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MKCL' S ERA 5.0 eLearning Revolution For All. W ELCOME TO MKCL‘ S ERA E L EARNING R EVOLUTION FOR A LL ! Lets see what we have new in ERA 5.

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Presentation on theme: "MKCL' S ERA 5.0 eLearning Revolution For All. W ELCOME TO MKCL‘ S ERA E L EARNING R EVOLUTION FOR A LL ! Lets see what we have new in ERA 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 MKCL' S ERA 5.0 eLearning Revolution For All

2 W ELCOME TO MKCL‘ S ERA E L EARNING R EVOLUTION FOR A LL ! Lets see what we have new in ERA 5

3 H ELLO !!!!!!!! Welcome to the reference guide for the ERA Learning Facilitator. This guide will help you to understand the usage of features available in the Learning Facilitator’s login. This will also help you to monitor the learner’s performance in the Interim Performance Tests and also to upload the performance details to central ERA Server. 3

4 C ONTENTS 1.1 Learner Management 1.1.1 Downloading Learner Data 1.1.2 Dummy Learner Management 1.1.3 LF Management Registering LF Updating LF View Existing LF 2.1 View Course Content 2.2 Enable Midterm Exam 2.3 Download E-gifts 2.4 Download Manager 2.5 Upload Manager 4 1. Learning Facilitator (LF) Login 2. Academics

5 C ONTENTS 3.1 Manage E-portfolio 3.2 Install Quasi-Online Exam client 3.3 Reports 3.3.1 Learner Login Report 4. Collaboration 4.1 Chat 4.2 Forum 4.3 Planner 4.4 Messages 5.1 Assessment Downloading 5.2 Feedback Downloading 5.3 Fun-zone Downloading 5.4 Back-up & Restore 6. Skill Games 6.1 Basic Mouse Skills 6.2 Typing Tutor 7. Try IT Installation 3. Tutoring5. Data Traveler

6 1. L EARNING F ACILITATOR L OGIN Option:-1 Click on the Shortcut Icon Option:-2 Click here in the Programs List

7 L OGIN P AGE Normally the Learning Facilitator login will have the following URL: http:// >/ERA5/sysindex.aspx Type your login ID and password Click to login Click here if you have forget the password

8 F ORGOT P ASSWORD Click on the forgot Password Link and following screen will be displayed 1. Enter your SOLAR Login Password 2. Click OK Button Internet connection is required for Forgot Password 3. Learning Facilitators ERA Login Password will be displayed here

9 LF H OME P AGE 9 Use respective menu to perform the task

10 1.1 L EARNER M ANAGEMENT M ENU 1.1.1 Download Fresh Learner Data Link It will facilitate in downloading Fresh Learner (newly admitted learner details such as Learner Name, Learner ID, Login ID, Password & Learning Start date 1.1.2 Download Batch wise Learner Data Link It will facilitate in downloading learner data from previous batches 1.1.3 Dummy Learner Management It will facilitate in creating and deleting dummy learners until new Learner ID and password is generated. 1.1.4 Learning Facilitator Management

11 1.1.1 D OWNLOADING L EARNER D ATA On the Learner Management Menu, Click on the Download Batch wise Learner Data Link. There is provision to download the learners which you require by selecting Month and the specific date.. 5. Type your password (password of your SOLAR Login) here and Click on the OK Button to download the learner data Note: Internet connection is required for downloading learners.

12 1.1.2 D OWNLOADING L EARNER D ATA 1. Select the learning Year 2. Select the Learning month 3. Select the Learning Days On the Learner Management Menu, Click on the Download Batch wise Learner Data There is provision to download the old learners which you require by selecting Month and the specific date.. 4. Click on the Download Button

13 1.1.3 D UMMY L EARNER M ANAGEMENT On the Learner Management Menu click the Dummy Learner Management Link, following screen will appear before you Click Here to create Dummy learners

14 2. One Dummy learner is created 1.1.3 D UMMY L EARNER M ANAGEMENT

15 Delete the Dummy learners once the permanent login for the learners is created. Click Here to Delete the selected learners 1.1.3 D UMMY L EARNER M ANAGEMENT

16 1.1.4 L EARNING F ACILITATOR M ANAGEMENT Learning Facilitator Management It will facilitate in Creating, Viewing and Updating Learning Facilitators

