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Invaders Europe and Invaders. Shape of the Class  Invader Videos – who are the players  Introduction – Fall of Western Roman Empire  Invaders and their.

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1 Invaders Europe and Invaders

2 Shape of the Class  Invader Videos – who are the players  Introduction – Fall of Western Roman Empire  Invaders and their targets  Activity – Groups  Activity – Map the Invasions  Conclusion  Homework

3 Germanic Invasion  Germanic Tribes some working for Rome others been fighting Rome for Years  Invaded Roman territories  Setting up colonies  Scattering of tribes took over when Western Roman Empire collapses  Dark Ages

4 Muslim Invaders  North Africa Tribe called Berbers also called Moors  Had converted to Islam in 8 th century  Invaded across the Mediterranean Sea and pushed out Visigoths from most of Spain & Portugal 711-718 – Reconquista started in 722 in Asturias  Pushed all the way to Northern Spain where they were defeated by Charles Martel in Southern France at Tours 732  For the next 300 years Christians pushed back Muslims from Spain and Portugal

5 Vikings Viking Raiders  Raided all of Europe from the North (Sweden, Norway, and Denmark)  Looking for plunder is the traditional view  Reality was plunder, but also established settlements in coastal areas of France, England, Russia, and other areas  Travelled West to Iceland, Greenland, and even NFLD around 1050 AD  Controversey -Not necessarily the First Europeans in North America.  One of the first contact between Europeans and First Nations Six Months in a Leaky Boat

6 Unity  Clovis fought other Germanic Tribes and started to create a Frankish territory in France 481. Converted to Christianity  Charles Martell, stopped the Muslims in Spain and began the Reconquista in 732 at Tours, France  Pepin, Martel’s son, became the first King of the Franks in 751. His son was Charlegmane  Roman Catholic Church was still active and in many ways kept towns functioning due to their administrative capabilities, took after the Romans  Byzantium, while Western Europe collapse, The Eastern Roman Empire survived under Muslim attacks and attacks from Germanic Tribes in the West.

7 Activity  Read two different account about the Viking attack on the town of York.  Using a Venn Diagram- write the facts about the first account on the left circle. Now right the facts about the second account on the right circle. In the middle circle, write what both account have exactly in common.

8 Mapping Activity  Map the countries of Western Europe that were dealing with Invasion during the early Middle ages i.e. Britain, Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, and colour the Byzantium Empire in Red(Greece and Turkey).  Map the Invaders from Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway and Denmark). Muslims (Morocco and Algeria). Draw arrows from the invading countries to the European Countries they invaded or raided.  Map following European cities and towns – London, Rome, Paris Aachen, Toledo, Cordoba, Lisbon, Constantinople, Tours, and Venice,

9 Conclusion  Time of chaos  No one power in control in Western Europe although an Empire still existed in Byzantium  Church, the administrators of government toke over from Romans  Wars, but also the beginning of a powerful uniting force.

10 Homework  Chapter 10  Chapter 10 PP#258-260   Describe Charlemagne or Draw a Picture

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