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By: Abigale Simmons. Garbage ends up in our oceans and kills marine and bird life. Pollutions disturbs marine ecosystems, which we talked about this.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Abigale Simmons. Garbage ends up in our oceans and kills marine and bird life. Pollutions disturbs marine ecosystems, which we talked about this."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Abigale Simmons


3 Garbage ends up in our oceans and kills marine and bird life. Pollutions disturbs marine ecosystems, which we talked about this year when we had our ocean unit. Companies dump products in the water and on land which results in going to the ocean.

4 Water pollution is what happens when factories, wastewater treatments plants, construction sites, and people put things in the water that make it dirty.

5 Pollution is considered a wide variety of things: Oil Spills Animal Waste Runoff Fertilizers and Pesticides Soak into Lakes, Rivers, Streams, Etc. Waste from Mines Drain Into Water Garbage Disposals and Toilets

6 Sometimes water smells, or looks muddy or too ugly for swimming or boating. Even water that looks clean and smells good can be polluted. It may be loaded with germs and dangerous chemicals that you cannot see or smell.

7 Nearly every piece of plastic still exists on Earth, regardless of whether it’s been recycled, broken down into microscopic bits or discarded in the ocean. Litter has many different forms but ends up in the same place: the ocean. Pollution all starts when the plastic item is separated from its user.

8 In 2010, 12.7 million metric tons was estimated that it ended up in the ocean. The United States is in the top 20 for plastic waste mismanaged. The U.S. had a higher rate of waste generation per person at 5.6 pounds per person. Compare that to China (2.4 pounds per person) who is the number one country for mismanaged plastic waste. Since 1974, the world has undergone a 620% increase in plastic production. It’s estimated that a minimum of 5.25 trillion floating plastic particles weighing 268,940 tons are in the oceans.

9 Damage Ecosystems Damage Marine Animals Contaminate our Food Supply Lead to Chemical Leaching

10 The U.S. could take after Taiwan and place a surcharge on plastics sold on a company level and it pays for the sorting, capturing, cleaning, and recycling.

11 "Water Pollution." EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Wastewater Management, 6 Mar. 2012. Web. 20 May 2015. Water Pollution Commercial. 2011. Film. Park, Madison. "How Much Are We Trashing Our Oceans?" CNN 12 Feb. 2015, World sec. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Web. 20 May 2015.

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