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LHQ Coil Design and Features Miao Yu Fermilab May 09, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "LHQ Coil Design and Features Miao Yu Fermilab May 09, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 LHQ Coil Design and Features Miao Yu Fermilab May 09, 2012

2 Overview Plasma coating Instrumentation pockets in L2 Pole gap Pole alignment Pin the L1/L2 poles Screw the poles to the mandrel Lifting holes Wire strain relief holes in L1 Coil end holes for mechanical structure Cooling channel 2 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

3 LHQ Coil Design LHQ coil end parts were modified from the latest HQ design 1. 7 mil was removed from the surface where the insulation is inserted. 2. 10 mil was removed from the surface where plasma coating is applied. Add 7 center pole pieces The RE saddles and the LE spliceblks are 2” longer than HQ LHQ coil length: 131” (~3.33 m) 3 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

4 S2 Glass 7 mil S2 glass is installed in between the cable and the end parts Remove 7 mil material from the surfaces in orange 4 Apply on all L1/L2 spacers Apply on L1/L2 LE Saddle L2 LE Spacer 1 L2 LE Saddle Apply on L1/L2 RE Saddle LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

5 Plasma coating Instrumentation pockets in L2 Pole gap Pole alignment Pin the L1/L2 poles Screw the poles to the mandrel Lifting holes Wire strain relief holes in L1 Coil end holes for mechanical structure Cooling channel 5 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

6 Plasma Coating To increase the dielectric strength coil to parts & coil to ground Al 2 O 3 plasma coating, 10 mil +1/-1 mil (250 micron +25/-25 micron) thickness requirement In addition of 7 mil (178 micron) material removal for S2 glass, 10 mil (250 micron) material is removed from the surfaces in red for plasma coating 1.Proper vendor for +1/-1 mil tolerance, especially for the pole pieces (field quality?) 2.Proper way to plasma coat the LE ramp area. If tolerance within +1/-1 m, we could do L1 and L2 separately. 6 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

7 Plasma coating Test The saddle was plasma coated using Al 2 O 3 (without bond coating) to test 1. Electrical hipot to >1000V 2. Material Compatibility (HT at ~665 C in Argon) 3. Thermal Stability 4. Thickness (QA): 150 micron +75/-75 micron (6mil +3/-3 mil) 5. Metallography 6. HQ coil fabrication Sample coupons (2” square, 1/8” thickness) – Ti6Al4V, SS304, SS316 7 Dan Cheng, LBNL LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

8 Plasma coating Instrumentation pockets in L2 Pole gap Pole alignment Pin the L1/L2 poles Screw the poles to the mandrel Lifting holes Wire strain relief holes in L1 Coil end holes for mechanical structure Cooling channel 8 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

9 Pockets for wires 9 Protect the wire using shrinkage tube from the edge (wire short to shoe in LQ) Maximum wire diameter: 2.89 mm (not considering the thickness of the shrinkage tube LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

10 Plasma coating Instrumentation pockets in L2 Pole gap Pole alignment Pin the L1/L2 poles Screw the poles to the mandrel Lifting holes Wire strain relief holes in L1 Coil end holes for mechanical structure Cooling channel 10 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

11 Pole gap 11 In HQ, Coil length: 1168.4 mm Winding tension: 20 ~ 25 lbs (89~111 Newton) One gap: 0.125 inch (3.175 mm) ~ 2.7 mm/m Pole gap is required during coil winding, because during reaction the cable needs room for thermal expansion. The size of the gap is mainly depended on the cable parameters, coil length and winding tension. In LHQ, Coil length: 3327.4 mm Winding tension: 35 lbs (156 Newton) Minimum total gap: 0.63 inch (16 mm) ~ 2.7 mm/m For practice coil 1 & 2: 0.944 inch (24 mm) ~ 7.2 mm/m Total 8 gaps, each gap is 0.118 inch (3 mm) Winding isle bar Shim LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

12 Plasma coating Instrumentation pockets in L2 Pole gap Pole alignment Pin the L1/L2 poles Screw the poles to the mandrel Lifting holes Wire strain relief holes in L1 Coil end holes for mechanical structure Cooling channel 12 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

13 Pin stud and notch 13 Align the pole during winding LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

14 Curing 14 Curing alignment key bars screwed to the pole through the lifting holes LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

