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Dashboard – Student Survey Data. Agenda  Searching for a Student  Survey Dashboard Navigation.

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Presentation on theme: "Dashboard – Student Survey Data. Agenda  Searching for a Student  Survey Dashboard Navigation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dashboard – Student Survey Data

2 Agenda  Searching for a Student  Survey Dashboard Navigation


4 Searching for a Student – Method 1  Search Box Method:  Each Mapworks page will contain a Search Box in the upper right hand corner location for you to find a student at anytime 4

5 Searching for a Student – Method 2  Dashboard Method: 5 ***Clicking on the Red Students will give you a list of students that you can now navigate to their student profile page by clicking on the students name in Blue.

6 Student Profile Home Page *To access the Survey Specific Information – Navigate to the Survey Dashboard Tab located under the Activity Modules


8 Survey Dashboard Tab 8 ***The Survey Dashboard Tab contains a history of all completed student surveys. The surveys are listed in chronological order starting with the most recently taken.

9 Accessing Survey Results 9 ***The Survey Dashboard Tab contains a history of all completed student surveys. The surveys are listed in chronological order starting with the most recently taken. *click on the survey name to access the survey results

10 Survey Results Page 10 *Click on the Sub-Category under each Success Marker to access answers to individual questions

11 Survey Comparison 11 ***You can compare up to 5 surveys at a time, by click in the box in the corner of each Survey and then clicking Compare

12 LET’S LOG IN Mapworks

13 Logging into Training Site – North State University   Log in as Chris Coordinator  Username: chris.coordinator@(insert campus-specific extension)  Password: (insert campus-specific password) 13

14 Case Study #1: Robert Latham  Robert Latham Student ID: 20162698N  What are Robert’s Top Three concerns based on his most recent survey?  What are Robert’s Top Four concerns regarding Advanced Academic Behaviors? 14

15 Case Study #2: Thomas Liggins  Thomas Liggins Student ID: 20162723N  Did Thomas’s Financial Means improve, worsen or stay the same between the Transition One and Transition Two surveys? 15

16 Case Study #3: Paul Burnham  Paul Burnham Student ID: 20162714N  Academically how has Paul improved or declined over time given his survey results? 16

17 Case Study #4: Christian Hill  Christian Hill Student ID: 20162641N  How did Christian’s On-Campus Living situation change between the two surveys? 17

18 Case Study #5: Gretchen Arrowood  Gretchen Arrowood Student ID: 20162692N  Academically Speaking, where has Gretchen shown the most improvement?  Did Gretchen’s Commitment to the Institution improve, worsen or stay the same between the two surveys? 18

19 Questions? Thank you!

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