazard Prune Per FEMA Criteria

9 A tally sheet for each street segment will be needed This form documents removals, pruning, and debris in urban areas Fill out plot information as completely as possible (you may want to use “from” and “to” street rather than address) Tally the number of trees on the right- of-way that you believe should be removed or pruned by size class Estimate the amount of debris in cubic yards on the ROW and out 50 feet from the ROW (by 100 foot segments)

10 24 cubic yards of debris Debris Estimation yd 3 24 = 15 person van 20 = 4 door full size SUV 15 = Dodge Magnum S.W. 9 = std 6’x6’X7’ dumpster 5 = port-o-john 1 = dog house Consult Whole Tree Volume tables for wind-thrown trees

11 Storm Damage Assessment Protocol For Pre-Storm For Post-Storm

12 Storm Damage Assessment Protocol

13 Set total street miles and costs

14 Disaster Strikes 12-72 hrs 3-60 days 2 – 24 months >2 years SDAP Post- Risk Assessment Protocol Potential Tree Planting Site Protocol SDAP pre-storm: Not currently in SGSF/Region 8 plan for UFST SDAP post-storm: FEMA debris management standards apply Risk Assessment Protocol: FEMA standards may or may not apply Potential Tree Planting Site Protocol: Local planting guidelines apply Federal Disaster Declaration Disaster Response Timeline SDAP Pre- Response and Recovery Phase

15 Risk Assessment Protocol Basically determines if tree stays or goes Highly variable –Depends on what community needs Can use FEMA-325 standards Can use local standards Used to negotiate FEMA settlement Used to develop interim management plan

16 Risk Assessment Protocol Basic components of data collection –Species (can be to genus) –DBH –Location (preferably spatial) –Remove entire tree or prune hazard limbs –Justification –Immediate action required –Not storm related –Notes (make it brief)

17 Risk Assessment Protocol Other components as needed –Physical address –“on street”, “from street”, “to street” –Location on parcel –Public or private tree –Inspect further –Corrective prune or other action –Etc. (to meet communities needs)

18 Risk Assessment Protocol How to set it up –Determine what the city wants (needs) –What will city do with the data FEMA reimbursement UF interim management plan –What is the extent of the damage –What are the areas of prime interest –What are the time constraints Know the limits of your resources

19 Risk Assessment Protocol How to set it up –Secure scaled maps and/or GIS layers of impacted area Recommended GIS layers –Street (edge of pavement or centerline) –Right-of-way –Parcels with addresses –Set-up GPS equipment or paper data sheets Feature File for GPS Excel spreadsheet for paper data collection

20 Risk Assessment Protocol

21 Reporting Block report Priority lists Location maps GIS layer Interpretation How does the city want it?

22 Risk Assessment Protocol Reporting Oklahoma Ice Storm

23 Disaster Strikes 12-72 hrs 3-60 days 2 – 24 months >2 years SDAP Post- Risk Assessment Protocol Potential Tree Planting Site Protocol SDAP pre-storm: Not currently in SGSF/Region 8 plan for UFST SDAP post-storm: FEMA debris management standards apply Risk Assessment Protocol: FEMA standards may or may not apply Potential Tree Planting Site Protocol: Local planting guidelines apply Federal Disaster Declaration Disaster Response Timeline SDAP Pre- Response and Recovery Phase

24 Tree Planting Site Protocol Used to help communities re-establish the urban forest Usually there is no FEMA financial assistance for tree planting Funding could come from other governmental agencies (US Forest Service) Most likely not an ICS-type function

25 Tree Planting Site Protocol How to set it up –Identify communities wants (needs) –Obtain local tree planting criteria (if available) Public/private planting Minimum planting space Spacing requirements Planting under utilities Site triangles Etc.

26 Tree Planting Site Protocol Obtain scaled maps or GIS layers –ROW and/or publicly-owned property –Parcel boundaries with address Develop GPS Feature File or paper data sheet –Street and address –Public or private property –Tree lawn size –Utilities present –Recommended tree size –Notes

27 Reporting Block report Location maps GIS layer

28 Urban Forest Strike Team Team Leader Response Protocols Review Eric Kuehler, USDA Forest Service Brooksville, FL July 20-21, 2009 ?

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