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“The Testaments”- Part 22 “Spiritual Beginnings”.

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1 “The Testaments”- Part 22 “Spiritual Beginnings”


3 June 8 early morning, the commission was heavy upon my heart removing many things from my ways of prior thinking. I began to think of all we suffered for in those things we are laying aside and putting into our book of memories. Memorials of suffering, landmarks of an old day fading, I began to cry.

4 My mouth spoke without meaning to and I cried out, ‘Lord, must I sacrifice everything?’ He spoke back concise and clearly to me. He said, ‘Yes’! I stood in silence and wept like Abraham for Isaac, Samuel for Saul, and Paul for Israel.

5 When I was finished the weight of it all was gone. I felt like chains, shackles had been removed. I spoke to someone I trust deeply about it and they said, “Oh my brother, what do you think he meant’?

6 I’m sure we have miles to go before we sleep in a new ministry. What’s in my heart is different than the last ten years. The Heart ministry is altogether different. We’ve been working macro on a large scale.

7 My heart is leading me to micro, smaller things, smaller work – local. Get to know the people more so, and meet the local ministries. Learn the character of the people and let them see and know my character. To me, passing through on a big scale is fading in this ministry.

8 I was thinking about Elijah when the brook dried up and the ravens stopped feeding him. He had to go to the woman who had what he needed. He was sustained there. They needed one another to sustain life. They connected and sustained life when everything else dried up

9 It was like a connection. The two were dying without one another and the Lord put them both together so they would live. Elijah took her where he was going. The woman gave everything not knowing what would happen. They kept one another alive.

10 ~William Branham~ But you know, the woman's faith, she didn't know about God being in that stick. But she knowed God was in that prophet. And she said, "As the Lord your God lives, you holy man of God, I'm not going to leave you. I'm going to stay right with you and see what you're going to do." Oh, I like that.

11 Stay with your point. Don't give back. Stay with it. She had a--a revelation. She had a vision, as it was, or a revelation, that something... Elijah had something for her. She's going to stay till she seen it through, and said, "As the Lord God lives, I'll not leave you.”

12 Elijah said, "Well, I guess if I can't get rid of you no other way, I'll just put on my shoes and take off." So he slips on his sandals, and here come him and the woman. Shalom!

13 We cannot give someone eternal life. The gift of eternal life is the Spirit operating the members of his body and bringing to our remembrance that we are eternal. The body of the Lord is self sufficient and will sustain itself nourishing our hearts to reach inside our memory and come to our spiritual senses. I'm sure we can all do this together and remember our love for one another.

14 ~Pastor Joe Gomez~ Ego and competition will move one to conquer and many times present evidences to show one is better. We are freed from all this as we entered the Kingdom. Conquering is out of place in the land of the Millennium. War does not make sense in a time of Peace. Competition doesn't fit in a people of Divine Love.

15 ~Louie Villamor~ Our courage and perseverance will reward us with great success If we know how to take our actions and ideals forward with a sense of righteousness, the force and energy of Heaven (universe) will support Us and will receive the success we desire. Always keep our spirit in harmony with nature of the I Am.

16 "This New Ground that we entered IN "The Testaments" be known only by the Vibration out from the Heart (Faith) You can't get this New Concept by Reading the Bible or Finding it in the quotes, It comes from the deepness of God's Own Heart. (Divine Love of it All) in the Inside. (THE REAL YOU) -Lrv

17 When we look at evolution and progression we can understand that nothing ever goes out of existence. A soul can go out of existence, because it is a character or a persons ways and actions defining them. That is their soul. We annihilate the soul of the old creation and create a new soul, or a new character with new actions and ways of which we live.

18 The human spirit is an attribute from the entity of the Theophany. It was housed in the Theophany for the purpose of contrast. The human spirit was to manifest in the flesh. So the Theophany built the flesh body around it and then the human spirit took its action in its position as Lucifer, a bearer of light, the son of the morning. Not separate from the Theophany but a parallel image of the Theophany projecting out.

