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Time 4 Young People. Anyone who believes that additional investment in traditional youth services will prepare the younger generation for a better future.

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Presentation on theme: "Time 4 Young People. Anyone who believes that additional investment in traditional youth services will prepare the younger generation for a better future."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time 4 Young People

2 Anyone who believes that additional investment in traditional youth services will prepare the younger generation for a better future is either a mad man or a youth worker.

3 The Old Conversation The entertainers (youth workers) and the entertained (young people)

4 Diversionary Activity Keeping young people off the streets and out of the community. Herding young people into youth sheds. Defining them as passive beneficiaries of high quality recreational and informal educational activity




8 Some Key Questions 1.How does this service connect young people with the community 2.How much social energy- active young citizenship - does this public investment in the youth service generate. 3.Are tax payers getting good value for money?

9 Changing the conversation between youth provider and service user 1) A Wet Wednesday Evening in the Rhonnda 2) The Saturday Morning Test 3) The Hard to Reach

10 Lessons 1) Stop giving things away free to children in need 2) Stop rewarding the bad behaviour of the children in need 3) Establish a level playing field – no mixed messages

11 T4YP: Brief Methodology Step 1: How can we measure active young citizenship Time Audit of youth services

12 Step 2: Young people design projects for the next 12months Step 3: Calculate total new active hours for the next 12 months Step 4: Construct a Time In and Time Out Menu Step 5: Launch T4YP project

13 The New Conversation between youth service providers and young people should be based on a. Membership b. Mutuality c. Active Young Citizenship

14 Bettws Youth Time Bank Case Study

15 Bettws Local Authority Public Housing Estate: Problem areas to address Top of the Levels of anti-social behaviour ( highest out of 39 wards ) in the Borough Poor relationships between young people and police High levels of youth disengagement

16 Bringing together all the service providers in a locality with an interest in young people. Breaking down the silos by collaborative working. Boys & Girls Club ( young people & staff ) Bridgend Police Force Communities First ( community members) School Valleys to Coast ( Housing Association) Creation Development Trust Healthy Living Centre

17 A Memorandum of Understanding To engage young people in community projects (active young citizenship ). Engage young people in project planning and decision making. Improve relationships between young people, police, other agencies & community Reduce levels of anti-social behaviour Thank young people for their contribution

18 Methodology Time audit of active young citizenship Programmes that address issues in the community Youth Challenge Fund – young people producing events in the community Building the membership of T4YP Young people design programmes for the next 12 months

19 1.Build Membership

20 2. Time Banking (Mutuality) One hour of active citizenship = 1 time credit TIME IN Participating in environmental projects Attending PACT & Communities First meetings Anti-bulling projects in school Organising events in the community TIME OUT Time Quiz/Bingo Family Bus Family Day

21 3. Hours of active young citizenship

22 Evaluation Framework Quantitative analysis Number of new members Number of new active hours contributed Number of new events and activities Qualitative analysis Focus groups with young people Interviews with Police and other stakeholders New people, new activities, new places (measuring social inclusion)

23 Change of Culture

24 Outcomes 17% reduction in anti-social levels over 6 months Improved relationships between young people and Police Increased levels of active young citizenship Ownership and pride in local community Positive image promoted of young people

25 Experience “Timebanking has helped me take an interest in the community. Before I just used to go to the youth club.” Young Person, Bettws Boys and Girls Club “Results arising from the scheme in Bettws, such as increased community reassurance, lower crime, community empowerment, community trust, improved social networks and increased community intelligence are extremely successful.” Sergeant A. Bennett, Community Safety Officer - Bridgend “We are now including Time Banking into our training programme for new police recruits” Dr. Ena Hoctor, Police Sciences Department - University of Glamorgan

26 It is not additional resources that we need to prepare the younger generation for a better future, it is a change of conversation that defines young people as active agents of social change.

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