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The Vital Role of Sunday School. 1. Sunday School gives the church’s DNA a natural, functional, practical expression. 2. Mission is best accomplished.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vital Role of Sunday School. 1. Sunday School gives the church’s DNA a natural, functional, practical expression. 2. Mission is best accomplished."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vital Role of Sunday School

2 1. Sunday School gives the church’s DNA a natural, functional, practical expression. 2. Mission is best accomplished in the context of small groups. Any mission is best tackled in a setting of small groups of people.

3 3. Sunday School equips the saints to do the work of the ministry. Ephesians 4:11-12 is God’s formula for church growth. We have not found a better way to “equip the saints” than Sunday School.

4 We have not found a better way to do “the work of the ministry” than Sunday School. We have not found a better way to “edify the body of Christ” than Sunday School!

5 Sunday School puts people to work doing the ministry and exercising their spiritual gifts. Therefore, Sunday School is in the business of edifying the people of God like nothing else. Sunday School cannot survive unless it does.

6 Sunday School is the largest organization in the church. Therefore, Sunday School must shoulder the responsibility of equipping the people of the church. Sunday School gives hands-on ministry away to people who must be trained in order to be effective.

7 Sunday School empowers people with the ministry. 4. Sunday School develops leadership for the church. As we have just seen, Sunday School develops many for the work of Sunday School, but she also equips people for the work of other ministries as well.

8 If you were to eliminate Sunday School, you would see a gradual decline in workers being produced in other ministries as well. Sunday School is the foundational ministry from which other ministries are able to spin off.

9 5. Sunday School gives intentionality to our good intentions. Most churches do not suffer from a lack of knowledge, but from a lack of will. Sunday School gives everyone the opportunity to get involved in the church’s mission.

10 If a church has no small group ministry then she has not made involvement a possibility to her members. If you have no intentional way to get people involved, then you…

11 Position the church for an implosion. Confine the church’s potential. Raise up lazy Christians. Have very little ministry taking place. Waste God’s giftedness in them.

12 6. Sunday School keeps the church small. It is God’s will for churches to grow because it is God’s will for everyone to be saved.

13 Sunday School keeps the church small because Sunday School makes the church personal and places people in a small setting with which they are comfortable. How do we help people get assimilated into our growing churches? Sunday School!

14 7. Sunday School gives children a small group experience. Many do not provide a small group experience for children. Three major concerns for cell churches:

15 8. Sunday School mobilizes the church for evangelism. Evangelism can best take place in Sunday School. Many do not provide an opportunity for a family worship experience. Many do not provide a forum for children to hear their pastor.

16 The Vital Role of Sunday School

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