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Short Ears Big Feet White Fur Arctic Hare (Lepus arcticus) Ringer: For 3 minutes, on a half sheet of scratch paper, make as many observations as you can.

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Presentation on theme: "Short Ears Big Feet White Fur Arctic Hare (Lepus arcticus) Ringer: For 3 minutes, on a half sheet of scratch paper, make as many observations as you can."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short Ears Big Feet White Fur Arctic Hare (Lepus arcticus) Ringer: For 3 minutes, on a half sheet of scratch paper, make as many observations as you can about the organism in the pictures below.

2 Theme: Change on Earth Over Time

3 Joke of the Day:

4 What Does Evolution Mean? Change on Earth Over Time

5 Joke of the Day: Evolution of Dance

6 Charles Darwin: A Brief History… English Naturalist. What is a Naturalist? It is one who scientifically researches plants or animals, leaning more towards the observational than experimental methods of study.scientifically researchplantsanimalsobservationalexperimental Departed England Dec 27, 1831 on a 5 year voyage on the HMS beagle. Collected 5000 plant and animal specimens. Wrote 1500 pages of notes. Made many observations in the Galapagos that led to his Theory of Evolution.

7 The Voyage of the H.M.S Beagle and Charles Darwin

8 Darwin’s Observations: Patterns of Diversity: Plants and animals seemed remarkably well suited to the environment that they lived in. Tortoises: Shell shape matches the food source on the island that they inhabit. Finches: Beak shape matches food source Living Organisms and Fossils: Some fossils resemble living things currently on the island, other fossils resemble nothing on the island.

9 Pinta Island Intermediate shell Pinta Isabela Island Dome-shaped shell Hood Island Saddle-backed shell Hood Floreana Santa Fe Santa Cruz James Marchena Fernandina Isabela Tower Giant Tortoises of the Galápagos Islands

10 Darwin’s Finches

11 In 1859, Darwin published his book: “The Origin of Species” In his book, he proposed a Mechanism for Evolution called Natural Selection.

12 Galapagos Movie Follow along and answer the questions on the worksheet.

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