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COMPARISON I CODE SLI versus I CODE1. 2 Semiconductors Content  Overview, Block Diagram and System Configuration  Memory Organisation (Write Access.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPARISON I CODE SLI versus I CODE1. 2 Semiconductors Content  Overview, Block Diagram and System Configuration  Memory Organisation (Write Access."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 Semiconductors Content  Overview, Block Diagram and System Configuration  Memory Organisation (Write Access Conditions, Special Functions)  Factory Defaults  State Diagram and Instruction Set  Anticollision Concept  Application & Family Identifier  ICODE Air Interface Protocol –Command & Response Format –Data Coding Reader  Label & Label  Reader & Overview  ICODE SLI Command Overview –Request Flags –Response Flags & Error Codes  System Parameters  Overview, Block Diagram and System Configuration  Memory Organisation (Write Access Conditions, Special Functions)  Factory Defaults  State Diagram and Instruction Set  Anticollision Concept  Application & Family Identifier  ICODE Air Interface Protocol –Command & Response Format –Data Coding Reader  Label & Label  Reader & Overview  ICODE SLI Command Overview –Request Flags –Response Flags & Error Codes  System Parameters

3 3 Semiconductors IC Features

4 4 Semiconductors System Parameters

5 5 Semiconductors Integrated Circuit Block Diagram

6 6 Semiconductors System Configuration Host 13.56 MHz Demodulator ReaderAntenna TxNPause µC 50 Ohm RxKomp RF-amplifier 50 Ohm antenna impedance matching ICODE SLI Label ICODE1 Label ICODE 1 and ICODE SLI can be operated by the same Hardware

7 7 Semiconductors Memory Organisation Block 0 & 1: Serial Number Block 2: Write Access Conditions Block 3: Special Functions (EAS, Quiet) Block 4: Family Code / Application Identifier / User Data Block 5 - 15: User Data Block -4 & -3: Unique Identifier Block -2: Special Functions Block -1: Write Access Conditions Block 0 - 27: User Data

8 8 Semiconductors Write Access Conditions (ICODE1: Block 2; ICODE SLI: Block -1) 0 : write protected 1 : enabled 11110000111111111111111111111111 Byte 0Byte 1 Byte 2Byte 3 MSBLSB Special Function Write Access............ for User Data Serial Number (read only) Special Function.... I CODE1 ICODE SLI 3210765411814131091512 3210 -2 1 1010987654 1919 1818 1717 1616 1515 1414 1313 1212 2727 2626 2525 2424 23232 2121 2020 ICODE1 Write Access for block: ICODE SLI Write Access for block:

9 9 Semiconductors Special Functions (ICODE1: Block 3; ICODE SLI: Block -2) EAS xxxxqqeexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Byte 0Byte 1 Byte 2Byte 3 Quiet MSBLSB ICODE1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Byte 0Byte 1 Byte 2Byte 3 MSBLSB AFIDSFIDEASEAS ICODE SLI 00 : disabled 11 : enabled

10 10 Semiconductors Factory Defaults Serial Number resp. UID is unique and read only Write Access Conditions can be changed once Status of EAS Mode is not defined Status of QUIET Mode is not defined Family Code is not defined Application Identifier resp. AFI is not defined User Data Memory is not defined DSFIDis not defined

11 11 Semiconductors Power On Reset ICODE1 HALT UNSELECTED SELECTED timeslot n QUIET ICODE SLI Power - off Selected Quiet Ready Different States

12 12 Semiconductors State Diagram ICODE1 Power On Reset HALT Unselected Read EAS Anticollision Select & Quit  Reset Quiet Bit Selected Read Write Block & Quit EAS Halt & Quit  EAS UNSELECTEDQUIET SELECTED timeslot n Out of Field In Field if Quiet Mode is disabled Out of Field In Field if Quiet Mode is enabled

13 13 Semiconductors State Diagram ICODE SLI Power - off Selected Quiet Any other command Reset to Ready or Select different UID Select (UID) Reset to Ready Stay Quiet (UID) Any other command where Select_flag is not set Out of Field In Field Any other command where the Address_flag is set AND where the Inventory_flag is not set Ready

