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Dramatic Structure Please title a new page in the “Literary Terms” section of your notebook “Dramatic Structure” and copy all of the following information.

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Presentation on theme: "Dramatic Structure Please title a new page in the “Literary Terms” section of your notebook “Dramatic Structure” and copy all of the following information."— Presentation transcript:


2 Dramatic Structure Please title a new page in the “Literary Terms” section of your notebook “Dramatic Structure” and copy all of the following information

3 Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution  Setting: Where, When, & Why  Main characters: Protagonist: Method of Char. Antagonist: Method of Char.  Basic plot:  Main conflict: Describe plot event  Char. vs. ____  External or internal  Turning point: Describe plot development  Plot development: leading toward resolution  Main conflict resolved: Describe plot development  Protagonist’s role in resolution DRAMATIC STRUCTURE CHART Plot Development/Level of Tension Time

4 Exposition Setting Where = geographic location When = date, season, time of day Why = the situation in which the story is set (context) Main Characters Protagonist/Name (Flat, Round, Dynamic, Static) Antagonist/Name (Flat, Round,Dynamic, Static) Basic Plot (Describe in 10 words or less)

5 Rising Action Main conflict is introduced (describe event in 10 words or less) Indicate type of conflict Internal conflict or External? Character vs. character Character vs. nature Character vs. society

6 Climax Turning Point (describe in 10 words or less the event where the plot took the story in another direction) May also be the event that involves the point of greatest tension or crisis

7 Falling Action Minor plot developments are resolved (describe event in 10 words or less)

8 Resolution Main conflict is resolved (describe event in 10 words or less) Resolution must involve the protagonist or it is not the resolution


10 Directions Create the chart just like it looks on slide 2 Follow directions for each individual aspect of Dramatic Structure by giving all needed info Do not use lined paper Must be colorful See example on the web page

11 How to Grade Dramatic Structure

12 Exposition Setting = When = 2 points. Where = 2 points. Why (context) = 2 points. Main Characters = Protagonist (+2), Name (+2), Method (+2). Antagonist (+2), Name (+2), Method (+2). Plot = If less than 10 words, +2 points. If more than 10 words, +1 points.

13 Rising Action Main conflict = If less than 10 words, +10 points. If more than 10 words, +1 point. Type of conflict = 10 points

14 Climax Turning Point = If less than 10 words, +20 points. If more than 10 words, +10 points.

15 Falling Action Minor Plot Development = If less than 10 words, +20 points. If more than 10 words, +10 points.

16 Resolution Resolution = If less than 10 words, +20 points. If more than 10 words, +5 points. Must state how protagonist is involved!

17 Directions Create the chart just like it looks on slide 2 Follow directions for each individual aspect of Dramatic Structure by giving all needed info Do not use lined paper Must be colorful See example on the web page

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