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Emotional Disorders Caused by Stress. Stress Merry-Go-Round Students will get into groups Students will add idea to each station Students will rotate.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotional Disorders Caused by Stress. Stress Merry-Go-Round Students will get into groups Students will add idea to each station Students will rotate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotional Disorders Caused by Stress

2 Stress Merry-Go-Round Students will get into groups Students will add idea to each station Students will rotate stations Discuss Answers as a class

3 Emotional Disorders Stress often leads to many complications if it is not dealt with properly.

4 Anxiety Disorders Involve feelings of fear that are experienced on a recurring basis or in response to typical, unavoidable life situations. They have no basis in specific threats to one well being.

5 Panic Disorders Characterized by sudden, unexpected surges in anxiety; symptoms include rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, loss of physical equilibrium, and a feeling of losing mental control. People with panic disorder may severely curtail their activities.

6 Generalized Anxiety Disorder People who worry about ordinary future threats, such as financial concerns or passing and upcoming exam. Persistent nervousness, often accompanied by depression impairs ones ability to enjoy life.

7 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD People with obsessions or compulsions or both. Obsessions are recurrent, unwanted thoughts or impulses that are not ordinary concerns. Compulsions are repetitive, difficult to resist actions usually associated with obsessions, such as hand washing.

8 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Physiological and emotional reaction to events that produce a sense of terror and hopelessness; these include assaults, military combat, and natural disasters. Treatments range from medication to psychological interventions.

9 Mood Disorders Depression: may result from specific events but sometimes no trigger event is obvious. Symptoms: feelings of sadness and hopelessness, loss of pleasure in usual activities, poor appetite, weight loss or weight gain, overeating, insomnia, restlessness or fatigue, thoughts of worthlessness or guilt, trouble concentrating or making decisions, thoughts of death or suicide. Treatments: antidepressants, therapists

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