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Election of 1988 George Bush Michael Dukakis Bush takes over In the Election of 1988, most people saw Reagan’s vice-president – George Bush – as a.

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3 Election of 1988 George Bush Michael Dukakis

4 Bush takes over In the Election of 1988, most people saw Reagan’s vice-president – George Bush – as a solid choice to continue the Reagan policies Bush made a pledge to the American people when he said “read my lips, no new taxes.” Democrats nominated Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis, who promised more programs to help minorities and the poor Most saw Dukakis as too liberal, leading to a landslide election victory by Bush

5 However, due to the spending Reagan had done this would almost be impossible Bush had inherited a growing national deficient and a slowing economy. This slowing was in part due to the end of the Cold War

6 George Bush  With the Cold War ending in 1991, the need for a large military was over  Thousands of soldiers, workers were released  Companies were downsizing, laying workers off  Bush would have to break his campaign promises

7 Tiananmen Square Massacre In 1989, Chinese students held protests for democracy in Tiananmen Square, the town center of Beijing. Hundreds were executed and thousands more were either jailed or exiled. The U.S. responded by placing trade sanctions on China.

8 Fall of the Berlin Wall In Nov 1989,As the Cold War began to fall apart in Eastern Europe, a spoke person from E. Berlin Communist Party announced starting at mid-night citizens of East Berlin will be able to cross the borders. In Oct 1990, East & West Germany were reunited

9 End of the Cold War Within a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany – a country divided the previous 40 years – was reunited. While Germany was reuniting as a democratic country, by 1991 the Soviet Union was beginning to break apart. In December of 1991, Gorbachev - - now a leader of a government that no longer existed - - announced the end of the Soviet Union. The Cold War was over.

10 Apartheid In South Africa, laws strictly segregated white citizens from the vast majority of black South Africans. This system was known as apartheid. As a result of these international protests, S. Africa became isolated. United States and other foreign countries boycotted goods from S. Africa and called for companies to withdraw their investments. As the Cold War was ending in Europe, S. Africa’s new leader suddenly decided to end apartheid

11 Nelson Mandela 1948, Apartheid begins in S. Africa 1956, Charged with Treason for protesting against apartheid 1961, Mandela is acquitted from Treason charges, fears will go to jail again. Mandela goes underground. 1961, helps form a Guerilla army 1962, Mandel arrested again for leaving the country illegally 1963, a raid in a farm in Rivonia is found that Mandela was planning to overthrow the government. 1964, Sentenced to life in prison 1990, apartheid is banned and Mandela is released from prison 1994, becomes President of S. Africa

12 The Persian Gulf War  Bush would also be caught up in a war in Iraq  He said we would not allow countries to bully others.  With Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait and the US interest in the oil  We launched operation Desert Storm

13 Iraq had a number of reasons for attacking Kuwait. Iraq had never really accepted the state of Kuwait and considered it to be part the land between the rivers, Euphrates and Tigris rivers that belong to Iraq. Iraq thought the underground oil along the border with Kuwait was theirs. Iraq claimed before the war, Kuwait was responsible for the reducing world oil prices. Saddam Hussein claimed that Kuwait owed his country money for Iraq’s economic losses. Kuwait's leaders refused all of Saddam's demands and increased its oil production by 40 percent. It is clear that Iraq expected to claim as its territory Kuwait and that they initially never expected an allied force to fight back. Background to War

14 TIMELIINE August 2, 1990-Iraq invades Kuwait August 7, 1990-President George Bush launches "Operation Desert Storm", sending American troops to try to stop an Iraqi attack on Saudi Arabia. First U.S. Fighter plains arrive in Saudi Arabia. January 16-17, 1991-The air war begins. Bombers and cruise missiles strike at power plants and other important targets. Iraq attacks Israel with scud missiles.This air war last 42 days. February 24, 1991-Allied ground assault begins. February 28, 1991-Conclusion of war declared after 100 hours. Bush refused to use U.S. Military power to depose Hussein in Iraq. The war was a total of 6 months, 3 weeks and 5 days



17 Scud missile being prepared to be fired on Israel


19 Thanks Ronald!

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