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1Corinthians 10:7-12 After working our way through vv.1-6 this morning, let’s go back “the well” one more time this evening with, The Example of Israel.

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Presentation on theme: "1Corinthians 10:7-12 After working our way through vv.1-6 this morning, let’s go back “the well” one more time this evening with, The Example of Israel."— Presentation transcript:

1 1Corinthians 10:7-12 After working our way through vv.1-6 this morning, let’s go back “the well” one more time this evening with, The Example of Israel to the Corinthians and Us

2 Paul sites four instances from Israel’s past: 1.The idolatry of the Golden Calf, v.7 2.The immorality of the Harlotry with Moab, v.8 3.The trying of the Lord regarding Manna, v.9 4.The grumbling over the judgment of Korah, v.10 Let’s go back and take a brief look at these events individually to be sure we “get the point” Paul is making to the Corinthians, and us, from Israel’s example.

3 The Example of Israel to the Corinthians and Us 1.The idolatry of the Golden Calf, v.7 This event is recorded in Ex.32. The sin not only included the obvious idolatry of the Golden Calf (the Egyptians worshipped Apis, the Bull), but also sexual immorality (the word translated as “play” by NASV is the same one used in Gen.26:8, “caressing his wife”). How often it is that spiritual idolatry leads to physical fornication/adultery! The Corinthians, given their idolatrous past, were especially susceptible to this type of apostasy, 1Cor.12:2 > 6:18-20. But, then too, how many Christians have given over their faith to idolatrous living only to wind-up mired in fornication and adultery? This example is not only fitting for the Corinthians, but us too!

4 The Example of Israel to the Corinthians and Us 2.The immorality of the Harlotry with Moab, v.8 This event is recorded in Num.25 (see also Num.31:13-20). Midian sought to destroy Israel, and bought the services of a corrupt prophet, Balaam. When Balaam tried to prophesy against Israel for money, but was prevented by God, he instead counseled the Midianites to get the Moabite women to seduce Israel sexually to draw them into idolatry. As a result, God sent a plague which destroyed 24,000 Israelites, Num.25:9. This number likely represents the total number destroyed, whereas Paul’s “23,000 in one day” perhaps did not include those who died subsequently. The past sexual promiscuity of the Corinthians made them susceptible to the same kind of situation as this example, 1Cor.6:15-17. But again, how many Christians have been turned aside from their faith to spiritual idolatry through/by sexual sin?

5 The Example of Israel to the Corinthians and Us 3.The trying of the Lord regarding Manna, v.9 This event is recorded in Num.21. God, in His wisdom, led Israel “the long way around” Edom, and the people became impatient with Him as a result. They subsequently complained against God and Moses, “we loathe this miserable food”- which was the manna God miraculously provided from heaven. Fiery serpents were sent among the people as punishment, and “many died.” Being fleshly-minded, and lacking contentment with the provision of God were problems in Corinth- thus they went to law with one another to get more! 1Cor.3:1ff; 6:1-8. But how many Christians today set aside their spiritual commitment to God for the pursuit of more physical “things”? Cf. Luke 12:15; Matt.6:24-34; 1Tim.6:6-9

6 The Example of Israel to the Corinthians and Us 4.The grumbling over the judgment of Korah, v.10 This event is recorded in Num.16. A man who broke the Sabbath law was stoned by the command of God, Num.15:32-36. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram instigated an insurrection against Moses and Aaron because of it. God caused the ground to open up and swallowed them up along with their households and possessions as a result. But the congregation of Israel “grumbled against Moses and Aaron” because of this punishment, Num.16:41ff. 14,700 died by plague from the Lord, in addition to the others (Korah, etc.), and more would have also had Aaron not made intercession for the people, vv.45-49. The Corinthians, and we today, must be very careful not to despair or grumble over the ways and judgments of God! 1Cor.1:18-25; Rom.9:20-22

7 The Example of Israel to the Corinthians and Us Conclusions These examples from Israel’s history were specifically applicable to the Corinthians because of their susceptibility to the same kinds of sins, 1Cor.10:11. But we are just as susceptible! Therefore, “Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” 1Cor.10:12


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