17 Learning Facilitator Management Registering Learning Facilitator 3. Your new LF is created 2. Click on Register button 1. Fill in all details of new LF 1.1.4 L EARNING F ACILITATOR M ANAGEMENT

18 Learning Facilitator Management Updating Learning Facilitator 1. Update required details of LF 2. Click on Update button 3. Information of LF is updated 1.1.4 L EARNING F ACILITATOR M ANAGEMENT

19 Learning Facilitator Management View Existing Learning Facilitator Click to Edit LF Information Click to delete existing LF Click to add more LF Click to block/unblock registered LF 1.1.4 L EARNING F ACILITATOR M ANAGEMENT

20 2. A CADEMICS M ENU 2.1 View Course Content This will facilitate in viewing the Course content as will be seen by Learner

21 2.2 Enable Midterm Examination (For WAVE YCMOU Final exam) This will facilitate the centre to download the midterm exam settings as per the schedule 2. A CADEMICS M ENU 1. Enter the Center Password 2. Click on Download button 3. Message of successfully download Midterm exam settings appear

22 2.3 Download e-gifts This will facilitate in downloading e-gifts meant for Learners Login 2. A CADEMICS M ENU 3. Message of successfully download of e-gift appears 2. Enter center password 1. Click on download button to download e-gift

23 2. A CADEMICS M ENU 2.4 Download Manager Academics>> Download Manager >> Download New econtent Academics>> Download Manager >> Download New Assessment Materials Following message appears when you click on above two links

24 2. A CADEMICS M ENU 2.4 Download Manager Academics >> Download Manager >> Download Announcements Academics >> Download Manager >> Download Tips Message appears after successfully downloading tips

25 2. A CADEMICS M ENU 2.5 Upload Manager All the Learner data will be automatically uploaded once the LF logins Click Yes to upload all the Learner Data After data is successfully uploaded a message confirming the same will be displayed

26 3. T UTORING M ENU 3.1 Manage E-Portfolio Tutoring Menu >> Manage E-portfolio 1. Select course 2. Click on Go button

27 3.1 Manage E-portfolio In this screen LF can Manage, Post & Publish activities for/of the respective Learner/s 3. T UTORING M ENU 3. Following screen appears

28 3. T UTORING M ENU Tutoring Menu >> Install Quasi-online Exam Client ………following screen will appear

29 3. T UTORING M ENU Before Installing QuasiOES client you need to install Crystal Reports & Report Viewer 10 from ERA 5 DVD or following error will be displayed

30 3. T UTORING M ENU 1. Click Run to start Installation

31 3. T UTORING M ENU 2. Download of QuasiOES client begins

32 3. T UTORING M ENU 3. Enter name of Server machine 4. Click continue

33 3. T UTORING M ENU 5. This message will appear and this window will close after you click on OK

34 3.3 Reports It facilitates in viewing the various reports related to the Learners learning progression and Exams 3. T UTORING M ENU

35 3.3.1 L EARNING R EPORT 35 1. Click here to select the Course 2. Click on here to view the month wise learner login report Tutoring Menu >> Reports >> Learner Login Report

36 4. Following report will be displayed according to the batches available for that particular course 3.3.1 L EARNING R EPORT

37 4. C OLLABORATION M ENU 4.1 Chat It facilitates in having chat with students and blocking/unblocking specific learner from participating in chat After clicking on chat you will see following screen

38 4.1 Chat Collaboration menu>> chat >> Join chat After that you will see following screen 4. C OLLABORATION M ENU Click on chat to join chat room

39 4.1 Chat Collaboration menu >> Chat >> Block/Unblock Learner 1. Select course 2. Select Learners 3. Click on Block or Unblock button to block/unblock learners 4. C OLLABORATION M ENU

40 4.1 Chat Collaboration menu >> Chat >> Block/Unblock Learner 3. Selected Learner will be blocked and message will be displayed 1. Select the learner to block 2. Click on block button 4. C OLLABORATION M ENU

41 4.1 Chat Collaboration menu >> Chat >> Block/Unblock Learner 3. Selected Learner will be Unblocked and message will be displayed 1. Select the learner to Unblock 2. Click on Unblock button 4. C OLLABORATION M ENU

42 4.2 Forum It facilitates to participate in forum, manage Q & A of Learners and blocking/unblocking specific learner from participating in forum Collaboration menu>> Forum……following screen will be displayed