14 14 Semiconductors Anti-collision concept ICODE1 - calculation of timeslot hashvalue LSB MSB CRC 8 8 bit Timeslot register Mask (bitwise logical AND) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 preset 01 hex on power on reset Serial Number (lower 32 bit in block 0) Response timeslot Number of timeslots (e.g. 16 -> mask =0F hex ) Generator Polynom: x 8 + x 4 + x 3 + x 2 + 1 Preset Value: 01 hex Power on Timeslot register timeslot

15 15 Semiconductors Anti-collision concept ICODE1- time slotted Anti-collision / Select sequence Command parameters Hashvalue Family Code Application Identifier Number of timeslots Response Serial number (SNR) Unselected Labels timeslot 0timeslot 1timeslot 2timeslot 3... Reader Command B A D Reader to Label SNR A C SNR CSNR BSNR D 8 bit Quit value from reader Collision: no Quit Anticollsion/Select Label to Reader Quit

16 16 Semiconductors Anti-collision concept ICODE SLI - 1 timeslot 2 different UIDs (first 2 Lsbs) At the collision position either a ‘0’ or a ‘1’ has to be taken for the mask value! Example for ‘Mask length’ and ‘Mask value’ Next Step

17 17 Semiconductors Anti-collision concept ICODE SLI - 1 timeslot 2 different UIDs (first 2 Lsbs) Example for ‘Mask length’ and ‘Mask value’

18 18 Semiconductors Anti-collision concept ICODE SLI - 16 timeslots Example for ‘Mask length’ and ‘Mask value’ 7 different UIDs (first 2 Lsbs) Next Step

19 19 Semiconductors Anti-collision concept ICODE SLI - 16 timeslots Example for ‘Mask length’ and ‘Mask value’ 7 different UIDs (first 2 Lsbs)

20 20 Semiconductors Anti-collision concept ICODE SLI - 16 timeslots Inventory (Mask value = 0x00; Mask length = 0x00) TS 10 (0xA): 293A is read OK TS 3 (0x3): Collision Inventory (Mask value = 0x03; Mask length = 0x04) TS 5 (0x5): 3953 is read OK TS 4 (0x4): Collision TS 11 (0xB): Collision Inventory (Mask value = 0x43; Mask length = 0x08)Inventory (Mask value = 0xB3; Mask length = 0x08) TS 6 (0x6): Collision TS 5 (0x5): 3943 is read OK TS 9 (0x9): 79B3 is read OK TS 10 (0xA): 5AB3 is read OK Inventory (Mask value = 0x0643; Mask length = 0x0C) TS 2 (0x2): 2643 is read OK TS 10 (0xA): A643 is read OK    

21 21 Semiconductors Timeslot modes ICODE SLI - 16 timeslots timeslot 1timeslot 15 EOF Reader to Label Label A Inventory Label to Reader Label B t1 t2 EOF t3 EOF Collision timeslot 0 t3 Label C “Normal Timeslot Mode” timeslot 1 Reader to Label Label A Inventory Label to Reader Label B t1 t2 EOF t3 Collision timeslot 0 timeslot 15 EOF 100% EOF t3 Label C “Short Timeslot Mode” appr. Duration : 144 ms appr. Duration : 34 ms

22 22 Semiconductors Family Code and Application Identifier ICODE1 L P P P L LL L L P P P L: Letter Appl. Identifier 5 P: Parcel Appl. Identifier 6 : Domestic Family Code 11 : Foreign Family Code 12 L L L P P P L P PP L L Reader: Family Code 11 Appl. Identifier 0 Reader: Family Code 12 Appl. Identifier 0 Domestic transport Foreign transport

23 23 Semiconductors Family Code and Application Identifier ICODE1 L P P P L LL L L P P P L: Letter Appl. Identifier 5 P: Parcel Appl. Identifier 6 : Domestic Family Code 11 : Foreign Family Code 12 L L L P L P PP L L Reader: Family Code 0 Appl. Identifier 5 Reader: Family Code 0 Appl. Identifier 6 Letter container Parcel container P P

