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Report to the ASC on project organization and critical issues E. Migneco ASC meeting, Amsterdam, march 28 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Report to the ASC on project organization and critical issues E. Migneco ASC meeting, Amsterdam, march 28 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report to the ASC on project organization and critical issues E. Migneco ASC meeting, Amsterdam, march 28 2011

2 Update on the project activities  News  Status of the project and deliverables  Budget for the Pre-Production Model  Memorandum of Understanding for the “Post Preparatory Phase” of KM3NeT  Common use of major equipment facilities in KM3NeT 2E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 2011

3 News  The second period of the project has finished on february 28 2011  We are presently preparing the reports  11 months to the end of the project  Some informal internal requests for a further extension of the project, but …  … previous amendment, with one year extension, was accepted by the EC with the agreement that no further amendments would have been proposed  … may not be well received by the EC and judged as a “failure”  … the reasons for an extension are essentially technical (PPM preparation) and out of the central focus of the PP  Anyway, if the request is proposed and approved by the SPB, it will be forwarded to the EC officer for first opinion 3E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 2011

4 News  Recent communication from our officer about our letter on the “light” ERIC “… I am waiting for additional opinion of legal advisor. We will come back to you as soon as possible.” 4E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 2011

5 Scientific Standing Committee  The newly appointed Scientific Standing Committee will meet here on march 30 and 31  A. Aloisio  S. Bettini  D. Cowen  J. Learned  P. Lipari  D. Nygren  A. Olinto  J. Pouthas  C. Spiering  G. van der Steenhoven excused will connect via videoconf 5E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 2011

6 Scientific Standing Committee Meeting  Open Session, Wednesday march 30 (14:00 – 18:00)  Introduction and overview of the project (E. Migneco)  Seafloor network (T. Capone)  Detection unit: optical modules (P. Kooijman)  Detection unit: electronics and data transmission (S. Anvar)  Detection unit: mechanical structure and deployment (R. Papaleo)  Detection unit: integration and cost (E. de Wolf)  Physics case and strategic issues (T. Stolarczyk)  Physics studies, a status report (P. Rapidis)  Closed Session, Thursday march 31 (9:00 – 13:00) 6E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 2011

7 KM3NeT-PP deliverables (1) E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 20117 WPDel.DescriptionDeadlineStatus (*) WPBD.B.1First report from joint standing committeeMar 2010Delivered WPBD.B.2Final report from joint standing commiteeFeb 2012 WPC1D.C1.1Report on existing governance structuresJul 2010In preparation WPC1D.C1.2Definition of the governance structureOct 2011 WPC2D.C2.1Report on the survey and analysis of the legal forms of the project participants Jul 2010In preparation WPC2D.C2.2Report of the survey and analysis of the international legal forms Feb 2011Delivered WPC2D.C2.3Selection of the optimal legal option for KM3NeTOct 2011 WPC3D.C3.1Report on the national funding schemesJul 2010In preparation WPC3D.C3.2Report of the European funding schemeFeb 2011In preparation WPC3D.C3.3Definition of the financial engineering planOct 2011 (*) only for deliverables due in first and second period (up to february 2011)

8 KM3NeT-PP deliverables (2) E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 20118 WPDel.DescriptionDeadlineStatus (*) WPDD.D.1Report on formal and informal contacts with non-EU parties Jul 2010Delivered WPDD.D.2Report on comparison of physics performance between different options Oct 2011 WPED.E.1Deefinition of subsea infrastructure locations and specifications Sep 2010 WPED.E.2Memorandum of Understanding for KM3NeT-MEGOFeb 2011To be negotiated WPED.E.3Complete input to the Environmental Impact Assessment Oct 2011 WPFD.F.1Description of a pre-production model of a detection unit, calibration system, data acquisition system Sep 2010Delivered WPFD.F.2System tested pre-production model of a detection unit, calibration system, data acquisition system Dec 2011 WPFD.F.3Description of the production model of the detection unit, calibration system, data acquisition system for mass production in the construction phase including the QA/QC procedures Feb 2012

