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1 The International Baccalaureate (IB) at AISG IB Information Evening 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The International Baccalaureate (IB) at AISG IB Information Evening 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The International Baccalaureate (IB) at AISG IB Information Evening 2014

2 2 Topics for tonight IB Information Evening 2014 What is “the IB”? Courses at AISG and Course Selection Pamoja (online) IB Courses University Considerations Questions

3 IB Information Evening 2014 3 What is IB?

4 IB Information Evening 20144 International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO)  Mission and Philosophy … (IB) programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.  Learner Profile Inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, reflective.

5 IB Information Evening 20145 IB Diploma  Externally conferred by IBO o In addition to AISG diploma  Additional Requirements – beyond AISG diploma o Six courses in 5-6 subject areas,3 Higher Level, 3 Standard Level o CAS- Creativity, Action, Service o Theory of Knowledge course (1/2 time) o Extented Essay – 4000 word independent research paper

6 IB Information Evening 20146 Curriculum – 6 subject areas  Group 1 – Studies in Language and Literature  Group 2 – Language Acquisition  Group 3 – Individuals and Societies  Group 4 – Experimental Sciences  Group 5 – Mathematics  Group 6 – The Arts Externally researched, developed, examined and moderated.

7 7 IB Courses at AISG Course Selection IB Information Evening 2014

8 8 Group 1: Language & Literature English Literature HL English Language & Literature HL/SL Chinese Language & Literature HL/SL Self-Taught Literature SL

9 IB Information Evening 20149 Group 2: Language Acquisition Chinese B HL/SL French B HL/SL Spanish B HL/SL Chinese, French Ab Initio SL  Spanish Ab Initio SL - ONLINE COURSE

10 IB Information Evening 201410 Group 3: Individuals & Societies  History HL/SL  Economics HL/SL  Psychology HL/SL  Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) HL/SL- ONLINE COURSE  Environmental Systems and Societies SL

11 IB Information Evening 201411 Group 4: Experimental Sciences  Biology HL/SL  Chemistry HL/SL  Physics HL/SL  Environmental Systems and Societies SL

12 IB Information Evening 201412 Group 5: Mathematics  Mathematics HL  Mathematics SL  Mathematical Studies SL

13 IB Information Evening 201413 Group 6: The Arts  Music HL/SL  Performance, composition, analysis and research  Visual Arts HL/SL  60% Studio work, 40% investigation workbook

14 14 Online IB Courses at AISG IB Information Evening 2014

15 15 Courses currently offered at AISG IB Information Evening 2014  ITGS HL/SL  Spanish Ab Initio SL  Current Year 2 o 1 ITGS HL, 1 ITGS SL, 3 Spanish Ab Initio SL  Current Year 1 o 7 ITGS HL, 3 Spanish Ab Initio SL




19 19 University Considerations IB Information Evening 2014

20 20 Course selection and university considerations IB Information Evening 2014  Country  University  Program of study  Admission  Advanced standing/Course credit  Scholarships

21 IB Information Evening 2014 21 Questions?

22 22 More information? IB Information Evening 2014  Moodle: IB at AISG … Student Page and current IB course pages  IBO website  UCAS search to for UK universities  IB Coordinator in the HS office  HS Counselors in the HS office  Your child’s teachers

23 23 Thanks for coming! IB Information Evening 2014

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