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A Case Study Nancy Tavares-Jones, MC, CCC Graduate Centre for Applied Psychology Athabasca University.

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Presentation on theme: "A Case Study Nancy Tavares-Jones, MC, CCC Graduate Centre for Applied Psychology Athabasca University."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Case Study Nancy Tavares-Jones, MC, CCC Graduate Centre for Applied Psychology Athabasca University

2 Introduction Client Narrative Case Conceptualization Psychodynamic Approach to Therapy “Suppressed” Memories Trauma & Resilience What Happened? Ethical Issues Conclusion

3 Nancy Tavares-Jones Graduate of the GCAP program Certified Canadian Counsellor,CCPA Clinical Traumatologist in Training Private practice psychotherapist Case study of a client, “Patrick” Age 61 Married, father of 2 Deceased parents, only 1 living aunt remaining in extended family

4 “I went to get a massage, and the massage therapist recommended a “craniofacial” massage as well. This included massaging my scalp in different places, and I was told it would help to relieve my headaches. While receiving this massage, I had my eyes closed. During the massage, I began to see images. The ones that I remember most vividly were a red curtain being drawn and the number “57” flashing in front of me. I was frightened by these images, as I didn’t know what they meant, but continued with the massage. After it was done, I began to see the red curtain and “57” number in my dreams, and even in like a “flashback” type of feeling. Both of my parents have passed away, so I spoke to my aunt about the red curtain and the “57”. She replied simply by saying “We thought you had forgotten”.

5 As my aunt began to tell the story, memories rushed back to me. In 1957, I was three years old. I lived in a refugee camp with my mother and father. When my father was away from our tent, soldiers rushed into our shelter. Seeing the soldiers approaching, my mother grabbed me, and threw me behind a red, makeshift curtain room divider. From there, I witnessed the rape of my mother. Although I know I my mother was protecting me, since remembering these events, I have been overwhelmed with extreme guilt and remorse. Since my mother has passed, I can’t speak to her and apologise for not protecting her”

6 Psychotherapy Approach to Therapy Suppressed Memories Trauma & Resilience

7 Session #2 Patrick’s update Summarization of this session Ethical Issues Phone calls from Patrick’s wife, and children regarding Patrick’s behaviour Next steps

8 Summarization of the client’s experience with trauma Psychotherapist’s experience with vicarious trauma Learning experiences Next steps for this case study

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