15 R/I fixture 15 Jesse Schmalzle, BNL 6 alignment pins, 21.34” apart ( 106.7” ) to the slot of L2 poles Add shoulder to alignment pin to control insertion depth, separate set screw to secure pin. Reaction Fixture Impregnation Fixture φ 0.375” pin LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

16 Coils Assembly and Alignment 16 Alignment Keys Collars Coil & heater Shlomo Caspi, LBNL LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

17 Plasma coating Instrumentation pockets in L2 Pole gap Pole alignment Pin the L1/L2 poles Screw the poles to the mandrel Lifting holes Wire strain relief holes in L1 Coil end holes for mechanical structure Cooling channel 17 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

18 Pin and screw holes 18 Typical features for TQ/LQ/HQ/LHQ The pins will be kept in the poles during curing, reaction and impregnation. Screws will be removed from the poles after curing process. LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

19 Plasma coating Instrumentation pockets in L2 Pole gap Pole alignment Pin the L1/L2 poles Screw the poles to the mandrel Lifting holes Wire strain relief holes in L1 Coil end holes for mechanical structure Cooling channel 19 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

20 Lifting holes 20 Filled with RTV during Impregnation LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

21 Plasma coating Instrumentation pockets in L2 Pole gap Pole alignment Pin the L1/L2 poles Screw the poles to the mandrel Lifting holes Wire strain relief holes in L1 Coil end holes for mechanical structure Cooling channel 21 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

22 #10-24 tapped holes 22 For wire strain relief For mechanical Structure L1 LE Spliceblk L1 RE Saddle Filled with RTV during Impregnation L2 LE Spliceblk & L2 RE Saddle have the same holes for mechanical structure LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

23 Plasma coating Instrumentation pockets in L2 Pole gap Pole alignment Pin the L1/L2 poles Screw the poles to the mandrel Lifting holes Wire strain relief holes in L1 Coil end holes for mechanical structure Cooling channel 23 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

24 Cooling channel 24 Add cooling path in the pole pieces 4% open pole In HQ/LHQ, the existing designed holes (for winding and lifting purpose) can be used as the cooling channel to demonstrate the technology (no coil to ground short) Giorgio Ambrosio, FNAL LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

25 Path along the radial direction 25 G10 key Jesse Schmalzle, BNL LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

26 LHQ RE RE A RE =9568.17 mm 2 Φ 8.73 Φ 6.73 Φ 6.73 Φ 5.11 Φ 5.11 Φ 6.73 Φ 6.73 in mm δ = A hole /A RE 0.62% 0.37% 0.37% 0.21% 0.21% 0.37% 0.37% A hole 59.87 35.57 20.47 in mm 2 Σδ = 2.52% 26 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

27 LHQ Middle long keys: 6 pairs A =7054.51 mm 2 Φ 6.73 Φ 6.73 Φ 5.11 Φ 5.11 Φ 6.73 Φ 6.73 in mm δ = A hole /A 0.45% 0.45% 0.29% 0.29% 0.45% 0.45% Σδ = 2.38% 27 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

28 LHQ Middle short keys: 1 pair A =5284.30 mm 2 δ = A hole /A 0.6% 0.6% 0.39% 0.39% 0.6% 0.6% Φ 6.73 Φ 6.73 Φ 5.11 Φ 5.11 Φ 6.73 Φ 6.73 in mm 28 Σδ = 3.18% LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

29 LHQ LE A LE =9190.81 mm 2 Φ 6.73 Φ 6.73 Φ 5.11 Φ 5.11 Φ 6.73 Φ 6.73 Φ 8.73 in mm δ = A hole /A LE 0.39% 0.39% 0.22% 0.22% 0.39% 0.39% 0.65% 29 Σδ = 2.65% RE PolePole1 Pole2Pole1 LE Pole Cooling Rate 2.52 %2.38% 3.18%2.38% 2.65% LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

30 HQ A RE =9568.17 mm 2 A LE =9190.81 mm 2 Φ 6.73 δ = A hole /A RE 0.37% x 4 = 1.48% δ = A hole /A LE 0.39% x 4 = 1.56% Φ 6.73 30 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

31 Summary 250 micron Al2O3 will be plasma coated to the coil parts, and investment on the coating properties and thermal cycle stability is still going on through BNL and FNAL. Large pole gap will be applied for practice coil 1 and 2, and be adjusted afterwards. Cooling path is added to demonstrate the technology in HQ/LHQ 31 LARP CM18/HiLumi LHC meeting

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