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By: Sandy Kaul, Sean O’Brien, Brandon Medina, Melissa Harkins, and Breajsha Burton.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Sandy Kaul, Sean O’Brien, Brandon Medina, Melissa Harkins, and Breajsha Burton."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Sandy Kaul, Sean O’Brien, Brandon Medina, Melissa Harkins, and Breajsha Burton


3 Number of Children out of 1000 Year Graph

4 In the 1990’s, 91 out of 1000 children died In 2004, 38 out of 1000 children died The goal is 32 out of 1000 children Can we meet the goal?

5  7 deaths out of 1000 in the us 38 out of 1000 children die in Indonesia

6 Poor public infrastructure Severe Poverty Child Mortality Lack of education/ economic opportunity for 18 mil Disease Root Causes


8  Diseases- kills 75% of Indonesian children  Lack of vaccines  Pneumonia  Lack of medical care  Poverty  Child birth Causes of Child Mortality in Indonesia


10 Target 4.A -Reduce Child Mortality of under 5-year-olds by 2/3. Target 4.B -Increase measles immunizations

11  Access to technology/medical supplies  More educated doctors to save lives  Make sure infants have proper nutrition  Children receive immunizations  Mosquito nets to prevent malaria  Differentiate prices on medicines

12  Makes cheaper medicine and sends it to Indonesia  Goal: get 5 million more lives saved each year  Educate midwifes and doctors  Sent malaria nets over to Southeast Asia  Makes land better for food

13  Serves 10,000 people from 35 villages  Helps mothers give birth successfully  Specializes in ailments  Creates country-wide programs  If Africa can do this, Indonesia can also.

14  Brings physicians to the country  Donate food to help children  Internet games to generate food  Familiarizing vaccines  Trying to find vaccine to AIDS

15  Because many diseases are preventable, UNICEF went to Borneo to give children vaccines  Measles  Polio  In 2000, 733,000 died from the measles  In 2008, 164,000 died


17  Because the same diseases affect other countries, what we can do stop child mortality in Indonesia can be done to prevent it in other countries.  Simples vaccinations  Doctors  Easier access to medical supplies

18  We’re almost there,  We decreased child mortality 33% from 1990 to 2009 we can lower it further by 2015  Our goal is to reduce mortality to under 32 per thousand  Indonesia is ON TRACK for the 2015  We have shown evidence of success…and with 50 million dollars, we will continue that trend


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