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The Cold War Intensifies Topic 7.3 and 7.4. 1946 American atomic bomb test.

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1 The Cold War Intensifies Topic 7.3 and 7.4

2 1946 American atomic bomb test

3 Nuclear Weapons September of 1949 Truman announced that the Soviet Union had detonated an atomic bomb When we learn that the Soviets have the atomic bomb, Truman authorizes research on a thermonuclear bomb More powerful!


5 The race heats up… 1953 – We test our first thermonuclear bomb 1954 – Soviets test their first thermonuclear bomb 1954 – We test 19 thermonuclear bombs



8 Eisenhower’s Response to Soviet Aggression Secretary of state John Foster Dulles Helped organize the UN Dedicated to preventing the spread of communism

9 The US government believes in a policy of deterrence. We will become so strong, no one will attack us (stated under Truman) Brinksmanship – the ability to go the very edge of open war to achieve political goals ((Dulles) ICBM’s – since we had much better planes to deliver our bombs, the Soviets began to develop missiles ICBM=intercontinental ballistic missile

10 Nikita Khrushchev Stalin dies in March 1953 Nikita Khrushchev comes to power

11 The Cold War in the 1950’s When Soviet Union’s Eastern European satellites began to revolt –Poles (1956) –Hungarians (1956) –United States kept its distance and Soviet troops crushed the uprising Eisenhower felt any other response risked war Containment remained part of American foreign policy in the 1950s


13 Southeast Asia U.S. Begins sending aid to France who is trying to hold on to on of their colonies, Vietnam Divided like Korea Communist north and anti-communist south United States provided aid to South Vietnam

14 Middle East 1930s and 1940s Holocaust forced many Jews to seek safety in Palestine (Biblical home of the Jewish people) Controlled by the British Calls for a Jewish state intensified 1947 the British turn the question over to the UN UN creates two states in the area –Creation of Israel and Palestine in 1948 are a major cause of tension in the Middle East Eisenhower struggles to keep oil-rich Arab nations from falling under Communist influence


16 1953-Overthrow the temporary Iranian government; reinstate the pro-American Shah of Iran –Eisenhower Doctrine –Stated that the United States would use force “to safeguard the independence of any country or group of countries in the Middle East requesting aid against aggression”

17 Latin America 1954-We (CIA) overthrow the Guatemalan Government that was too radical for our tastes We invade Nicaragua and Honduras to help two unpopular (but pro-American) leaders

18 Sputnik October 4,1957 – Soviets use an intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) to launch Sputnik. (the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth) Americans realize that they now have the ability to launce a missile at the US from the USSR



21 U2 spy plane is shot down May 1960 Soviet military used a guided missile to shoot down an American U-2 spy plane Both Sputnik and the U2 incident show that we are lagging behind the soviets in military research.

22 Cold War At Home Topic 7.4

23 The Cold War At home… Remember: Many Americans had joined communist or socialist organizations during the Depression. –Desperate people had developed serious doubts about the American capitalist system –Economic collapse of the 1930s

24 The Cold War At home… Government officials launched programs to push out any element of communism that might have infiltrated the United States 1947 Federal Employee Loyalty Program: all federal employees were subject to investigations Those accused of disloyalty were brought before a Loyalty Review Board Often had little chance to defend themselves

25 House Un-American Activities Committee HUAC Began to probe the U.S. (Especially Hollywood) for Communist influences. Calming that movies had tremendous power to influence the public The Hollywood Ten: group of writers, directors, actors, and producers who refused to testify before the HUAC. All were fined or jailed (6 months to a year)

26 Blacklists People who were seen as un-American or disloyal were blacklisted, which meant that no studios would hire them.

27 McCarran-Walter Act Re-instated immigration quotas from the 1920’s. Senator McCarran believed most disloyal Americans were immigrants. –This bill passed over Truman’s veto. Senator Pat McCarran

28 Spy Cases: HUAC investigated Alger Hiss Was a former high ranking State Department official who was put on trial for espionage

29 Spy Cases: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of giving atomic secrets to the Russians. Both were executed in 1953.

30 According to released Soviet documents (Venona Papers), Rosenberg's and Alger Hiss were guilty

31 Loyalty Programs, Committee investigations, Blacklists and highly publicized spy cases convinced many Americans that the threat of spies was very real and lead to a climate of great suspicion in America. Many people’s civil rights were violated during this period.

32 1950 - McCarthy’s List 205 known Communists working for the US government –Actually people who had been investigated under Truman’s Loyalty Programs –Still employed by the government Used this list to catapult himself to fame (he was a nobody rookie senator before this) Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy

33 Uses SMEAR TACTICS to intimidate his opponents Even Went after George Marshall –Former Secretary of State and national hero –Went after him because of his inability to stop Communist triumph in China

34 1953 Reelected to the Senate –Made Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee to investigate Communist influence in the US Merely being accused by McCarthy’s committee ruins many careers and reputations

35 Many Senators were afraid to stand up to him for fear of being branded a “pinko” (communist sympathizer)

36 Margaret Chase Smith “Declaration of “Conscience” “Americanism is … The right to criticize; The right to hold unpopular beliefs; The right to protest; The right of independent thought. The exercise of these rights should not cost one single American citizen his reputation or his right to a livelihood nor should he be in danger of losing his reputation or livelihood merely because he happens to know someone who holds unpopular beliefs.”

37 1954 McCarthy’s assistant is drafted into the Army. McCarthy accuses the army of being “overrun with Communists”

38 Senate Sub- Committee votes to investigate the Army, Democrats ask to televise the hearings Americans are shocked to see McCarthy bully and intimidate witnesses

39 –McCarthy is exposed as a fraud and loses all credibility, and the Senate condemns him. McCarthy accuses the Senate of being Communists No longer has credibility Remained in the Senate His power was gone

40 Edward R. Murrow  Journalist who tried to expose McCarthy as a fraud on his program “See It Now special entitled A Report on Senator Joseph McCarthy".

41 Effects of McCarthyism The US went through an extensive period of suppression of free speech and open debate.

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