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Mansa Musa’s Famous Pilgrimage Cross-Curricular Reading and Writing Assignment.

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1 Mansa Musa’s Famous Pilgrimage Cross-Curricular Reading and Writing Assignment

2 Assignment Objective 1. Read about Mansa Musa’s famous pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. 2. Write a paragraph to describe his journey. 3. Cross-curricular assignment: reading comprehension and writing paragraphs

3 Assignment 1. Read aloud as a class 2. Brainstorm and write down ideas to write about 3. We have already learned about this, so we will use our lecture notes and tap into a prior knowledge of this topic 4. Practice responding to a writing prompt or a quote or a quote

4 Mansa Musa’s Famous Pilgrimage Preview the writing prompt before we read Preview the writing prompt before we read “ Mansa Musa’s hajj was one of the grandest grand tours ever recorded. The spectacular wealth displayed by his entourage so dazzled the people on his line of march that their descendants still talked about it one hundred years after it occurred.” “ Mansa Musa’s hajj was one of the grandest grand tours ever recorded. The spectacular wealth displayed by his entourage so dazzled the people on his line of march that their descendants still talked about it one hundred years after it occurred.”

5 Textbook reading pg.

6 Class Supplement, read pg. 53-57 1. Read together as a class 2. Brainstorm together using the textbook and class notes 3. Create a graphic organizer to gather our thoughts 4. Discuss the topic sentence 5. Discuss the important details (3-5) 6. Discuss the concluding sentence

7 Assignment Please turn in your graphic organizer with your assignment Please turn in your graphic organizer with your assignment Write one paragraph describing the famous pilgrimage on notebook paper Write one paragraph describing the famous pilgrimage on notebook paper Trim off the holes on your paper located along the left-hand margin Trim off the holes on your paper located along the left-hand margin Draw and color a picture to go along with the writing assignment Draw and color a picture to go along with the writing assignment Glue the paragraph to the bottom of the page Glue the paragraph to the bottom of the page

8 Assignment Checklist 1. Completed graphic organizer 2. Create a well-written paragraph describing the pilgrimage 3. Use your best writing 4. Draw and color a picture to go along with the paragraph 5. Glue the pargraph to the picture. Make sure it is located at the bottom of the picture

9 Due Date TBA

10 Ideas

11 Mansa Musa’s Famous Pilgrimage Camel Caravan How many men? Who did he bring with him?

12 What did he bring with him? 1. 2. 3. 4.

13 Class Brainstorm: write these ideas on the white board. Students take notes in your spiral notebook. 1.Where was his first stop? 2. Why did he stop? 3. Where was he going? 4. What did he do here? 5. Other ideas:

14 Mansa Musa’s Famous Pilgrimage Preview the writing prompt before we read Preview the writing prompt before we read “ Mansa Musa’s hajj was one of the grandest grand tours ever recorded. The spectacular wealth displayed by his entourage so dazzled the people on his line of march that their descendants still talked about it one hundred years after it occurred.” “ Mansa Musa’s hajj was one of the grandest grand tours ever recorded. The spectacular wealth displayed by his entourage so dazzled the people on his line of march that their descendants still talked about it one hundred years after it occurred.”

15 Mansa Musa’s Famous Pilgrimage Glue your paragraph here. You may write it on white lined paper or write directly onto the paper. You should have the following 1. Title centered at the top of the paragraph 2. Create a topic sentence 3. Have 3-5 complete sentences describing the pilgrimage 4. Write a concluding sentence 5. Be neat and picture must be colored

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