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Konstantinos Dimopoulos Lancaster University Work done with: Sam Cormack arXiv:1603.04671 [astro-ph.HE]

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Presentation on theme: "Konstantinos Dimopoulos Lancaster University Work done with: Sam Cormack arXiv:1603.04671 [astro-ph.HE]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Konstantinos Dimopoulos Lancaster University Work done with: Sam Cormack arXiv:1603.04671 [astro-ph.HE]

2 Dark Matter Supported by array of independent observations Dark Matter: Invisible non-relativistic matter that interacts predominantly gravitationally with the SM ► Star counts ► Rotation Curves ► Bulk Flows ► Structure formation ► Bullet cluster ► CMB + BBN All evidence is pointing to the same number:  CDM 

3 WIMPs MACHOs: Massive Compact Halo Objects (baryonic) WIMPs: Weekly Interacting Massive Particles (non-baryonic) e.g. star remnants (neutron stars, burned out white dwarfs), brown dwarfs (failed stars), Jupiters (giant planets) e.t.c. Observed by gravitational microlensingBUT:  MACHO  Predicted by Supersymmetry (SUSY) SUSY introduced to unify fermions and bosons WIMP miracle: WIMP cross-sections ideal for DM LSP: Lightest SUSY particle is stable  prominent DM candidate

4 WIMPs WIMPs (neutralinos) interact with baryonic matter only via the Weak Nuclear Force (apart from gravity), similarly to neutrinos  Multiple experiments for direct detection: ANAIS, ArDM, CDEX, CDMS, CRESST, DAMA/NaI, DAMA/LIBRA, DEAP, DarkSide, DRIFT, EDELWEISS, LUX, MIMAC, PICASSO, SIMPLE, WARP, XENON, ZEPLIN-III BUT: No WIMPs have been directly observed yet Evidence for SUSY not found in LHC (CERN) yet

5 Axions Effect of strong helical magnetic fields onto axionic condensate has not been studied Axions: Ultralight particles corresponding to scalar condensate Originally introduced to solve the Strong-CP problem of QCD Ultralight but Cold (not thermalised) Weakly interacting with electromagnetism (axion-photon conversion in strong magnetic fields) offers observational possibilities ( PVLAS, CAST, ADMX ) In strong enough magnetic fields axionic DM can become Dark Energy This actually happens in AGN jets!

6 Axions in QCD Strong CP problem: non-perturbative contribution from  –vacuum leads to neutron electric dipole not seen by experiment : gluon field strength tensor Experiment: Albeit total derivative violates CP, T & P Peccei-Quinn:  global, chiral symmetry, spontaneously broken at that renders dynamical, such that Axion: PQ Nambu-Goldstone boson: Chiral anomaly: 

7 Axions in Cosmology ► leaves phase undetermined ► QCD instantons tilt vacuum manifold () PQ: with with Coherent oscillations  particles (axions) with m ≠ 0 and k = 0 and Today:  and  Lyth & Liddle (2009) CUP

8 Axions and electromagnetism Axions couple at tree level with fermions:   loop coupling with photons  Strong helical MF: ► Stationary MF:  ► Dimensions > : 

9 Axion Energy-Momentum where ► Density: ► Pressure: & & & 

10 Axionic Dark Energy Axionic oscillations halted by strong helical MFs. Condensate violates Strong Energy Condition and becomes Dark Energy & where ► No helical MF:CDM Dark Energy ►  helical MF: ► Strong helical MF:  Axionic condensate does not violate Null EC: Conditions for Axionic Dark Energy: & 

11 Axionic matter in AGNs Most galaxies go through active phase upon formation of central BH AGN geometry: accretion disk & Mpc jets along rotation axis until radio lobes Spiral galaxies may be remnants of AGN accretion disks AGN jets carry strong helical MFs MFs wound up by differential rotation of accretion disk and are then propelled along the jets Poloidal MF: Toroidal MF: Characteristic width of jet:

12 Axionic matter in AGNs Flux conservation:& Lobe MF  At core: &  Cemeljik et al. Ast. Ap.36(1998)539 Krolik(1999)PUP & & Axionic Dark Energy (nodependence)  Near Earth:

13 Conclusions The conversion of Dark Matter to Dark Energy in AGN cores should be taken into account if Dark Matter is Axionic Axionic Dark Matter turns into Dark Energy in strong, helical Magnetic Fields This transformation may be realised in the cores of AGN jets Relativistic corrections must be considered to ascertain result Dark Energy is gravitationally repulsive so its presence may affect galaxy formation and dynamics (e.g. rotation curves) Axionic Dark Energy is highly localised in contrast to DE

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