19 The human spirit held in it the capability of error. When the human spirit united with the Tree of flesh it became the serpent. It evolved. It moved lower in its evolution becoming Satan the deceiver, the Devil of War and darkness. He evolved into the son of perdition fulfilling his human spirit of contrast to the point of crucifixion. Then Its degradation took it into the depths of "Carnality" evolving to the carnal mind.

20 It was then "The Red Dragon" - the carnal mind of man. Then the Man-Child was birthed and took his position in the Throne. The Throne of Christ is in Man - The Red Dragon! CHRIST TOOK THAT THRONE BACK. Christ was the final evolution of Lucifer and he made full circle back. The human spirit took on the Mind of Christ.

21 Now, is the human spirit annihilated? I have to say no! It was an attribute of the Theophany that needed to feel the evolution and return to its proper position. The story of the prodigal son. The son of contrast returned home after the process of evolution and progression.

22 The human spirit will remain in the Theophany as the greatest experience of contrast that could ever open the Eyes of Theophany. The error doesn't come back, the old soul doesn't come back, the Son does return to the father. I hope this helps each of us look closer to ourselves and others and project love. ~dkp~

23 We cannot give someone eternal life. The gift of eternal life is the Spirit operating the members of his body and bringing to our remembrance that we are eternal. The body of the Lord is self sufficient and will sustain itself nourishing our hearts to reach inside our memory and come to our spiritual senses. I'm sure we can all do this together and remember our love for one another.

24 When an attribute comes out from the Spirit it does not return back the same. In fact it will never be the same because it came out to evolve into something greater. Just think of what Paul said in Corinthians 15, We came here "Bare Grain" and then we become a "Body that pleases him".

25 It is the plan of Christ to evolve, change and grow every attribute that comes from him. He puts the spotlight on each of them for a season so we can learn all about that attribute. Then he takes the spotlight and moves it to another attribute for our learning. ~dkp~

26 We came out from the Father and we go back to the Father. We know by revelation who the Father is. It is a Father (Pillar of Fire) and Son (fleshman) relationship. We came here from the Attribute of Father to be the Son and when we return back to "Father" we will have evolved so much in our Being and understanding.

27 When Jesus (the Pillar of Fire) struck down Paul on the road to Damascus it was a much greater Being than the one walking the streets of Nazareth, and Jerusalem. He evolved! He could talk to Paul about servitude, sonship, suffering and apostleship. He knew it all with a greater understanding after evolving through the cycle of death, burial and resurrection. We are doing the same thing gaining our strength and authority through evolution. ~dkp~

28 Here is my understanding of where we should be discussing the Soul. I know this may shock some people now when they hear me. I think we should shelve the term "Two Souls" and forget about using it. Not because it is wrong but in this revelation of today it doesn't fit.

29 It was good when we viewed a twofold being or when we viewed everything under the separation gospel of "Light and Darkness", "Positive and Negative", or "On and off". Firstly, a soul is not a living entity! A soul is your character in combination of the spirit and body. The soul is your emotion, actions, ways, demeanor, attitudes. It can be changed time and time again depending on the revelation that you are letting into your life.

30 I carried a church age soul until I came out of the church ages. I continued to carry a second testament soul after leaving the church ages and then I came to the Third testament changing my soul. I left the Third Testament and entered the Testaments of Love Divine and changed my character again.

31 Moving through evolution I am able to change my soul until I have evolved to the essence of the Theophany again and carry that "Enhanced Eternal Quality of a Soul". Think about Old Jerusalem, New Jerusalem, Heavenly Jerusalem, old creation, new creation, Heavenly Body. Aren't we speaking of character changes and evolving through cycles of the Theophany to enhance our Eternal Qualities and attributes?

32 Now look at Lucifer, the serpent, the devil, satan, son of perdition, red dragon and aren't we just talking about changes of the soul to bring the Man-Child back to the heart of the Throne? I've changed many times but still hold the Eternal Character of the Theophany. Enhancing myself by birthing through these changes of the soul.

33 “The Testaments”- Part 22 “Spiritual Beginnings”

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