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Etruscan Sculpture The Wolf looks like one era of Greek sculpture (look at the face) which era is it? The babies look like a different era, which era?

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Presentation on theme: "Etruscan Sculpture The Wolf looks like one era of Greek sculpture (look at the face) which era is it? The babies look like a different era, which era?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Etruscan Sculpture The Wolf looks like one era of Greek sculpture (look at the face) which era is it? The babies look like a different era, which era? Capitoline She-wolf, Bronze, 4 bce, Tells the story of Remus and Romulus, NOTE: The twins were added to the sculpture in 15 ce.

2 Etruscan Sculpture What era of Greek sculpture does this most closely resemble? Chimera , Bronze, 5-4 bce, Composite figure: lion, goat, and snake

3 Etruscan Sculpture What similarities to Greek Archaic sculpture do you see? What are the differences? Why was terracotta a favored material? What are two other materials the Etruscans used in sculpture? Apollo Veii , Terracotta, 515 bce,

4 Etruscan Sculpture What similarities to Greek classical sculpture do you see? What are the differences? Which era of Greek sculpture does this seem most similar to? What is the technical term used for creating bronze sculpture? Mars of Todi , Bronze , 4th century bce,

5 Etruscan Sculpture Sarcophagus from Cerveteri terracotta, c. 520 bce How does the word “symposium” apply to this sculpture? What era of Greek sculpture does this remind you of? What is the purpose of this artwork?

6 Etruscan Architecture
This is a replica of an Etruscan temple (meant for use in personal, at-home worship). What are the similarities to Greek temples? Reconstruction of Portonaccio Temple c bce Votive Temple, terracotta, c.2 bce Identify the podium and the gabled porch in this picture. How do the steps and sides of the temple differ from a Greek temple? Votive Temple, terracotta, c.2 bce

7 Etruscan Funerary Art What is impasto?
What was a cinerary urn used for? Cinerary Urn, Impasto, 8-9th bce

8 Etruscan Funerary Art What was this sculpture used for?
Who or What is it an image of? Mater Matuta, limestone, bce

9 Etruscan Tomb Painting
One of these frescoes is Etruscan and the other is Minoan. Which one is Etruscan? How can you tell the other is Minoan?

10 Etruscan Tomb Painting
Tomb of the Leopards

11 Etruscan Tomb Painting
What specific type of paint was used in Etruscan tomb painting? Why are all the Etruscan paintings that we know of found in tombs? What are several differences that you can see between Etruscan and earlier civilizations wall painting? Etruscan Tomb Painting Mourners at the Door of the Other World

12 Etruscan Metalworking
What are these objects? What are they made of? What specific group of Etruscan people owned them?

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