24 24 Semiconductors Family Code and Application Identifier ICODE1 Domestic parcel transport L P P P L LL L L P P P Domestic letter transport Family Code 11 Appl. Identifier 5 Family Code 11 Appl. Identifier 6 Foreign parcel transport Foreign letter transport L L L PPP Family Code 12 Appl. Identifier 5 Family Code 12 Appl. Identifier 6 PPP L L L L: Letter Appl. Identifier 5 P: Parcel Appl. Identifier 6 : Domestic Family Code 11 : Foreign Family Code 12

25 25 Semiconductors Application and Family Identifier (AFI) ICODE SLI

26 26 Semiconductors Application and Family Identifier (AFI) ICODE SLI - Example Definitions

27 27 Semiconductors Application and Family Identifier (AFI) ICODE SLI EP PS EP PS EP PS EP PS EP Express Parcels container Postal Services container PS AFI = 0xA0 AFI = 0xB0 Separating Express Parcels & Postal Services

28 28 Semiconductors Application and Family Identifier (AFI) ICODE SLI EP PS EP PS EP PS EP PS EP PS AFI = 0x05 Domestic transport Foreign transport AFI = 0x06 Separating Domestic & Foreign

29 29 Semiconductors Application and Family Identifier (AFI) ICODE SLI Domestic Postal Services transport EP PS EP PS Domestic Express Parcels transport Foreign Postal Services transport Foreign Express Parcels transport EP PS EP AFI = 0xA5 AFI =0xB5 AFI = 0xA6 AFI =0xB6 Separating Domestic & Foreign & Express Parcels & Postal Services

30 30 Semiconductors Command Format Command Start pulse Command Code Data Byte 1 Data Byte 2 Data Byte 3 Data Byte 4 CRC Byte 1 CRC Byte 2 Data Byte 5 Flags Command Code Data variable length CRC Byte 2 EOF CRC Byte 1 SOF ICODE1 ICODE SLI ICODE1  10 % ASK  Standard Mode: 1 of 256 pulse position coding  Fast Mode: “return to zero” (RZ-code) ICODE SLI  10 % ASK / 100 % ASK  Standard Mode: 1 of 256 pulse position coding  Fast Mode: 1 of 4 pulse position coding

31 31 Semiconductors Response Format Response ICODE1 ICODE SLI ICODE1  Single subcarrier load modulation subcarrier: f sub = f 0 /32 = 424 kHz (Manchester Coding) ICODE SLI  Single subcarrier load modulation subcarrier: f sub = f 0 /32 = 424 kHz (Manchester Coding)  Dual subcarrier load modulation subcarrier 1: f sub = f 0 /32 = 424 kHz subcarrier 2: f sub = f 0 /28 = 485 kHz (Manchester Coding) Data bitsCRC (16 bit)Data bitsCRC (16bit)SOFEOF

32 32 Semiconductors Data Coding Reader  Label Modulated carrier.. 4.833 ms 1.655 kbit/s 9.44 µs 123456782 225225 253253 254254 255255 256256 18.88 µs Pulse position code [dec] 01234567 252252 253253 254254 2552552 224224 ICODE 1 coding* ICODE SLI coding *ICODE1: ‘0‘  4833.28 ms unmodulated carrier; pulse position ‘256‘  not used

33 33 Semiconductors Data Coding Reader  Label 11100001 (hex)  225 12345670 9.44 µs 37.76 µs 0.302 ms 26.5 kbit/s “1”“0” “1” 00 10 1101 75.52 µs 0.302 ms 26.5 kbit/s “01 ” “00 ” “10” “11” 9.44 µs ICODE1 - RZ Coding ICODE SLI - 1 out of 4 11100001 (hex)  225

