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Millennium and Trends APUSH 10.5. Main Idea  The increasing integration of the United States into the world economy was accompanied by economic instability.

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1 Millennium and Trends APUSH 10.5

2 Main Idea  The increasing integration of the United States into the world economy was accompanied by economic instability and major policy, social, and environmental challenges.

3 Bush 41  Panama Invasion 1989 – overthrew Manuel Noriega under the indictment of drug trafficking  1 st Gulf War  Iraq invaded neighboring Kuwait  Bush leads a coalition of nations  Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf  American led forces win quick victory  1 st war televised by 24-hour news (CNN)  Highly popular in U.S.  What was the feeling in the middle east?  After war, Bush had extremely high popularity rating, but economic recession in 1991 &2 caused it to fall and he loses the 1992 election.

4 1990s Political  1989-1993 George H.W. Bush (41)  1993-2001 Bill Clinton  1992 Election  Bush, Clinton, Ross Perot  Perot – 3 rd Party (Reform Party) effect  1994 “Republican Revolution”  Contract with America  Newt Gingrich  1996 Election  Clinton, Bob Dole, Perot  Partisanship Reemerges

5 Slick Willy I  Clinton began 1 st term fighting for health-care reform  Congress abandoned plan, was part of the cause of the 1994 midterm Republican Revolution  NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement  Negotiated by Bush (41) administration, but passed under Clinton  Removed trade barriers between 3 countries  Oklahoma City bombing 1995– internal terrorists bomb Federal building  Killed 168 people  Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols convicted

6 Slick Willy II  Surplus  1998 – 2001, first budget surpluses in 30 years  Why? Clinton? Gingrich? Gramm-Rudman Act effects?  Dot-Com boom  Economy takes off after 1991-2 Recession  Clinton – longest period of economic growth while President  2 nd Telfon President  Impeachment  Whitewater investigation – Starr Report Monica Lewinsky How was this impeachment much like Johnsons?  Kosovo  US-led NATO forces stop genocide and Civil War

7  “The Recount”  Bush v. Gore  Chads, Butterfly ballots 2000 Election

8 Rise of Terrorism  Roots back to 1979 Iranian Revolution  1983 Beirut Marine bombings, 1988 Lockerbie American Airliner  PLO – Palestine Liberation Organization  1996 WTC attempt, 1998 American embassies, 2000 U.S.S. Cole  September 11 th 2001 – World Trade Center  Al Qaeda / Osama Bin Laden  Jihad  2001 Patriot Act  Dept. of Homeland Security  “War on Terror”  2001 Afghanistan  2003 Iraq  What are the effects?  ISIS

9 Growth of Science and Technology  Continues from WWII  The Digital Revolution  ARPANET  Development of the PC  Microsoft – MS-DOS  Apple – Macintosh  Internet  Medicine and Genetics  Pharmaceutical Advances  Genome Project

10 Globalization of Industries  U.S. shift from factory jobs to service-industry jobs  More Free-Trade agreements (like NAFTA)  “Outsourcing” of jobs  “Downsizing”  Multi-national corporations  Technology effect on productivity  Illness/Disease spreading (scares)

11 Demographic Changes  Continuing of shift from Rust Belt to Sun Belt  Effect on Electoral College  Shift in populations  2010 census – 1/3 of counties “dying”  Gentrification of Baby Boomers  “Graying of America”  Effect on Social Security?  Minority-Majority path  Hispanics now largest group of minorities  Growth of Asian-Americans  Immigration issues  Immigration Control Act of 1986 effects


13 America’s role in the World  Emerges out of the 1980s as the lone Superpower.  Idea of American Exceptionalism  Role in world against apartheid and other human rights offenses  Led in multiple conflicts  View by others?  China, India, European Union

14 Debt  After surplus in last years of Clinton’s Presidency, deficits every year since 2001.  Why?  Bush tax cuts – “trickle-down”/supply-side economics  War on Terror  Bailouts/recessions  Growth of government  Future?  Entitlements  Medicare  Social Security  Interest on debt

15 Federalism Question  Repeating Theme in U.S. History – Power to States or to Federal Government  Past Federalist and Dem-Republicans Nullification Secession Jim Crow laws  Recent History Nixon’s New Federalism Contract with America 1994  Current / Future Health Care debate – Obamacare Same sex unions Education – NCLB Legalization of marijuana

16 10.5 Reflection Questions  1. In what ways were President Reagan and Clinton alike?  2. How did both Presidents Bushes go from an extremely high approval ratings to low approval ratings during their administrations?  3. What is the impact of the changing globalization of the world upon the U.S.?  4. What role has the U.S. played in leading the world since the Cold War ended?  5. How will the U.S. of 2050 look different (demographically)from that of 2000?

17 Links  vjS1m66Q&index=31 – Review video vjS1m66Q&index=31  – Decade video (7:00)

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