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Africa Its terrain and climate is very diverse. Ex: Jungle, Savanna and desert. Its said that Africa gave.

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2 Africa Its terrain and climate is very diverse. Ex: Jungle, Savanna and desert. Its said that Africa gave rise to humankind. An hominid (human like creature that walk up right) called Australopithecus had teeth and brain capacity much like ours.

3 Africa People from the eastern part of central Africa settle along the Nile River. The land was just right for farming. Neolithic agriculture communities prepared the land with canals and established villages where different dialects were spoken. Around 3100 B.C pharaoh Menes unified the Egypt and created an Empire. (Empire: a single authority has supreme political power over several countries or territories) A great civilization developed.

4 Nomadic life and herding Other cultures in Africa focus on raising livestock. These culture were nomadic peoples of the Savannas, plains, and desert of Africa. Requirement to raise livestock: Knowledge of climate cycle and availability of water. Learn to distinguish between different grasses. Find out how to eliminate pest. They practice a type of herding called transhumance, in which they moved livestock from mountains to pastures when seasons changed.

5 Africa: A victim of Prejudice The 18 th century B.C was a period filled with foreign invasion that continued for many years. European treated Africa as a treasure that they could use as they wished. European domination in Africa had economic and military motivation strategies. Use war to dominate. Adopted racism to set apart Africans. Through slavery found a source of wealth.

6 The Impact of European colonialism European Colonization in Africa produced: Slave trade- displacement of million of people in Africa due to slavery or trying to avoid slavery. Led to civil wars between villages. Destroyed social and cultural foundations of the African People. Europeans imposed their own ways of managing human and natural resources. Jungles were cut down for different uses. Over use the savannas and plains turning these areas into desert and deserts themselves turned more arid. “whitening of the landscape” landscapes were shaped according to European styles. Displacement of black habitants. Had little regards for nature, in favor of a market system and the production of wealth.

7 Apartheid

8 Nelson Mandela 1918-2013 Nelson Mandela was a civil rights leader in South Africa. He fought against apartheid, a system where non-white citizens were segregated from whites and did not have equal rights. He served 27 years of his life in prison for his protests, but became a symbol for his people. Once released from prison, Nelson continued his campaign to end apartheid. His hard work and life long effort paid off when all races were allowed to vote in the 1994 election. Nelson Mandela won the election and became president of South Africa.

9 Lets’ Travel : Africa today Groups of 3 Planned a trip to a country in Africa assigned by the teacher. Need to be prepared their trip researching online and following a check list provided by the teacher. Checklist: Type of government, security of the country, outdoor activities based on climate, how is the economy, clothing depending on the weather, expenses for hotel, plane tickets and transportation. Present with your group the research.

10 Research about different ways European domination affected Africa Research about different ways European domination affected the African continent. Prepare a presentation and explain your findings.

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