34 34 Semiconductors Data Coding Label  Reader RW- device ICODE Label k Load modulation principle data subcarrier manchester coding subcarrier modulation load modulation closed open T 0 : carrier period k : coupling coefficient 32 T 0 = 2.36µs (423.75 kHz) "1”"0" 512 T 0 = 37.76 µs =>26.5 kbit/s ICODE1 "1”"0" ICODE SLI RW Device

35 35 Semiconductors Data Coding Label  Reader Manchester Coding Using 1 subcarrierUsing 2 subcarrier ICODE1: Logic 1 / ICODESLI: Logic 0 ICODE1: Logic 0 / ICODESLI: Logic 1 ICODE1 & ICODESLI ICODESLI ICODESLI: Logic 0 ICODESLI: Logic 1

36 36 Semiconductors Overview ICODE SLI Data Rate & Coding

37 37 Semiconductors ICODE SLI Commands Overview Optional commands acc. ISO/IEC 15693 Read single block Write single block Lock block Read multiple blocks Select Reset to Ready Write AFI Write DSFID Lock DSFID Get system information Get multiple block security status Mandatory commands acc. ISO/IEC 15693 Inventory Stay Quiet Custom commands by PHILIPS Inventory read Fast Inventory read Set EAS Reset EAS Lock EAS EAS Alarm Recognised through an IC Manufacturer Code (IC Mfg) “ 0x04 ” Philips Semiconductors

38 38 Semiconductors Command Modes ICODE SLI Non-addressed mode:  all Label respond Addressed mode:  only the Label with the corresponding UID responds (all other Labels have to remain silent) Selected mode:  only the Label in ‘Selected’ State responds (all other Labels have to remain silent)

39 39 Semiconductors ICODE SLI Commands Remarks Only Option 0 (option flag is not set) is supported by ICODE SLI at the following commands: Write single block Lock block Write AFI Write DSFID Lock DSFID Option flag is not set: The Label shall return it’s response when it has completed the write/lock operations (time is specified in the ISO)

40 40 Semiconductors Response Flags & Error Flags ICODE SLI The ‘Response’ Flags indicate how actions have been performed by the Label! Response Flags if No Error occurred  ‘0x00’ Response Flags if an Error occurred  ‘0x01’ Response Data Error Code  ‘0x0F’ … means acc. To ISO: Error with no information given or a specific error code is not supported. Philips does not support specific error codes Remark: Only addressed Labels resp. selected Labels should respond with an error code. At unadressed commands the Labels have to remain silent if an error occurs!

41 41 Semiconductors ICODE Family: Main Parameters range speed reliability complexity coexistence... a multidimensional optimisationChallenge

42 42 Semiconductors Maximum Range  ICODE SLI & ICODE 1:  10 % Modulation Reader to Label  1 out of 256 bit coding Reader to Label  Manchester coded response from Label with one subcarrier  ICODE SLI & ICODE 1:  10 % Modulation Reader to Label  1 out of 256 bit coding Reader to Label  Manchester coded response from Label with one subcarrier same Range

43 43 Semiconductors Maximum Speed ICODE 1: Fast Mode RZ Code code from Reader to Label fast baudrate from Label to Reader ( 26 kbit/s ) Time slotted Anticollsion ICODE 1: Fast Mode RZ Code code from Reader to Label fast baudrate from Label to Reader ( 26 kbit/s ) Time slotted Anticollsion ICODE SLI: Additional Mode 1 out of 4 code from Reader to Label fast baudrate from Label to Reader ( 26 kbit/s ) Pulse slotted Anticollsion ICODE SLI: Additional Mode 1 out of 4 code from Reader to Label fast baudrate from Label to Reader ( 26 kbit/s ) Pulse slotted Anticollsion same Speed

44 44 Semiconductors Coexistence to other RFID Standards  ICODE SLI & ICODE 1:  Reader talks first  Synchronous subcarrier(s) used in response of the Label  CRC in both directions  ICODE SLI & ICODE 1:  Reader talks first  Synchronous subcarrier(s) used in response of the Label  CRC in both directions

45 45 Semiconductors...and the only limit is your imagination. Thank you for your attention


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