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October 27, 2014. ANIMELLE IN PANGRATTATO CON CARCIOFI (Breaded sweetbreads with artichokes) Ingredients: 4 Tbs. white bread crumbs, 2 beaten eggs, salt,

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Presentation on theme: "October 27, 2014. ANIMELLE IN PANGRATTATO CON CARCIOFI (Breaded sweetbreads with artichokes) Ingredients: 4 Tbs. white bread crumbs, 2 beaten eggs, salt,"— Presentation transcript:

1 October 27, 2014

2 ANIMELLE IN PANGRATTATO CON CARCIOFI (Breaded sweetbreads with artichokes) Ingredients: 4 Tbs. white bread crumbs, 2 beaten eggs, salt, pepper, 6 Tbs. butter, 1 1/2 lb. sweetbreads, 8 baby artichokes, 2 garlic cloves, 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 sprig minced parsley. Sift the bread crumbs. Beat the eggs in a bowl together with salt pepper, and 1 tsp. oil. Blanch the sweetbreads. Cut them in equal pieces, dust with flour, immerse them in egg and then bread crumbs In a very hot pan, fry the sweetbreads in 4 Tbs. of butter, drain on paper towels and arrange on pre-heated platter. Clean the artichokes, cut them in quarters and put in a saucepan with a little oil, 2 garlic cloves, parsley, salt, pepper. Cover the saucepan, cook over medium heat for 6-7 minutes. Remove from heat, add the remaining butter, stir and pour on top of the sweetbreads. Serve immediately

3 FETAL PIG 1.Thymus Gland 2.Left Atrium 3.Coronary Artery 4.Left Ventricle 5.Pericardial Sac 6.Lobes of Lung 7.Diaphragm 8.Liver 9.Small Intestine

4 Figure 5-1 Thymus-dependent lymphocytes = T cells

5 The nude (nu/nu) mouse Thymic “nude” mice have a severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). The can make neither helpers or killers. There are other types of SCIDs such as the failure to make lymphoid cells in the bone marrow.


7 DiGeorge’s syndrome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome includes cardio-facial syndrome, congenital thymic aplasia.

8 TBX1 encodes transcription factors that control pharyngeal segmentation Heterozygous deletion: 22 subtelomeric region and 22q11.2

9 Involution of the older thymus (fat takes over) Infected with a virus that sends the thymus into hyperdrive, Cronin’s vampires have super-immune systems and seeming immortality.

10 T cell developmental events in the thymus 1.Rearrangement of TCR beta genes. Failure = apoptosis. (Allelic exclusion) 2.Rearrangement of TCR alpha genes. Failure = apoptosis. (Allelic exclusion) 3. Expression of CD4 and CD8 (double-positive T cells) 4.Positive selection for TCRs that bind self MHC (rescue). Failure = apoptosis. 5. Positive selection determines T cell phenotype (CD4 or CD8) 6.Negative selection for TCRs that bind self antigen peptides. Success = apoptosis.

11 Figure 5-5 Red apoptotic cells, blue macrophages Cortical apoptosis: TCR failure and negative selection

12 …have successfully made a unique TCR idiotype …be able to recognize foreign peptides presented by self MHC proteins (self restriction) …choose either a killer or a helper (CD8 + or CD4 + ) major. …not recognize self peptides presented by self MHC proteins (self tolerance; don’t do irreparable damage to oneself Saturday night.) Thymic education: The successful graduate of Thymusburg College will… 95-98% of the entering class flunks out!! Do Great Immuno

13 Figure 5-3 Histology of the thymus

14 Figure 5-18 Review /Main.html

15 The Riddle of the Thymus How can a single T- cell receptor pass both positive and negative selection? In other words, how can a T-cell recognize self MHC + self and survive only to recognize self MHC + self and die? ????

16 Answer: Strength of binding. Positive selection depends on moderate binding. Moderate binding leads to rescue/survival. No or weak binding leads to apoptosis. Negative selection depends on strong binding (affinity and avidity). Strong binding leads to apoptosis. Ha, Ha!


18 Positive selection of T cell type T cell recognizes self MHC protein with either CD4 or CD8. The other receptor is lost and the cell becomes a single positive cell (helper or killer).



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