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Objectives Update IDE used to develop AWIPS2 plugins  Learn about API Baseline/Target Platform  Configure formatter and code templates.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives Update IDE used to develop AWIPS2 plugins  Learn about API Baseline/Target Platform  Configure formatter and code templates."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives Update IDE used to develop AWIPS2 plugins  Learn about API Baseline/Target Platform  Configure formatter and code templates

3 Problem AWIPS2 built off 3 year old version of Eclipse RCP  Difficult to migrate from Eclipse v3->v4, APIs changed  Eclipse updated every 6 months  AWIPS2 development more focused on forecasting functionality, not updating FOSS  Can take 6 months to year for AWIPS version to hit field, by then new version of Eclipse is out.  Hopefully AWIPS core updates to v4.4.2 first thing 2016.  IDE is improved with every iteration, developers should be able to take advantage of it, no reason to use 3 year old IDE

4 Process Download desired version of Eclipse IDE (RCP version) Create template workspace  Configure workspace settings and install extra plugins (pydev, cdt, etc) Setup Target Platform/API Baseline Import Plug-ins

5 Download Eclipse Choose Linux/64bit Unpack and edit eclipse.ini file  -XX:MaxPermSize=512m  -Xmx2048m

6 Start New Workspace Launch eclipse and create workspace named 'eclipse-4.4.2- template'  Allows me to configure an empty workspace exactly how I want it  Can copy template to workspace I want to work out of and keep settings I configured before. Change theme back to classic  Window->Preferences  General/Appearance, set Theme: to Classic Install extra plugins Configure workspace settings

7 Install Extra Plugins Help->Eclipse Marketplace...  Might have to configure proxy settings prior Window->Preferences. General/Network Connections. Change to Manual and edit values. (Restart may be required) Search for desired plugin and install

8 Install Extra Plugins If software not in marketplace: Help->Install New Software... Look up online and add update site manually

9 Install Extra Plugins Update site not working, manually download archive file and select “Archive...” button instead of http url.

10 Configure Workspace Settings Specify /awips2/java install Import Code Formatter Java Save Actions Editor line numbers Customize anything you want carried over to all workspaces

11 Specify AWIPS Java install Window->Preferences Java/Installed JREs Add... “Standard VM” and browse to /awips2/java. Give name like “AWIPS Java”

12 Import Code Formatter AWIPS Repo provides custom formatter Allows code to be easily compared between AWIPS developers since line wrapping and whitespace will all match (especially in Gerrit where you can't specify ignore white space) Window->Preferences. Java/Code Style/Formatter “Import...” /path/A2DevRepo/edexOsgi/build.edex/opt/eclipse/formatter.xml

13 Java Save Actions Window->Preferences  Java/Editor/Save Actions Select “Perform the selected actions...”  Select “Format source code” and “Organize Imports”

14 Editor Line Numbers Used to be off by default, now appears to be on by default Window->Preferences  General/Editors/Text Editors  Select “Show line numbers”

15 Extra Customizations I like to change layout of views in Java and Debug perspectives. I like to have heap usage shown in status bar.  Window->Preferences. General

16 Configure Workspace Settings Close Eclipse to settings are persisted  File->Exit Copy eclipse-4.4.2-template folder to actual workspace you want to work out of. Open copied workspace folder and begin work

17 Setup Target Platform Need to configure Eclipse install our plugins will be compiled against Window->Preferences  Plug-in Development/Target Platform  Add... “Nothing: Start with an empty target definition”  Name: AWIPS Target Platform  Add... “Installation” browse to AWIPS2 Eclipse root folder. “Finish”  Select “AWIPS Target Platform” to make “Active”  Hit Apply and OK.

18 Setup Target Platform

19 Setup API Baseline Need to configure Eclipse install our plugins will be compiled against Window->Preferences  Plug-in Development/API Baseline  Add Baseline... Name: AWIPS API Baseline  Browse... to AWIPS2 Eclipse root folder. “Finish”  Apply and OK.

20 Wrap Up IDE is now ready for use. Import plugins through git normally All should compile properly

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