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9/11 Terrorist Attacks and US Response. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks As you watch the video, you will need to create.

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Presentation on theme: "9/11 Terrorist Attacks and US Response. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks As you watch the video, you will need to create."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/11 Terrorist Attacks and US Response

2 9/11 Terrorist Attacks As you watch the video, you will need to create a timeline of events for the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

3 Department of Homeland Security Mission Statement: – We will lead the unified national effort to secure America. We will prevent and deter terrorist attacks and protect against and respond to threats and hazards to the nation. We will ensure safe and secure borders, welcome lawful immigrants and visitors, and promote the free flow of commerce.

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5 Department of Homeland Security Involves: Immigration Natural Disasters Counter Terrorism Coast Guard Secure Borders Emergency Preparedness Put a √ next to the things you believe the government should be involved in and an X next to places you feel the government is going too far Protect Commerce/Trade Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Secret Service Cyber-Security

6 The USA PATRIOT ACT Allowed sweeping searches and surveillance, detaining immigrants, and monitoring bank accounts, call logs/voice mails, and internet communication – NSA and wiretapping – later declared unconstitutional patriot-act-unpatriotic-15012188 patriot-act-unpatriotic-15012188


8 Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 57574243/no-knives-act-to-overturn-tsa-policy- change/ 57574243/no-knives-act-to-overturn-tsa-policy- change/ checks-at-austin-train-station/ checks-at-austin-train-station/ Protection against unreasonable search and seizures? Airlines are private companies, what authority does the government have?

9 The Bush Doctrine The US has the right to secure itself against countries that give aid or assistance to terrorists – Justifies the invasion of Afghanistan – Authorizes “preventative war” to overthrow governments that are a potential threat to the US, even if that threat is not immediate – Spread democracy to combat terrorism – Pursue US goals without help from other countries when necessary

10 Global War on Terror w/assetGuid/918C635F-B8F9-4706-8118- D1E2462D6DB4 w/assetGuid/918C635F-B8F9-4706-8118- D1E2462D6DB4 Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks

11 The War in Afghanistan Motivation – Destroy the Taliban, wipe out al Qaeda, capture/kill Osama bin Laden By December the US had ousted the Taliban and taken control of Afghanistan Results – Oust the Taliban from Afghanistan – Successfully captured and killed Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011 – Lasting Results?? pgs. 628-629


13 The War in Iraq US invades Iraq unilaterally Motivation: – Remove dictator Saddam Hussein from power, find and destroy WMDs, free the Iraq people The US launched air strikes against Iraq, within three weeks the US had successfully invaded Baghdad and seized control of Iraq Immediate Results: – Saddam was captured, tried, and sentenced to death – Some Iraqis welcome US involvement while others have begun to resent and even attack US soldiers Lasting Results: ?? pgs. 629-632 Increase in military spending = increase in national deficit


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