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Middle School Attached to Guangxi Normal University Tang Haiyan.

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1 Middle School Attached to Guangxi Normal University Tang Haiyan

2 Can anybody save the summer? save time save money

3 I’ve saved the summer by Rod Mckuen


5 Listen to the poem. Pay attention to the rhythm and circle the rhyming words.

6 I’ve saved the summer And I give it all to you To hold on winter mornings When the snow is new. I’ve saved some sunlight If you should ever need A place away from darkness Where your mind can feed. And for myself I’ve kept your smile When you were but nineteen Till you’re older you’ll not know What brave young smiles can mean. I know no answers To help you on your way The answers lie somewhere At the bottom of the day. But if you’ve a need for love I’ll give you all I own It might help you down the road Till you’ve found your own.

7 I’ve saved the summer And I give it all to you To hold on winter mornings When the snow is new. I’ve saved some sunlight If you should ever need A place away from darkness Where your mind can feed. And for myself I’ve kept your smile When you were but nineteen, Till you’re older you’ll not know What brave young smiles can mean. I know no answers To help you on your way The answers lie somewhere At the bottom of the day. But if you've a need for love I'll give you all I own It might help you down the road Till you've found your own

8 Read the poem. 1. Who is Rod Mckuen speaking to? How do you know that? 2. Please use one sentence to summerize each part of the poem. 3. What is the writer's message?

9 1. Who is Rod Mckuen speaking to? How do you know that? Till you are older... When you were but nighteen... I've saved the summer... I've saved some sunlight...I've kept your smile... But if you've a need for love, I'll give you all I own. He is speaking to his child. a young person unconditional love

10 2. Please use one sentence to summerize each part of the poem. ① I'll give you _______ when you are cold in winter. ② I'll offer you _________ when you are in the dark. ③ I'll make you _____ when you are sad. ④ I can't help you on your own _______ through life. ⑤ But I will give you ________ to help you. warmth brightness journey all I own smile 3. What is the writer's message?

11 Let's read this poem aloud full of emotion and love!

12 I’ve saved the summer And I give it all to you To hold on winter mornings When the snow is new. I’ve saved some sunlight If you should ever need A place away from darkness Where your mind can feed. And for myself I’ve kept your smile When you were but nineteen, Till you’re older you’ll not know What brave young smiles can mean. I know no answers To help you on your way The answers lie somewhere At the bottom of the day. But if you've a need for love I'll give you all I own It might help you down the road Till you've found your own


14 If I were an artist, I would draw the nicest portrait of my father. If I were a writer, I would write the best book about my father. If I were a singer, I would sing the most beautiful song for my father. Can you make more sentences starting with ‘If I were …’?

15 a list poem It can be a list of items, people, places or ideas. It has a flexible line length. It can include rhyme or not. It’s not a random list. It’s well thought out. The last line of the list is usually a strong, funny or important item. Characteristics of

16 A father is A father is a light It helps me see in the night A father is a song It’s sung to make me strong A father is a sea He gives all his love to me A father is, who you think he is who you think he is

17 1. If I had… 2. In his eyes … 3. You never … 4. Sometimes … 5. Without you …...... Work in groups of four and write a list poem to your father. You can choose one of the followings to start with.

18 Give your comments on the poems: I like the poem because … I’m not a big fan of it because … I can see …from the poem, which … The poem is fairly good with … But I think … need to be improved. The poem will be better if … …

19 Homework Listen and read the poem “I’ve saved the summer”. On your own write a list poem. 1. Write about anything as you like. 2. Start with whatever you like. 3. Make each pair of the lines rhyme. 4. Write 8 lines at least.


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