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Project (Problem) - Based Learning (PBL) Friday, May 22, 2009 Pioneer Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "Project (Problem) - Based Learning (PBL) Friday, May 22, 2009 Pioneer Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project (Problem) - Based Learning (PBL) Friday, May 22, 2009 Pioneer Middle School

2 PBL is a learner-centered educational method:  Students are progressively given more and more responsibility for their own education.  Students become increasingly independent of the teacher for their education.

3 Learner-centered, cont.  Produces independent learners who can continue to learn on their own in life and in their chosen careers.  Teacher provides the educational materials and guidance that facilitate learning

4 PBL is based on real world problems:  Complex problems encountered in the real world as a stimulus for learning.  Integrating and organizing learned information in ways that will ensure its recall and application to future problems.  Problems are designed to challenge learners to develop effective problem- solving and critical thinking skills.

5 PBL is motivating:  Involved in active learning  Work with real problems  What they study is seen as important and relevant.  Students apply what they learn to real-life experiences

6 Big Ideas and Enduring Understandings Important to Know and Do Worth Being Familiar WithTraditional quizzes and tests: Paper-and-pencil Selected-response Constructed response Performance tasks and projects: Complex Open-ended Authentic Assessment Methods Essential Learning

7 The objectives of PBL is to produce learners who will:  Engage the problems they face in life and career with initiative and enthusiasm.  Problem-solve effectively using an integrated, flexible and usable knowledge base.

8 Objectives, con’t.  Employ effective self-directed learning skills.  Continuously monitor and assess the adequacy of their knowledge, problem-solving and self-directed learning skills.  Collaborate effectively as a member of a group.

9 Videos  introduction-video introduction-video introduction-video  overview-video overview-video overview-video   elementary-school elementary-school elementary-school 

10 Teachers report that PBL:  Helps students to both "know" and "do."  Supports students with problem solving, communication, and self-management.  Encourages the development of habits of mind associated with lifelong learning  Integrates curriculum areas, thematic instruction, and community issues.

11  Assesses performance on content and skills using criteria similar to those in the work world  Meets the needs of learners with varying skill levels and learning styles.  Engages and motivates bored or indifferent students.

12 Why is it good for students?  Project learning helps students apply what they learn to real-life experiences and provides an all-around enriching education.  Because project learning is filled with active and engaged learning, it inspires students to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they're studying.

13 Why is it good for students?  Research also indicates that students are more likely to retain the knowledge gained through this approach far more readily than through traditional textbook-centered learning.  In addition, students develop confidence and self-direction as they move through both team-based and independent work.

14 Power of Teamwork 

15 Team Discussion Time  At what level does your team operate? Is it time to raise the bar?  Are our objectives aligned with our values?  Does your team capitalize on synergy? What is the evidence?  Is your team ready to take off and reach new levels of success?


17 Rubicon Atlas  Sign in  References  UbD, Unit and Lesson Plans  Alignment Backward Design  GRASPS  Knowledge and Skills  Verbs for Understanding  Blooms’ Taxonomy  Teaching and Learning (file folder tab on left)  Problem-based learning

18 RESOURCES  learning learning learning    #more #more #more  Or seach “project based learning” or “problem based learning”

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