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Third molars management webinar by Dr. Willie j. hill

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Presentation on theme: "Third molars management webinar by Dr. Willie j. hill"— Presentation transcript:

1 Third molars management webinar by Dr. Willie j. hill

2 Learning objectives List the indications and contraindications related to removal of third molars, including impactions. Articulate the classifications of impacted teeth. Describe complications related to removal of third molars. Describe introductory surgical techniques used to remove third molars.

3 Pretest The easiest impacted third molars is which of the following?
The difficulty experienced in removing impacted teeth is most frequently related to? In the design of a mucoperiostead flap to remove impacted teeth which of the following is true? Ice packs used to reduce swelling after removal of third molars should be limited to which of the following? Swelling following the removal of the third molar by the way of a mucoperiosted flap will most frequently occur within which of the following? During removal of a lower third molar surgically we do not engage the lingual cortical plate because of damage to which of the following?

4 Mandibular nerve

5 Trigeminal Nerve

6 Superior dental plexus

7 Nasopalatine nerve greater palatine nerve

8 Top: Mesioangular impaction bottom: horizontal impaction

9 Top: vertical impaction bottom: distoangular

10 Left: PELL AND GREGORY CLASS 2 AND 3 IMPACTION right: Pell and Gregory class b impaction

11 Pell and Gregory class c impaction

12 A: Vertical Impaction of maxillary third molar b: Distoangular impaction of maxillary third molar C: mesioangular impaction of maxilla third molar A: Envelope incision, B: envelope incision, C: Three cornered flap, C; three cornered flap, D: Soft tissue flap

13 A, Envelope flap is most commonly used flap for removal of maxillary impacted teeth. B, when soft tissue is reflected, bone overlying third molar is easily visualized, C, If tooth is deeply impacted, a releasing incision into the vestitube can be used to gain greater access. D, When three-concerned flap is reflected, the more apical become more visible.

14 Maxillary teeth bone removal

15 Top: removal of distoangular impaction b: removal of horizontal impaction

16 Removal of vertical impaction

17 Distoangualr impaction, occlusal, buccal, and distal bone removal with burr.

18 delivery of impacted maxillary third molar

19 Bisphosphonate-related osteonercrosis of the maxilla

20 A progressive case of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the mandible

21 Posttest The easiest impacted third molars is which of the following?
The difficulty experienced in removing impacted teeth is most frequently related to? In the design of a mucoperiostead flap to remove impacted teeth which of the following is true? Ice packs used to reduce swelling after removal of third molars should be limited to which of the following? Swelling following the removal of the third molar by the way of a mucoperiosted flap will most frequently occur within which of the following? During removal of a lower third molar surgically we do not engage the lingual cortical plate because of damage to which of the following?

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