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Jesse Hildreth ~portfolio~ (423)

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Presentation on theme: "Jesse Hildreth ~portfolio~ (423)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesse Hildreth ~portfolio~ (423)

2 “To err is human to forgive is divine, Neither is Marine Corps policy”

3 Artwork presented in this portfolio are available in larger size and resolution.jpgs found on this CD and online at: –

4 “Jesse” (1995) 10” x 15” Ink drawing of my first name in a design, mirrored on top of itself.

5 “Contemplation” 1995 18” x 24” charcoal drawing of male figure.

6 “Call The Shot” 1996 8 ½” x 11” Pencil and ink drawing of a sniper’s view.

7 “Protectors” 1998 8 ½” x 11” Pencil and ink drawing of two characters (never illustrated) in a book.

8 “Tower Sketch” 2004 8 ½” x 11” Pencil sketch of items used at one my positions at an Air Traffic Control tower in the Marine Corps. Sketch Book

9 “Beach Sketch” 2004 8 ½” x 11” Pencil sketch of an small boat left abandoned in the dunes. Sketch Book

10 “Baseball Glove Sketch” 2004 8 ½” x 11” Pencil sketch of a baseball glove that I have had for most my life. Sketch Book

11 “Old Man Sketch” 2004 18” x 24” Pencil sketch of an old man who was a student in one of my classes. Used a single continuous line for the entire image. Sketch Book

12 “Mt. Dew” 2004 15” x 20” Pencil. Mmm Tasty.

13 “Closing The Gap” 2004 18” x 24” Marker line design.

14 “Chess” 2004 18” x 24” Colored Pencil drawing of three favorite chess pieces.

15 “F18 Landing” 2005 11” x 17” Colored pencil storyboard sequence of an F18 landing.

16 “German 88” 2005 11” x 17” Pencil perspective drawing of a World War 2 anti tank weapon.

17 “General Severus” 2005 11” x 17” Pencil orthographic drawing for a character design project.

18 “I Am A Leaf In The Wind” 2005 15” x 20” Colored pencil. Project involving 10 different textures to form an image. As an additional element, I chose to base my image around a silhouette of a World War II statue.

19 “Westfall” 2004 18” x 22” (15 lbs) Pumpkin carving for an online contest. (Honorable Mention)

20 “Defeat Over Victory” 2005 15” x 13” Plaster sculpture of chess pieces.

21 “The Head” 2005 6” x 10” Planar study of a life-size human head using poster board.

22 “Formfit Night Splint Instructions” 2006 8 ½” x 11” Pencil with computer enhancement. Series of 6 freelance illustrations used in an instruction guide for an EBI Medical product.

23 “Self Portrait” 2005 15” x 20” Pencil and colored pencil.

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