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ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Scientific exploitation…. Ws input to the round table DD/MM/YYYY.

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Presentation on theme: "ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Scientific exploitation…. Ws input to the round table DD/MM/YYYY."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Scientific exploitation…. Ws input to the round table DD/MM/YYYY

2 ESA Presentation | DD/MM/YYYY | Slide 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 1.EO service programmes designed with the vision „to get rid of the scientists“ in the operational phase are bound to fail! 2.Successful EO missions must not stop short of delivering just „images“ 3.As of today Europe lacks the processing infrastructure to cope with the huge data volumes generated by novel satellite missions such as Sentinel-1 4.Processing facilities must offer tens of Petabytes storage, massive parallel processing capabilities and high speed communication networks. 5.New EO service development models are urgently needed  GPOD, CEMS & Co are the pathfinders

3 ESA Presentation | DD/MM/YYYY | Slide 3 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use EO Data Access at no cost 2.standard interfaces for data access (across missions) 3.standardisation of formats (across missions) 4.short access time 5.inter-agency agreements for cost reduction satellite download 7.provide remote processing capability to scientific community (e.g. GPOD) 8.harmonisation of formats and interfaces/procedures for data access

4 ESA Presentation | DD/MM/YYYY | Slide 4 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use EO data analysis and information retrieval 1.funding for research projects 2.EO results validation 3.access to image processing tools 4.specific high level knowledge and processing resources permanent training (and mobility) for Earth scientists high level university education 7.provide free knowledge and technical help to the community (remote processing, help desk on specific applications) 8.issue scientific research calls, also coordinated among different Agencies 9.stimulate community building

5 ESA Presentation | DD/MM/YYYY | Slide 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Requirements for EO Data Processing Farms 1.Processing performance versus i/o rate a.Dynamically balance distributed processing taking into account –number of CPUs, RAM, disk cache allocated –other local resources (e.g. embedded DBs, log files) –actual transfer rates for inputs, auxiliary data, outputs 2.Coordination a.Define procedures and guidelines for use b.Reconcile conflicts between projects 3.Accounting 4.Monitoring and control 5.Privacy/security/availability 6.Clear separation of production environment and other “scientific” environments

6 ESA Presentation | DD/MM/YYYY | Slide 6 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Sentinels Collaborative Ground Segments  Preparing a European infrastructure Some approaches: Duplication of archives  to be avoided Caching of data at local centers  for specific use / NRT Direct Access to multi-mission data with processing capacity –EO-data ( Sentinels, National missions, …) –Meteo data, in-situ data, Models, …

7 ESA Presentation | DD/MM/YYYY | Slide 7 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Time required to build an InSAR datastack of 20-25 scenes New (COSMO, TerraSAR) and planned (Sentinel - 1) missions provide significant reduction of the time needed to make a PSI stack. Observations over 2-3 years New RADAR satellites: improvement and benefits

8 ESA Presentation | DD/MM/YYYY | Slide 8 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use The way forward Faster and more accurate inventory and motion survey More reliable monitoring and interpretation More rapid mapping Easier instant mapping More efficient emergency management support enhanced reference data, e.g., aim for a Sentinel-2 global orthorectified mosaic with reported geospatial accuracy using TanDEM-X DSM; propose of series of supersites for the different applications, e.g., GEO Urban Supersites for GHSL related applications; make sure current issues will be covered by future EU Research funding programmes; participate to joint research projects addressing some of the issues mentioned previously.

9 ESA Presentation | DD/MM/YYYY | Slide 9 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use CEMS Concept – multi-level approach

10 ESA Presentation | DD/MM/YYYY | Slide 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Earth science exploitation platforms Earth science exploitation platforms will likely be community- centric and collaborative, e.g. around a specific Earth science topic (e.g. ice sheet balance) or around a specific remote sensing technique (e.g. SAR altimetry).  Earth science exploitation platforms will likely increase the demand for EO data, therefore space agencies could play several roles: data provider, link with GS infrastructure, user community moderator, seed funding and contribution to governance.  Earth science exploitation platforms will introduce new business opportunities for service industry (data providers, software providers, IT service providers)

11 ESA Presentation | DD/MM/YYYY | Slide 11 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Earth Web 1.An “Earth Web” model is better suited for scientific exploitation than a simple “Earth Box” 2.Facilities/Institutions can federate their own resources/services and get access to the federated pool. 3.Facilities can profile different service layers: ICT, Data, Data Mgt, Processing Services, … 4.BUT Interoperability / Standardization for Processing Services is NOT there ESA UNCLASSIED - For Offical Use 11/10/2012

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