9 KM3NeT-PP deliverables (3) WPDel.DescriptionDeadlineStatus (*) WPGD.G.1Report on suitable vessel typesSep 2010Delivered WPGD.G.2Report on the surface aspects of deployment operations and scientific employment of surface vessels Sep 2010In preparation WPGD.G.3Report on training program for personnelFeb 2012 WPHD.H.1Engineering plan for constructionJul 2010In preparation WPHD.H.2Production model of the power converters, electro- optical connectors and electro-optical cables Jun 2011 WPHD.H.3Report on long duration testsOct 2011 WPID.I.1Report on the requirements and specifications of the data distribution and computing models Sep 2010In preparation WPID.I.2Report on solution for KM3NeT data distribution, computing and operation Oct 2011 (*) only for deliverables due in first and second period (up to february 2011)

10 KM3NeT-PP deliverables (4) WPDel.DescriptionDeadlineStatus (*) WPLD.L.1Definition of production tests and rules for editing the specifications for subcontracting Jun 2011 WPLD.L.2Description of the infrastructure for assembly and integration sites of telescope components Dec 2011 WPLD.L.3Human resource plan for the production plan for the construction phase Dec 2011 WPMD.M.1Report on market analysisNov 2009Delivered WPMD.M.2Report for financial analysisFeb 2011In preparation WPMD.M.3Human Resource PlanOct 2011 WPND.N.1Report on user need and requestsNov 2010In preparation WPND.N.2Report on operation model and operation rulesAug 2011 WPND.N.3Report on impact assessment activitiesDec 2011 (*) only for deliverables due in first and second period (up to february 2011)

11 Budget for the PPM (to be discussed by the SPB)  Details in the presentation by T. Stolarczyk  Still some items are not covered in budget  The PP organizational structure will act until the end of the PP contract (29 february 2012)  Need firm committments by agencies  Decision on installation site of the PPM to be taken  Discussion in the SPB on Thursday 11E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 2011

12 Memorandum of Understanding  Post Preparatory Phase organization  Prolongation of the PP  Memorandum of Understanding  Need for an MoU already presented and endorsed by ASC in december 2010  Ad hoc working group set up to initiate the process  P. Coyle, E. Migneco, I. Siotis, E. de Wolf  MoU must be a step further in the collaboration building process and not just a way to continue R&D activities  A first draft of the “core” MoU has been prepared and is ready to be circulated  The technical addendum(a) describing the experiment(s) are under way  MoU draft will be discussed in the SPB on Thursday 12E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 2011

13 KM3NeT MoU: scope  Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of KM3NeT  Manage the post Preparatory Phase  Start the collaboration  Move to a new phase (“Implementation experiments”) of KM3NeT  Install and test the PPM  Build and test a complete detection unit  Build and test critical parts of the seabed network (JBs)  …  All this needs an organization and a secured budget 13E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 2011

14 KM3NeT MoU: structure  One “core” MoU describing the structure and rules of the collaboration  Largely drafted on the basis of the Antares MoU which is well experimented and known to most of the agencies in KM3NeT  Addenda describing the “Implementation experiments”  First addendum will be the PPM construction and deployment 14E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 2011

15 KM3NeT MoU organigram Institute Board Spokesperson Deputy Spokesperson Resource Manager Publication Commitee Project A Project Coordinator Technical Coordinator Project Coordinator Technical Coordinator Project B Project Coordinator Technical Coordinator Project Coordinator Technical Coordinator Project n Project Coordinator Technical Coordinator Project Coordinator Technical Coordinator Conference Commitee Steering Commitee External Review Commitee Financial Review Board 15E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 2011

16 Host laboratories  Laboratories in charge of the candidate sites are “Host Laboratories”  Provide infrastrutures for experiments  Personnel from KM3NeT institutes may be temporarily allocated to a host laboratory  Responsibilities and rules defined in the MoU 16E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 2011

17 Comments on some relevant issues for the PP E. MignecoASC meeting, Nikhef, 28 march 201117  Legal form  ERIC? (waiting for an answer from the EC)  If not, we have to start the drafting of other possible legal forms for the consortium  Governance  We can start from the MoU to draft a possible governance and regulation scheme for KM3NeT  Financial issues  Structural funds  Funding from the budget of the agencies  Site  Connected with funding issues  Multi-site option has to be urgently discussed  Technology  If converge is obtained, technology issues are not a major problem to close the PP

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