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The term “Old or Ancien Regime” has come to refer to :

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Presentation on theme: "The term “Old or Ancien Regime” has come to refer to :"— Presentation transcript:

1 The term “Old or Ancien Regime” has come to refer to :

2 (What are) Huguenots:

3 King Henry IV stunned France, Spain and the Pope by (doing or stating what):

4 (throughout history) French Nobles and Clergy were technically responsible for payment of which tax?

5 There were essentially two types of taxes in France, the Taille (a money tax) and the Corvee- which was what kind of tax

6 One could say that during Louis XV’s reign, that this person really ran France:

7 The first Estate of the Estates General was made up of the:

8 At the top of the peasant’s cahiers de doleances (notebooks of complaints) presented to the king was (what was their number one complaint):

9 The Tennis Court Oath refers to an oath taken by the (who took it):

10 (what was the greatest fear in Paris) During the Great Fear:

11 The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen were declared by (what group):

12 Louis XVI was condemned to death on the charge of?

13 Robespierre got the Law of 22 Paririal, passed on June 10 of 1794, and it permitted:

14 (What did) The Concordat (do):

15 The Battle of Trafalgar (produced what fallout) for Napoleon:

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