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 Christo and Jeanne-Claude have created art together as partners for more than 4 decades. They are married and have a son, Cyril, born in.

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8  Christo and Jeanne-Claude have created art together as partners for more than 4 decades. They are married and have a son, Cyril, born in 1960, who is a published poet and writer.  Christo and Jeanne-Claude conceive the projects together. Then Christo makes drawings, scale-models and other preparatory art of the artwork.  Christo and Jeanne-Claude have done very few wrappings in comparison to their whole portfolio of artworks. The concept is more about altering an environment than just wrapping -- wrapping is only one way to do that.  The temporary large-scale environmental works (both urban and rural environments) have elements of painting, sculpture, architecture and urban planning. For instance the Surrounded Islands, Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida,1980-83. could be seen as giant flat paintings (shaped canvases).Surrounded Islands

9  Christo and Jeanne-Claude's works are entire environments, whether they are urban or rural. The artists temporarily use one part of the environment. In doing so, we see and perceive the whole environment with new eyes and a new way. “The effect is astounding. To be in the presence of one of these artworks is to have your reality rocked. You see things you have never seen before. You also get to see the fabric manifest things that cannot usually be seen, like the wind blowing, or the sun reflecting in ways it had not before. The effect lasts longer than the actual work of art. Years after every physical trace has been removed and the materials recycled, original visitors can still see and feel them in their minds when they return to the sites of the artworks.” Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s website



12  Choose an object and wrap it up (5 minutes only please)  Slowly unwrap areas of the object, taking photographs as you go until it is completely unwrapped.  Consider the composition of your photographs  DOCUMENT THE PROCESS WITH REFERENCE TO Christo and Jean Claude in your sketchbook.

13  AO1 Develop your ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.  AO2 Experiment with and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining their ideas as your work develops.  AO3 Record in visual and/or other forms ideas, observations and insights relevant to your intentions, demonstrating an ability to reflect on your work and progress.  AO4 Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, oral or other elements.

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