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1 Ruchir Shah Head of Policy and Research Department, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ruchir Shah Head of Policy and Research Department, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ruchir Shah Head of Policy and Research Department, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

2 2 Key Features of the Voluntary Sector in Scotland  45,000 organisations  20,000 regulated as charities, housing associations or credit unions  £4.1bn income in 2007/8  64% have less than £25k turnover  62% resources with biggest 5%  129,000 staff - 5% of Scotland’s workforce – similar in scale to Scotland’s NHS  1.3 million adult volunteers  45,000 organisations  20,000 regulated as charities, housing associations or credit unions  £4.1bn income in 2007/8  64% have less than £25k turnover  62% resources with biggest 5%  129,000 staff - 5% of Scotland’s workforce – similar in scale to Scotland’s NHS  1.3 million adult volunteers

3 3 Sources of Income

4 4 Trends  NB. Income statistics have been rebased since 2007 based on data from new Charity Regulator to £3.87bn (2007), £4.1bn (2008)

5 5 Expectations  Role of State in a modern society  Increasing interest in non-profits  Role of State in a modern society  Increasing interest in non-profits

6 6 Public service delivery  Growing public service delivery role  Development of Compacts  Scotland – differences to England  Result - Greater restraining of delivery role in Scotland  Growing public service delivery role  Development of Compacts  Scotland – differences to England  Result - Greater restraining of delivery role in Scotland

7 7 Rise of all things Third Sector  Playing catchup with England  But Scotland has more time to reflect  Result – Scottish policy initiatives  Role of Social Economy (2002)  Community Planning Partnerships (2003)  Vision for voluntary sector (2005)  Third Sector Strategic partnership model (2007)  Playing catchup with England  But Scotland has more time to reflect  Result – Scottish policy initiatives  Role of Social Economy (2002)  Community Planning Partnerships (2003)  Vision for voluntary sector (2005)  Third Sector Strategic partnership model (2007)

8 8 Future Possibilities  Social Partnership model  Counterpoint to State  Bringing civil society partners together  Learning from other countries  Budget Scrutiny / Participative budgeting  Double Devolution  Community empowerment,  Asset transfer, Community budgeting  Social Partnership model  Counterpoint to State  Bringing civil society partners together  Learning from other countries  Budget Scrutiny / Participative budgeting  Double Devolution  Community empowerment,  Asset transfer, Community budgeting

9 9 Ruchir Shah Head of Policy and Research Department, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations Scotland’s Third Sector Evidence Library Ruchir Shah Head of Policy and Research Department, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations Scotland’s Third Sector Evidence Library

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