43 4. C OLLABORATION M ENU 4.2 Forum Collaboration menu>> Forum >> Participate in Forum……following screen will be displayed 1. Click on Forum to participate

44 4. C OLLABORATION M ENU 4.2 Forum 2. Select course 3. Click on Ok button 4. This screen will be displayed

45 4. C OLLABORATION M ENU 4.3 Planner It facilitates in managing personal calendar as well as providing activity calendar for Learners Collaboration >> Planner…..Following screen will be displayed

46 C OLLABORATION M ENU 4.4 Messages It facilitates in posting announcements and thought of the day meant for the Learners login Collaboration menu >> Messages……following screen will be displayed 1. Select message type: Announcements or Thought of the day 2. Select course, Details,Start & End Date 3. Click on save button 4. The message or announcement will appear here & will be able to edit or delete it

47 5. D ATA T RAVELER Following task can be accomplished using Data Traveler Downloading eContent from Central ERA Server Downloading Assessments from Central ERA Server Uploading Solved Assessments System Backup/Restore 47 To download the eContent you will have to click on the ERA Data Traveler icon on the Server Machine where the ERA Server is installed

48 5. D ATA T RAVELER 48 Click on the respective tab to accomplish the task

49 5.1 A SSESSMENT D OWNLOADING Click on Download tab and then on Download Assessment option Follow the given instructions

50 5.2 F EEDBACK D OWNLOADING Follow the given instructions Click on Download tab and then on Download Feedback option

51 5.3 F UN Z ONE D OWNLOADING Click on Download tab and then on Download Funzone option Follow the given instructions

52 5.4 B ACKUP AND R ESTORE Click on the Backup/Restore tab Follow the given instructions and take the backup after uploading ITP details every time. (a zip will be generated). Which can be restored after fresh installation of ERA. Follow the given instructions

53 6. S KILL G AMES Mouse and Keyboard Games are provided

54 6. S KILL G AMES Click on the respective icons to install the games

55 6. S KILL G AMES Click on Run to run the Installer directly or click on save if you want to save the file on the system

56 6. S KILL G AMES Save the file on the system

57 6. S KILL G AMES Click on Run to run the application installer

58 6. S KILL G AMES Click on Run to run the application installer

59 6. S KILL G AMES The installer will open, click on next to continue

60 6. S KILL G AMES The installer will open, click on next to continue Click on Yes to begin Installation

61 6. S KILL G AMES Click on Start to begin Installation

62 6. S KILL G AMES Click on Next button Click Exit button to start the program

63 6. S KILL G AMES This is how the game will start

64 6. S KILL G AMES In each stage/level there will be a colored square and its size will get reduced as you proceed You have to click with mouse inside the colored area in least possible time

65 6. S KILL G AMES Proceed similarly for installing the Keyboard game

66 Click on Try IT button to test your skills 7. TRY IT

67 Click on Run button to initiate Try IT 7. TRY IT

68 Application downloading will start 7. TRY IT

69 This is the Interface of Try IT application Read the instructions carefully Click on the desired topic you want to attempt 7. TRY IT

70 Questions for MS Word 7 TRY IT

71 Questions for MS Excel Click on particular topic to start test 7 TRY IT

72 This screen will appear 1. Read the instructions carefully and click on START button 7 TRY IT

73 2. After clicking on START button click on ok button to continue 7 TRY IT

74 Click on Preview button to preview the Output 7 TRY IT

75 This is the required Output 7 TRY IT

76 Click on the Step button to have a look at steps to follow 7 TRY IT

77 All the steps required to complete the output will be listed You can click on Hint button if you are not sure how to complete the step 7 TRY IT

78 Using Hint will make you lose your mark for that particular step by 50% After Clicking on Hint button this Popup will come up Click Yes to see the Hint or else Press NO to cancel using Hint 7 TRY IT

79 Using Hint will make you lose your mark for that particular step by 50% After Clicking on Hint button this Popup will come up Hint for completing the Step will appear 7 TRY IT

80 After completing a step successfully, you will see a BLUE Correct against that step 7 TRY IT

81 After completing all steps successfully you will click on Submit button to view the result 7 TRY IT

82 Scorecard for that particular Output will be displayed 7 TRY IT

83 U PDATED R EFERENCE M ANUAL Visit For updated Reference and FAQ document


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