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Theodore Papazoglou ERC/European Commission RTD, Directorate S Fax +32-2-2993173 ERC Funding Actions/Grant Agreement Modalities.

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Presentation on theme: "Theodore Papazoglou ERC/European Commission RTD, Directorate S Fax +32-2-2993173 ERC Funding Actions/Grant Agreement Modalities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theodore Papazoglou ERC/European Commission RTD, Directorate S Fax +32-2-2993173 ERC Funding Actions/Grant Agreement Modalities ERC Information Day, The Swedish Research Council, 22/02/07

2 European Research Council │ 2 ERC Grant Schemes Two grant schemes are available: 1.ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant scheme (ERC Starting Grant)  1 st call for proposals published, deadline 25 April 2007 2.ERC Advanced Investigator Researcher Grant scheme (ERC Advanced Grant)  1 st call for proposals published later in 2007

3 European Research Council │ 3 ERC Advanced Grant (ERC Advanced Investigator Researcher Grant)  Designed to support excellent investigator-initiated research projects by established independent research leaders  Complement the ERC Starting Grant scheme by targeting researchers who have already established their independence as team leaders  ~100’000-500’000 Euro per grant per year  for up to 5 years, i.e. ~500’000-2’500’000 Euro per grant  ~ € 600M per call (~⅔ of ERC annual budget, annual calls)  ~ 300 Advanced Grants per year

4 European Research Council │ 4 ERC Starting Grant (ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant )  support researchers at the start of their independent research career and establishment of their first independent research team or first research programme  provide a structure for transition from working under a supervisor to an independent research leader  ~100’000 – 400’000 Euro per grant per year  for up to 5 years, i.e. ~500’000-2’000’000 Euro per Grant  ~ €300M per call (~ ⅓ of ERC annual budget, annual calls)  ~200 Starting Grants per year, ~1400 Starting Grants over 7 years of FP7 (2007-2013)

5 European Research Council │ 5  Individual Research Teams:  headed by a single “Principal Investigator” (team leader)  of any nationality  if necessary, including additional team members.  The “Principal Investigator” has the freedom to choose the research topic and the power to assemble his/her research team meeting the needs of the project.  Teams can be of national or trans-national character. Who can apply ? Individual Teams

6 European Research Council │ 6 Who can apply? European and International Teams  Ideas (ERC specific programme) encourages participation of researchers from European and non-European countries  Level of participation varies with regard to roles and funding  Roles:  Principal Investigator + hosting organisation Can be of any nationality But: PI’s host organisation needs to be established in EU Member States or Associated Countries, or be a international European Interest Organisations (such as CERN, EMBL, etc.) or the JRC  Team Members Can be of any nationality and established in almost any country International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) Industrialised Countries, e.g. Australia, Canada, Japan, USA

7 European Research Council │ 7 ERC Grants ERC Grants Key Principles  Financially Attractive to attract the very best researchers  Flexible in application Easy to adjust during execution Portability  Administration simple and transparent Preparation of grant agreements without “negotiations” Short annual reports plus detailed final report

8 European Research Council │ 8 ERC Grant Agreement Concept  Agreement between ERC and Principal Investigator’s (PI’s) hosting organisation (beneficiary) Rights/obligations on scientific, financial, ethical conduct and monitoring, eligible costs, IPR, modifications, grant portability  Supplementary Agreement between PI and its hosting organisation Rights/obligations: administration, project execution, IPR  Single grant holder approach PI and members from same organisation But: multi-partner/multi-national teams are possible  There will be no “project negotiations” Grant agreement based on the proposal and the peer review decision (budget) PI can accept/reject the offered grant

9 European Research Council │ 9 ERC Grant Agreement Main Elements  Core Grant Agreement (between ERC and hosting organisation)  Description of work (Annex I to the Grant Agreement)  General Conditions (Annex II to the Grant Agreement)  Supplementary Agreement (between PI and hosting organisation)  Accession Form (if more than one hosting organisation - Annex III)  Special clause (if more than one hosting organisation for team members)

10 European Research Council │ 10 ERC Grant Agreement ERC Grant Agreement ERC Grant Agreement Supplementary Agreement Supplementary Agreement Amendment Accession forms Amendment

11 European Research Council │ 11 Core grant Article 2: Principal Investigator (PI) Reference to supplementary agreement between the PI and the beneficiary hosting and engaging him / her; Supplementary agreement lists the main points establishing the relations between the PI and the beneficiary. Article 4: Reporting Parallel streams for the scientific reporting and the financial management reporting. Annex I Description of work (including financial information): based on the proposal text taking up the results of the evaluation. ERC Grant Agreement Structure Annex II Article II.2: Specific performance obligations of the principal investigator Article II.3: Specific performance obligations of the beneficiary Article II.4: Reports Article II.15: Identification of direct and indirect costs Article II.16: Upper funding limits Annex III ERC Accession form for other beneficiaries. Annex IV Financial statement form Annex V Terms of reference for the certification of costs and on the methodology. For activities supported by frontier research actions, the Community contribution may reach a maximum of 100% of the total eligible costs. The indirect costs will be: limited, for a beneficiary which is able to identify its indirect costs to a maximum of 20% of the total eligible direct costs (excluding the eligible direct costs for subcontracting or reimbursement of third parties’ costs); alternatively, a beneficiary which is unable to identify its indirect costs may opt for a 20% flat rate of the total eligible direct costs (excluding the eligible direct costs for subcontracting or reimbursement of third parties’ costs).

12 European Research Council │ 12  Specific text of “Call for Proposal”  ERC Work Programme 2007  ERC Guide for Applicants  ERC Grant agreement Other:  ERC Guide for Grant Holders  ERC Guide for Peer Reviewers  ERC Rules on submission, evaluation, selection and award procedures Documentation

13 European Research Council │ 13 Applicants Services ERC National Contact Points inform, raise awareness and provide advice on ERC funding opportunities, application, follow-up ERC helpdesk support to ERC NCPs EPSS helpdesk technical support on electronic proposal submission ERC website:  News Alert, Publicity Material

14 European Research Council │ 14 Thank you !

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