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Spanish Verbs. Ser To be Estar Gustar To like Alquilar To rent.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Verbs. Ser To be Estar Gustar To like Alquilar To rent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Verbs

2 Ser To be

3 Estar

4 Gustar To like

5 Alquilar To rent

6 Cantar To sing

7 Comer To eat

8 Correr To run

9 Dibujar To draw

10 Escuchar To listen to

11 Montar To ride

12 Nadar To swim

13 Navegar To navigate

14 Pasar To spend (time)

15 Pasear To go for a walk

16 Patinar To skate

17 Escribir To write

18 Leer To read

19 Hacer To do / make

20 Ver To see

21 Jugar (u-ue) To play (sports)

22 Ir To go

23 Querer (e-ie) To want

24 Bailar To dance

25 Descansar To rest

26 Hablar To say

27 Practicar To practice

28 Animar To cheerlead

29 Tocar To play (instrument)

30 Trabajar To work

31 Estudiar To study

32 Nevar (e-ie) To snow

33 Llover (o-ue) To rain

34 Necesitar To need

35 Tener (e-ie) To have

36 Venir (e-ie) To come

37 Llegar To arrive

38 Regresar To return (go back)

39 Presentar To present

40 Beber To drink

41 Poner To put

42 Saber To know

43 Traer To bring

44 Asistir To attend

45 Abrir To open

46 Interrumpir To interrupt

47 Hay There is/are

48 Dormir (o-ue) To sleep

49 Almorzar (o-ue) To eat lunch

50 Volver (o-ue) To come back

51 Empezar (e-ie) To start

52 Merendar (e-ie) To have a snack

53 Entender (e-ie) To understand

54 Vivir To live

55 Cortar To cut

56 Limpiar To clean

57 Sacar To take/get out

58 Tocar (with chores) To be someone's turn

59 Parecer To seem

60 Cuidar To look after

61 Pasar To go past

62 Arreglar To arrange

63 Lavar To wash

64 Preparar To prepare

65 Desear To desire

66 Tomar To take / drink

67 Pedir (e-i) To order/ask for

68 Servir (e-i) To serve

69 Preferir (e-ie) To prefer

70 Poder (o-ue) To be able to

71 Probar (o-ue) To taste/try

72 Desayunar To eat breakfast

73 Cenar To eat dinner

74 Mezclar To mix

75 Añadir To add

76 Calentar (e-ie) To heat up

77 Cocinar To cook

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