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Aim: How does the nervous system control activities in the body?

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1 Aim: How does the nervous system control activities in the body?

2 BRAIN FACTS Your brain has reached its full weight of about 3 pounds by the time you are 6 years old. The left side of your brain controls your right side of your body and the right side of your brain controls your left side. The brain has no pain receptors. The brain requires 20% of the oxygen supply but is only 2% of your weight. Albert Einstein’s mathematical portion of his brain was 15% larger than average.


4 NERVOUS SYSTEM Central N.S. Peripheral N.S. Spinal Cord BrainSomatic Autonomic Cerebrum Cerebellum Medulla

5 Parts of the Brain Cerebrum Cerebellum Medulla

6 Cerebrum Largest part of the brain. It is responsible for: Conscience thought Intelligence Memory Sense interpretation Reasoning Voluntary Activities Controls body movements

7 Cerebellum Rear of cranium (head) Second largest part of the brain. It is responsible for: Balance Coordinates muscle activity Involuntary muscle actions.

8 Medulla Found at the base of the brain (connects the brain and spinal cord) It acts as a “neural switchboard” Responsible for: Automatic Processes –Blood Pressure –Heart Beat –Breathing –Swallowing

9 Identify These Parts of the Brain #1 #3 #2

10 Spinal Cord Connects to the brain through the medulla. Carries messages from the brain to body nerves. Coordinates Reflexes

11 Peripheral Nervous System Lies OUTSIDE the CNS Divided into two parts: –Autonomic N.S. – nerves regulating automatic function (Ex: Glands and involuntary muscles) –Somatic N.S.- nerves regulating voluntary actions (Ex: moving your arms and toes)


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