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Learning to Improve Matthew Pike. Making a difference.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning to Improve Matthew Pike. Making a difference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning to Improve Matthew Pike


3 Making a difference

4 Difference Engine

5 Making sense of the difference we make..

6 Agenda Explore the benefits Un-pick the culture change involved Demystify the process Work on creating a report framework for one of your services Equip you with ideas and tools Demonstrate ResultsMark Get your feedback End by 3pm!

7 Why measure your outcomes? What are the benefits? To whom?

8 Why Measure? Funder requirement System improvement Serving clients better Knowledge and policy change

9 Lots of benefits, but a need for perspective “In God we trust. All others must bring data”. W. Edwards Deming “Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital” Aaron Levenstein “There is your truth. There is my truth. And then there is The Truth.” Peter Brook

10 From resources to outcomes


12 A simpler model A. Your clients’ problems, goals, experience and strengths B. What you do to help address them.. C. The outcomes… (which develop over time)

13 An on-going process of adaptive learning


15 Control Shift Control Detailed specification of tasks – the ‘how’ Use of audit, inspection and targets Centralised approach Starting with costs Compliance Efficiency of specific processes Prescribed interventions only Working in silos Responsibility Focus on outcomes – the ‘difference’ Devolving responsibility to front-line staff to maximise value Co-produced with citizens Starting with value Bottom-up learning and improvement – collaborative ethos Efficiency of flow through the system Responding to the full range of common needs Working across organisations to make the whole system work better for people

16 From services that are frozen…

17 To services that are liquid

18 Minding the gap In the context of cost pressures, we need to focus on Added Social Value = Outcomes / Cost per unit Problems solved, goals met, experience improved, strengths multiplied, outcomes maximised. This is the only sustainable route to cost reduction. Cost cutting without regard to social value normally leads to higher costs But new skills, tools and culture change are required

19 Time for some group-work.. In pairs, interview each other about a service that your organisation currently delivers. Fill in the forms (we’d like you to leave them with us when you leave – for research purposes, they won’t be made public) Talk about how your activities respond to your client’s problems, goals, experience or strengths Talk about how much flexibility there is in your approach (Must Do’s, Can Do’s, and Must Not Do’s) Talk about what Critical Factors make your activities more effective. Dose (how long)? Intensity (how frequent)? Length (how many)? Location? Skill? Technique? Technology? Culture / Ethos? Anything else?

20 Outcome metrics Think about the ways in which your service makes a difference to your clients. Outcomes are distinct types of tangible value for your clients Metrics define the value and give a clear measurable scale Do not feel limited by the outcome metrics suggested Which of these outcomes does your organisation make more of a contribution to? These are primary outcomes. Which other outcomes do you have a lesser / occasional impact on? These are secondary outcomes. What wider impact do you contribute to e.g. reduced costs or other benefits to government or wider society? Share examples of useful tools that you use right now

21 Next Steps Lancashire is reviewing its outcome reporting approaches ResultsMark will be available in the form of test accounts – please express interest on the form Please give us your feedback on the form – above all tell us what new features would make your lives easier!

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